Sunday, December 11, 2016

Selfies On A Snowy Sunday ~ Its BeginningTo Look A Lot Like Chrismas

Its snowing big time fact we are under a winter storm warning until tomorrow afternoon. We might get over a foot of snow before its all finished. And its not even officially winter yet. Bah!
MrJackFreckles is the least impressed...He went out to do his ~ privacy please ~ and nobody had even cleared a path for him yet. Its in the low to mid twenties F here, so for sure there was no dawdling, BOL!

There are lots of birds on our feeders which gives great views of the bird channel for Pipo & Minko; (sorry, Tabbies o'TT).
But...we don't think you want to have any picnics, Oh MY!
Us kitties are enjoying the fat that pawppy is staying home today. Our Church services were cancelled, as were many others. Best to be safe at home. However, petcretary has to brave the 8 mile drive over country roads to get to her work. The work she does is never cancelled for weather...and she is expected to get there, no matter the weather. So she will leave early and drive slowly and carefully. Likely on her return trip it will be worse because then it will be dark...sigh...the joys of living in Michigan. Though she despises winter conditions, she hates the hot weather even more, so there is no talk of moving to warmer climes, MOL!

We made some Christmasy styled selfies this week. Next week we will post our Christmas card for you all to snag and claim as your card from our den to yours...but you will have to be patient, OK??

And yes, I did get a cookie, BOL! I took it right from that gingerbread-man's basket...and no I didn't share with my pals all around me...
We are plowing through the snow to hop with The Cat On MY Head, who host this Sunday Selfie blog hop each week.


  1. Holy cow! It's really cold there! We're glad your toasty warm inside, taking lovely selfies!

  2. Hi there, my aren't you Meezers looking festive! Can we use your pictures for our cat bloggers holiday slideshow? Just let us know! We sure did enjoy you all in the Halloween one. Hugs, Carol, Peaches & Paprika

    1. You sure can! Can you just 'cull' them from here, they are not locked. Our card will not be ready until past your deadline.

  3. Brrrr, that looks way too cold for us! Great pics, as always.

  4. Crikey Mr JF Sir ...... WOW! WOW and WOOOOOOOOW!!!!! Look at all that SNOW!! You got heaps, aye?? Oh I so wish I was there to see that. I just know I'm never going to get to see snow. More pictures Pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!! Will your lake freeze this year? I loved those frozen lake pics you sent to Harri. Mum kept them and still looks at them from time to time. I can see in that first picture of you that you have your natural winter coat on. You look so flooffy, aye?? AND you and the kitty cats look very festive in those last pics too.

  5. Freckles, that is so much snow! We have been under an extreme windchill warning for about a week now. If it stays this cold, the ice road should be open soon. We don't have anywhere near the snow you do. Stay warm and safe! Loved the pictures!

  6. I love your festive selfies! We will be in Vancouver this upcoming week, where it will be around 0 degrees centigrade, and maybe a little lower than that later in the week. Brrr!

  7. You all look great dressed up for Christmas selfies. Sorry about all the snow, I thought the 3-5 inches we are expecting was bad until I read you may get a foot- hopefully the forecasters are wrong.

  8. Gorgeous, festive selfies! Poor pup to have to brave the snow!

  9. such merry selfies fury Chrissymouse! dats too much snow....we're running back in. -Oreo who not likes snow.

  10. Poor baby!! Dakota went through the same thing yesterday when I took him out around 4:30. I opened the door and the second he looked outside he was like "WHOA!!!!!!" BOL BOL BOL!! DakotasDen

  11. Furabuluss Katmas selfiess there Jack an Pipo an Minko!
    An wee gotted thee same storm as you way uppy here.....there iuss about 8-10 inches of snow an piles efurrywhere. An you mite need a purrsonal snow shoveller there Mistur jack!!!! BBRRRR......
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  12. doodz & dawg dood.......itz crazed heer in de land oh trout az well, we haz snow N it can go~~~~~~~ awesum selfeez guys....everee onez lookin grate in yur Christmas geer !! ♥♥♥

  13. Yep, it's winter in Michigan! We got lots of snow too...about 8 inches or so. We love your selfies!

  14. That is a LOT of snow! Be safe during your commute. We'll try not to worry about you!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. We dont expect to see anny snow for a few weeks at least. According to the weather peeps annyway. And we would be happy to wait longer...

  16. Wow!I can't recall when we had that much snow down this way, a good few years. When it did there wasnt a bird to be seen, anywhere! purrs Erin ps the best place in that weather is by the fireside.

  17. We love all the snow pics and mew all look fabulous today!

    The last time we had snow like that it was December 2010 and we were snowed in fur two weeks, the P.A. drove us nuts!!! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  18. Brrr! It looks pretty but very cold. Your selfies are lovely.

  19. Wow! Long time no see! I thought I was following your bloggie and that maybe you were too busy to blog lately. I hadn't received any notifications about new posts in ages. But here you are, and I have a LOT of catching up to do! I signed up again to follow and hope it works this time.

    I'm glad to see MJF, and the kitties are doing OK, and that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at your place. Hope your petcretary isn't working too much. Ghostwriter has had some days off this week. She had some vacation time she had to use or lose, and they finally hired some new staff at the nursing home.

    See you soon! Chester, ghostwriter, and Dad

    1. We try to post each week, we do the selfies Sunday blog hop and add others as needed or right along with the selfies.
      Some others have had issues too with getting the blog in theor inbox, Petcretaryhas no idea why this is...sorry about it though. We use bloglovin, that works quite well, and we have not had trouble with it:)

  20. Thanks pals for trudging through the snow with us today:)

    And we did get more,and the temps went way down...Brrr!
    Sorry Charlie, so far the lake is not frozen. Needs to be cold way cold for an extended time for that to happen. But when its windy and not frozen it makes for good pictures of spray on everything...which I have not ever seen myself.
