Sunday, July 21, 2024

Demolition Day!

Saturday was a great day as far as the weather was concerned...not too hot or humid...a perfect day to take down our old decrepit and rotting shed...

So our sons came over to smash it down. The squirrels had gotten into it, stored their walnuts in there, and made nests, too...and then a tree fell on the roof...what a mess! So down it came! We do have a nice new one, much closer to the house, and far away from trees... 

Dalton & Benji were a bit worried...but didn't freak out, so we let them roam...then after they left, they just had to go back there and investigate...sheesh, so I had to block it off, until we can get someone to haul away the pile of wood and shingles.

You can see one of the big holes that a tree limb put into the roof...
Almost done!

We didn't much like all that banging, and sheesh, those dudes don't even live here...who said they could ruin the squirrel's house??

Well, we were a lot happier after they left!

This past Tuesday, Petcretary provided the guest teaser image for people to guess, (At Teddy's Tuesday Teaser),it was of a church she took a picture of when she was visiting her cousin in The Netherlands, way back in 2008!

This lovely church is St. Gummarus Church in Wagenberg, Netherlands!   

Here are a couple of links with more info you will find interesting:   CLICK HERE

AND this one too CLICK HERE

She was also one of three to get to class first!

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head. They are the ever faithful hosts each week. Thanks, Kitties Blue!


  1. A good job well and truly done. Worth the noise for a day, though I guess there will be a bit more noise to come when the squirrel's old condo gets hauled away. Is it to make room for a new patch canine freeway? MOL

  2. The clean-up is never the fun part but once is gone and the grass comes back, you'll never know the shed was ever there.

  3. Dearest Ingrid,
    Yes, a perfect day is needed for performing such a demolition task.
    No doubt it scared the pups, all that noise...
    But you will be happy once it all gets hauled off.
    Our greenhouse is going down too, the roof is open now as the plates have slid down. There are also scary big trees around, on the neighbor's property.
    Tried to have someone come on Friday afternoon to remove a huge fallen oak tree in our wooded area but it started pouring down with tropical rain. No way they could do anything that day. Also our center wooden bridge needs to be taken up as it got destroyed by the previous tropical storm and flooding. So much to do for the upkeep of such a vast estate. One day, weather permitting, it will get done!
    You are lucky for having sons that can come to the rescue!
    Lovely Church with great history in the Province of Brabant, adjacent to my Province of Limburg in the south of The Kindgdom of the Netherlands.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Great selfies of you guys. As for the shed - spare a thought for the squirrels! What happens when they come back and find their home in ruins and their food gone?

    1. We have oodles and oodles of walnuts everywhere around here, and every year the 'harvest' is immense. There are lots of trees that are already 'burrowed' so that either woodpeckers or squirrels can inhabit them. There must be squirrels in one of them, because there are all kinds of walnuts at the base of that tree, as well as others. And...the neighbor has an old shed that we are sure is also being used as shelter and pantry! Then tree rats are versatile! (Not to mention that they chew into everything and once they had found a way into the neighbors attic! I've seen them, chewing into the siding there, too...Yikes!)
      Lets not discuss the raccoons....

  5. That sure was a lot of work to finally bring that shed down. You two look so cute and we're sure you did a great job snoopervising even if it was from afar.

  6. Nice that you had the extra help to bring it down.

  7. Concats, Petcretary for great Teaser pic and first to get to class!
    Sorry for the squirrels that lost their winter home but they will find a new safer one for sure.
    xoxoxo, BIbi & Meep

  8. Love that surprised look on your face, Dalton! Hugs! :D

  9. Noise isn't good is it? Humans are way too loud!

    Lovely church.

  10. doodz....petcretarry N pappy knead ta buy ewe 75,023 bizcuitz for makin all that noize N takin a way frum dig time !!! ♥♥

  11. You must be glad that is down. Nice selfies. COngrats to Petcretary for being a first commenter. XO

  12. You guys had an excellent demolishing squad. They sure seemed to make quick work out of the damaged shed. Hopefully the new shed will keep those ruddy squirrels at bay. If not, Wilson volunteered to come take care of them or at least chase them elsewhere. Nice selfies, guys.

  13. Chaplin: "Ooh, our Dada had to knock down a little building here that way once, with hammers and a crowbar! Although in our case it was infested with rats, termites, and snails, not with squirrels."
    Lulu: "Did someone say squirrels?!"

  14. That was a lot of hard work for the boys to do - glad they could help and do it on a not too bad day. The squirrels will manage to find another place, just hopefully not in the new shed:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Now that was a well done job you son and whomever else helped. Boys, you were wonderful. Because you didn't try tp help. You were good cheering on the team who worked. The heck with the squirrels.

  16. I bet it was a pretty shed once but now, you need a change and the squirrels will adapt. Shorter walk to your new shed too!

  17. wow that is like magic how a whole house is gone in one day... and we are glad no duct tape was involved ;O)

  18. I am sure you are glad the shed has been demolished now!

  19. That's a pity that you had to destroy this beautiful shed ! But probably the new one will be more pretty ! Of course the doggies didn't like the intruders ! Rosie is used now that there are different people coming for cleaning, she likes one, but if she comes with the vacuum cleaner then she hides under my bed ! Of course everybody wants to pet her, she is the star of the castle !

  20. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That looks like a lot of banging indeed! Did any critters come out of that tiny house? That would have been fun!
