Sunday, September 29, 2024

An Ussie For Our Selfie

Wow, the week went by so fast, and now its time for the next Selfie Sunday.
Petcretary was quite busy this past week, so we said, just help us take one with both of us...but then somehow we didn't want to get close! BOL!

We did go for an overnight at the pet hotel we mentioned last week. While its very basic, the peeps there are friendly and seem to have fun doing their work with all the doggies...and there were lots of them!! Anyways we did eat our food, so that was a good sign, right? When we got home we just sort of plopped down on our nests and took a very LONG nap!

The pet shop didn't have the rescue remedy that Grannie (Peachy and Stippie) had mentioned, so petcretary went to the huge store called Amazon, and it just came today. Along with some other similar remedies, we shall start them ASAP and hope they will mitigate the stress for Dalton when they go back there for their 'long' stay. (And he'll stay on the CBD as well...)

OK here we are...politely giving eachother personal space. BOL!
At least we were looking at *her*!!

Yesterday was World Rabies Day...and yes we both got our new rabies vaccine about a month ago...which meant that we are now legal with our licenses for three years. Phew!
Tuesday Oct first is Black Dog Day...Benji: 'Hooray, I am a [mostly] black pup!!'  Dalton: 'Well I always have my black tuxedo on...'
Its also Fire Dog Day.
Well, we are not dalmations, nor do we help the fire brigade in our village, but we do have to snoopervise petcretary when she burns up our wood piles. She's been doing a lot of that lately...comes back inside smelling like smoked sausage, BOL! But she jumps in the shower and comes back to where we are, and  smelling Petcretary!
What a huge pile of brush and logs, from fallen limbs and general cleanup...
Got weiners???
All that's left is a huge ash pile...till the next load of fallen limbs and so on. 
OK, Time to say toodle-oo till next time!
We have joined up with The Kitties Blue who are our hosts of The Sunday Selfies. Thanks so much!

Friday, September 27, 2024

It's Dalton's Gotcha Day!

 Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton! You've been with us seven years, now!! Wow, how time does fly!

Here is a picture of Dalton the day after he came to live with us, after coming all the way from Texas, during the time of Hurricane Harvey...we almost named him Harvey, but since he had his name as given by the shelter and then the rescue, we left it. He'd had enough confusion and turmoil in his life.

And since yesterday was Remember Me Thursday, well, Dalton and Benji are both shelter pups, rescued and then given a forever home. Adopt shelter pets, you might meet your new best friend!!

It's also National Dog week! Woof Woof, we are woofies!!

And we wish that everyone in the path of Helene will be safe, we  are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Hurricanes are so scary, Dalton knows too well....

We're joining the flashback Friday bloghop, since we showed you Dalton from 2017!

FlashbackFriday is HERE.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Another Sunday Of Selfies

 We're here again for selfies! What a week its been here...phew, we are glad it's behind us...

Earlier in the week, there were intruders who stomped around in our cellar...we thought maybe to evict any mice that might be lurking there...but pawppy told us that they were here to give our HVAC a 'checkup';  Then a delivery truck driver trespassed our driveway to leave a big box...but it was for petcretary and not us....sheesh! 

Then on Thursday, petcretary took us for a a pet hotel! And abandoned us...OMD, we thought were never going to see her again. And we let the lady there know it...Dalton dashed out into the play yard and would not come back, and neither of us ate anything for the whole time we were there according to the lady who owns that place. Then suddenly another lady who works there put us on our leashes and harnesses and brought us out of the jail, and into the front yard...where wonder of wonders, there was Petcretary! Aroo and hallelujah!

Then instead of going home sweethome, *she* drove way out of town...and we were at a different dog hotel...WTD????

The set up there is different and there are individual doggy runs with doggy doors similar to what we are used to. We heard her talking to a nice lady who came to talk to us, too, and she even petted us...a much nicer lady that the other one at the failed doggy hotel...apparently she will abandon us there for a 'trial' night in a few they and us can get used to each other, cause in a few more weeks we need to stay in a doggy hotel for about a week, while petcretary goes to her niece's wedding way far far that she needs to get in an airplane! Yikes, we sure hope she comes back. It also means that during that time frame there won't be any posts from us, nor we won't even be able to beg some of you to rescue us...aroo! BOL! But we'll give you a heads up just before we are going to be you can do POTP for us to survive!! BOL!

(Note from Petcretary: Benji didn't eat anything there...but since he'd never been away from home without a family peep with him...well, he was a bit unsettled. But his behavior was OK...Dalton however was petrified, and would not eat, did not cooperate when out in the big play yard and would not come back...the owner of that place thought he might even make escape attempts. When she tried to get his leash on, he cowered in great fear...even having Benji with him was not helping, nor the CBD, I had given and left with the owner.

The lady, while not unfriendly,  was rather brusque and seemed more into her business than the while Benji might have been OK there, it was entirely a bad fit for Dalton, my poor little dude with such a ton of baggage that he cannot/will not dump ffom his former life in Texas...

Maybe it's just as well. At the second place, while quite a bit further away, that lady was very friendly and pleasant and came out to see the pups and even interacted with them. She has a whole crowd of young people with her to help her with all the 'clients'. We shall see how B & D do on their trial sleepover there. I have signed them up for the week in October when I will be gone. Maybe the vet can prescribe some sort of pharmaceutical to help Dalton over that time...)

Enough of are our selfies for this week:

Petcretary was up early on Tuesday to get to Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, and she was first to take her seat, along with one other. (It was a pirate themed class, due to soon it was going to be talk like a pirate day, LOL)

There were two of us up at dawn on the Good Ship Teaser in time to be FIRST COMMENTERS on the post of September 17, 2024!
Then she guessed the place too, quickly enough to be the 'first right' guesser!

I was the FIRST Pirate to Guess Correctly on the Teaser Post of September 17, 2024! YO HO HO FOR ME!

Today is the first day of here are a couple of fall pictures, showing our Angels form days gone by....
First are Pipo & Minko, ca2013
This is Angel MrJackFreckles, ca2015

We are happy to see the end of summer, though we are not too sure we like that winter follows the nice season of fall....but we do like that the seasons change, so we'll not get bored with the same weather all the year long. Our Oma said when she was living in the West Indies for a couple of years that she really missed the seasons, because it was always HOT where she was.

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks for hosting Kitties Blue!!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ahoy! We Be Pirates On This Scurvy Day!

 Avast! Its Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yarghhhh!

We think we be scurvy scalliwags for pirates, but beware...ya just don't know what we  kin plunder your booty of noms and other delectables...Hah!
                                Got rum???

We be full o'thanks that dis pirate day is only once a year...yarghhh!

Note from the not pirate petcretary:
These images were a sort of experiment in changing how the original looked...The real backgrounds were very cluttered...and they had garden junk coming out of their heads and other places...ugly! So with background removed she went to Canva and another place...and then made some other adjustments in Gimp...not my best work...argghhhh! Maybe I need some Rum! Yargghhhh!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Rare Visitor To Our Bird Feeders

 Last week, petcretary got up early to go out with friends, but as always. first she looked out at who was hungry for the offerings at our buffett of various bird food...put out to attract various species according to their known likes...

She was glad her phone was in her hand at the time, because there was a HUGE woodpecker on the peanut feeder! First time ever that one took time to nosh there!

It was a pileated woodpecker. Not a rare bird, but uncommon, even in our semi rural area. Mostly petcretary has only spotted them in our backwoods area of the yard, or on walks in more remote areas. They are a bit smaller than an american Crow, a bit bigger than a common Grackle. A Hairy woodpecker is about 7-1/2 inches long, a Flicker is about 10-1/2 inches long. This species of woodpecker is 15 inches long!! Yup, HUGE!

They, along with other woodpeckers, have make large holes in some of the snags in the woodsy part of our yard. The tree peeps wanted to 'clean up' those snags, but I forbade it, since obviously if the tree falls down, it will only be a mess in the woods, not a danger to any structures now that the old shed is gone. Obviously that big snag of a half dead tree is great for  foraging birds...why deprive them of that?

These pics were taken through a not too clean window...surprised they turned out as well as they did!

Then we had other flying objects overhead...
Us Pups hate these things and bark our heads off at them until they obey and fly away!

They whooshed and went higher and lower and higher again, eventually landing in the park about 1/4 mile from our home. (Years ago some other balloons landed in the big field across the street from us.) 

On Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, petcretary was the guest provider of the image that was to be searched for. Of course she gave an impossible one...only the peeps who took the picture would have known where it was, LOL!!   This was her gift badge to mark the occasion...
I sent in a real whopper of a photo for Teaser Tuesday on September 10, 2024 and NOBODY GUESSED IT RIGHT! YAY FOR ME!
Well, that's it for this week folks!
Did we miss something?? Yup.US!
I was HOT after chasing Rose along the fenceline!

Not sure anymore, why I turned on my stink eye...

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted each week by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.
Come and join us, it's fun!! You might even make a new friend(s)!

Monday, September 9, 2024

In Memory of Bad Cat Chris

Recently, Bad Cat Chris made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Naturally his family is devastated and would love your comforting words if you have not done so already. What a fun kitty he was, despite his so called naughtiness!
Bad Cat Chris, now a very Good Cat!

We felt Angel Chris was vwery much aww-worthy...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

AI Experiments...And A New Angel

Petcretary asked an AI developer to make a Bouvier/Patterdale Terrier Mix with some other attributes and it came up with these:

Hmmm, not quite right!

Not too bad...

Pretty amazing likeness!!

Then she played with a Dalton image in a different AI application.
The original image, except the background was made to be blurry.

The original with no background.

Now a much nicer background was in place.

So that was our 'foray' into the AI world this week, BOL!

Here we are in the 'Real'!

This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser class, petcretary earned a badge for being the first to have the right answer.
I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of September 3, 2024!! YAY FOR ME!

We helped petcretary make an memento for a sweet Scottie pup, who recently flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. Our Pawppy loves Scotties; he grew up with several of them; so he thought it was sad to see a new angel as much as we are.
Todd from Life At The Golden Pines

Please visit there and leave your messages of comfort if you haven't already done so, Blogville's love surrounds those in need so well.

We're hopping in the Sunday Selfies; hosted as always by The Cat On My Head! Thanks, Kitties Blue! We love this hop and we love you!