Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Fluffy Furball Selfie

 Hi, Ya'll!

Petcretary is at her work this weekend...there she saw Monty, he was visiting his 'GrandMom'...Monty is a Bichon Frise, and he  was such a wiggle-butt! And a smiley one at that! He sure was a friendly and happy little Dude!

Monty is just such a happy dude!

Monty the smiley fluffball!

Hi, I am Monty, and I LOVE to smile!!

Last Tuesday we got the remnants of Hurricane the form of a Tropical Depression...we had about 4 inches of rain in our gauge. Too much all at once!
And there was a lot of flooding here and there, streets had to be closed in some places. But it wasn't violent here...we feel bad for all the peeps in Texas who really got hit hard. We hope by the time our Texan friends may be reading this blog post that they have their power back on.

Also on Tuesday, Petcretary was one of three first to class at Teddy's Teaser.
She got this badge:
She had the right answer, too...but wasn't first to add it into the comments...

Well, if you are in one of the many 'Hot Zones' right now, we hope you'll get cooler temps really soon. Stay safe and cool! Maybe a good rainshower would help....esp in those parched and fire prone places.

We are joining up our guest with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head...its a fun weekly blog hop, and we thank The Kitties Blue for diligently hosting it each week!
Sunday Selfies Are HERE!


  1. Monty's very cute! Do stay safe, friends! Hugs!

  2. Dearest Ingrid,
    Monty for sure was a beautiful Bichon Frisé and their eyes almost look like those of a doll!
    Energetic and friendly, playful. Our friends had one and it loved my Pieter.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Hurricanes are horrible but you, Monty, are one cute pup!

  4. Monty is such a cutie, but we think you two are just as cute. We had lots of rain and even had a tornado warning from Beryl. Our parents made all four of us hang out in our laundry room until the storm passed.

  5. Monty is SUCH a cutie! Such a sweet smile!

  6. What a cute woofie! ConCats to your Mom for her Teaser wins.

  7. Hurricane Beryl was a rascal, for sure.
    Sorry to read that your meowmy was jeeping you two!

  8. Monty is very cute. Congrats to petcretary for being a first commenter. XO

  9. wavez two ewe dood ! ewe iz one hansum pup !! ♥♥♥

  10. Little Monty is truly adorable! What a wagnificent visitor. Sorry your Mum has to work this weekend-hopefully it's quiet and nice and cool. My daughter lives in the Houston area and they still don't have power. The power company is now saying maybe by Monday at midnight. It's been miserably hot while the power and phone lines have been out.

  11. Ohmy goodness, Monty is such a cutie!

  12. We're very glad Monty Wigglybutt came to cheer you up after that depressing Beryl went by. Yes it's a scorcher but at least we're not on fire. Sending rainy wishes to all who are too fiery/hot and dry toasty thoughts to all who are too wet.
    xoxoxo, BIbi & Meep

  13. Lulu: "Monty sure is a happy little ball of fluff! I bet we would get along well!"

  14. What a little fluff bundle Monty is!

  15. I will tell you...if I didn't have Katie I may have to had gotten such a woofie all for myself.

  16. Adorable selfie! Beryl visited us here in VT too. At our house we got around 2" of rain, but just miles away got between 4-7"

  17. It has been really hot here today and with our double coats, we are not liking it one bit.

    Monty sure is a happy pup. He look a lot like our fursister from many years ago, Shamrock, who was a cockapoo who really looked like a bichon.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. Bichon's really are fun and cute dogs and I love their cheeriness - And Monty ooozes all that and so much more - You can't help but smile when you see his photos! 🥰

  19. Monty looks like a plush toy, so cute ! We too had flooding here, especially in Brussels, have never seen that and it's 65 years, I live a bit outside of Brussels !

  20. Monty Fluffball Wigglebutt is just too adorable!
    We're glad you avoided the worst of the storm, but still, that's one heck of a lot of rain.
