Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Few Words And A Lot Of Tears

There are three recent new Angel Kitties to remember and send our sympathy to. In no particular order...

Dansig, from Messy Mimi, is HERE

Scylla, well known to many, is HERE

PocoTaz...we knew him from our Catster days, he has no blog, but is on Facebook

We are joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.


  1. how sad it is to lose afriend in this time... it makes our hearts extra heavy... hugs to all the families...

  2. It's so hard to lose our precious furkids but this time of year makes it even harder. Hugs to the families and friends♥

  3. Hugs and purrs.
    We'll leave kind notes for each.

  4. So sad when they go to the bridge. Healing hugs to their peeps.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Those are beautiful momentos for all those new angels.

  6. So hard to lose a beloved furry at any time but at Christmas it just seems extra sad. Soft woos and gentle hugs to the families of the three beautiful kitties.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Charlee: "That is too many cats going to the Rainbow Bridge in such short order!"

  8. You always make such beautiful memorial badges. <3 It is so very sad when kitties go to the Rainbow Bridge in the blogging world. I often feel like I know them so well. I have cried many tears over the years when our friends pass on.

  9. Losing 'fur-iends' is never easy. Thank you for lovely remembrance badges. We send love and gentle thoughts of comfort to all who lost a treasured pet especially at this time of year. 💔

  10. Such a meautiful tribute to those who've gone to the Rainbow Realm... 💔🌈💔🌈💔
