Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Rare Visitor To Our Bird Feeders

 Last week, petcretary got up early to go out with friends, but as always. first she looked out at who was hungry for the offerings at our buffett of various bird food...put out to attract various species according to their known likes...

She was glad her phone was in her hand at the time, because there was a HUGE woodpecker on the peanut feeder! First time ever that one took time to nosh there!

It was a pileated woodpecker. Not a rare bird, but uncommon, even in our semi rural area. Mostly petcretary has only spotted them in our backwoods area of the yard, or on walks in more remote areas. They are a bit smaller than an american Crow, a bit bigger than a common Grackle. A Hairy woodpecker is about 7-1/2 inches long, a Flicker is about 10-1/2 inches long. This species of woodpecker is 15 inches long!! Yup, HUGE!

They, along with other woodpeckers, have make large holes in some of the snags in the woodsy part of our yard. The tree peeps wanted to 'clean up' those snags, but I forbade it, since obviously if the tree falls down, it will only be a mess in the woods, not a danger to any structures now that the old shed is gone. Obviously that big snag of a half dead tree is great for  foraging birds...why deprive them of that?

These pics were taken through a not too clean window...surprised they turned out as well as they did!

Then we had other flying objects overhead...
Us Pups hate these things and bark our heads off at them until they obey and fly away!

They whooshed and went higher and lower and higher again, eventually landing in the park about 1/4 mile from our home. (Years ago some other balloons landed in the big field across the street from us.) 

On Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, petcretary was the guest provider of the image that was to be searched for. Of course she gave an impossible one...only the peeps who took the picture would have known where it was, LOL!!   This was her gift badge to mark the occasion...
I sent in a real whopper of a photo for Teaser Tuesday on September 10, 2024 and NOBODY GUESSED IT RIGHT! YAY FOR ME!
Well, that's it for this week folks!
Did we miss something?? Yup.US!
I was HOT after chasing Rose along the fenceline!

Not sure anymore, why I turned on my stink eye...

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted each week by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.
Come and join us, it's fun!! You might even make a new friend(s)!

Monday, September 9, 2024

In Memory of Bad Cat Chris

Recently, Bad Cat Chris made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Naturally his family is devastated and would love your comforting words if you have not done so already. What a fun kitty he was, despite his so called naughtiness!
Bad Cat Chris, now a very Good Cat!

We felt Angel Chris was vwery much aww-worthy...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

AI Experiments...And A New Angel

Petcretary asked an AI developer to make a Bouvier/Patterdale Terrier Mix with some other attributes and it came up with these:

Hmmm, not quite right!

Not too bad...

Pretty amazing likeness!!

Then she played with a Dalton image in a different AI application.
The original image, except the background was made to be blurry.

The original with no background.

Now a much nicer background was in place.

So that was our 'foray' into the AI world this week, BOL!

Here we are in the 'Real'!

This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser class, petcretary earned a badge for being the first to have the right answer.
I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of September 3, 2024!! YAY FOR ME!

We helped petcretary make an memento for a sweet Scottie pup, who recently flew away to the Rainbow Bridge. Our Pawppy loves Scotties; he grew up with several of them; so he thought it was sad to see a new angel as much as we are.
Todd from Life At The Golden Pines

Please visit there and leave your messages of comfort if you haven't already done so, Blogville's love surrounds those in need so well.

We're hopping in the Sunday Selfies; hosted as always by The Cat On My Head! Thanks, Kitties Blue! We love this hop and we love you!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Kittens!! And A Woofie!

When us pups went to the 'event ' at the local pet shop, it actually was also an adoption event put on by Dalton's rescue group, ROAR.

There were a whole of kittens, and 'teenaged' kitties, and a few doggies, too.

Some of them made selfies, LOL!! But since crates were in use to keep them from running around in the store, oh now that would have been fun),,,well, petcretary cheated on us and made some pictures of them. Sorry for the bars on the puppy...

Some of the kittens were rescued out of a woodpile just as it was turned into a bonfire...yikes! But all five were saved. The Mom is a feral kitty, who gets fed by another group, but she ran the kittens were raised in foster homes and bottle-fed. Now they are thriving. This ginger one is named Ember...but *she* forgot what the little tuxie's name is...

Ember is going to be one handsome dude!

Ember! A purrfect selfie for Ginger Kitty Day!

A beautiful  sweet Tuxie...

'Tuxie', was very busy in play mode, here he looks like he's making some real biscuits, MOL!

This little sweetheart is Sparkle. She was quite the pistol when she was leased and out of the crate, BOL!

Petcretary was tempted, yet again...

Here is a serendipity that petcretary found at a garage /rummage sale...when she was it she HAD to have it.

One of our earlier, now 'retired' blogs was called, WeBeesSiamese...after the two siamese cats in the musical, the King and I. This little wooden carving is the same image as the background image of that blog, back then... It now has a place of honor in petcretary's bookshelves.
Here is the image that was the logo for that blog when it was active:

Dalton thought it was interesting...and gave his kiss of appaw-roval,Benji licked it and tried to 'have at it'...but the word was NO!
Benji was too fast to get a picture of...

Petcretary was one of three first to class, at Teddy's Tuesdsy Teaser!  She got this badge for her timely entrance to Class...

We are hopping along with many others cat the cat on my head, they are the faithful weekly blog postr/hop/ hosts!!