Sunday, May 19, 2024

Flashback Straw Hat Day Selfies ~ and: Happy Victoria Day!

We were not able to make a post on the 15th for Straw Hat Day, and *she* wasn't able to make new images either...oh well, its always good to have old images to resort to, BOL!!
And with Memorial Day coming up, who knows if the camera will be clicking or not! 

Speaking of Holidays, Tomorrow, May 20th is Victoria Day in Canada, a major holiday, with fireworks and all kinds of fun things. Celebrating the birthday of Queen Victoria, who was the queen when Canada was 'born' in 1867.
Its the beginning of the summer season! Years ago in her single days, petcretary went camping on this long weekend holiday with several other single young was hot, so she found a nice shady place to keep her (film) camera cool...oops...when one of the other campers left to get some supplies he drove right over it!! Yikes!! But it was replaced with a better camera! Which she still had when she came to Michigan...and used it to take lots of pics of her first kitties and the unfurbros when they arrived. Eventually she got still a better film camera,and then the first of two digital point and shoot ones. the latter which she still uses...sometimes!! She prefers the phone camera for some reason. BOL!!
Petcretary was right but not first right last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday. She got this cute badge as her 'reward'

OK, here we are in our Straw Hats:

All of these were taken 2019...Benji wasn't even a year old when they were taken!
We are hopping along with many others in the Sunday Selfies! The Cat On my Head hosts this hop every week, and has done so for a LONG time!! Thanks Kitties Blue!

And in case you didn't know, The pawrents of the Kitties Blue, Janet and Tom, are celebrating their 51st Wedding Anniversary today! Congratulations! 🎉💐


  1. Aww, you guys look so cute in straw hats! Hugs! Our human, too, camped regularly in younger days; now a septuagenarian only hike daily.

  2. Cool hats!
    And Happy Victoria Day to all who celebrate.
    PS I'm still hoping Gail will take me camping for a second time this summer!

  3. You guys look great in your straw hats! Happy Victoria Day!

  4. Happy Victoria Day!
    You woofies look so stylish in your straw hats!

  5. Very cute straw hat photos of your fur babies! They pose so well.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. Hmmmm... we don't have any straw hats here and think maybe we should be grateful! But #1 says a straw panama hat is included in heer official's uniform for the Paralympic Games. Maybe we can try it on.

    The Chans

  7. Tipping our hats to you, Benjii and Dalton! Handsome as always and fashionable too.
    Happy Victoria Day to the mom.
    xoxoxo, BIbi & Meep

  8. ewe bee rockin yur hatz and tiez doodz :) !! happee SUN day anda happee Victoria day az well ♥♥

  9. Very nice flashback photos. I like your hats. Happy Victoria Day! xO

  10. Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian fur-iends. And a big time Happy Anniversary to Janet & Tom on their 51st anniversary. Well done you two!

    P.S. Never worry about pics from the past. It makes us think you guys age extra well when Mum has been busy. Happy Sunday.

  11. You two are so cute in your hats and ties. Very debonaire!

  12. Those are lovely flashbacks of you in your straw hats.

  13. Happy Victoria Day!!! You two are so good to wear those hats. We don't think we would be quite as cooperative:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Look at your sweet wee hats; so adorable!
    O Canada!

  15. Well done with your guess. The badges always make me laugh!

  16. You look very chic with hat and tie !

  17. Do you two have even the slightest idea how adorable you are in those hats!? You make mom want to go out and get a doggy! (which I would not approve of even though I think you too are..well...the cat's meow!)

  18. Lulu: "You boys sure looked handsome in your headgear!"

  19. OMDs I wore my straw hat with a wide brim on my morning walk. It is imPAWtant to keep the sun off my older than dirt skin when I walk. I didn't look as adorable as you in mine.
    Hugs Cecilia

  20. Thank you for stopping by, and for your words of sympathy.

    PS - love the hats!
