Saturday, May 18, 2024

Angelic Art On Caturday

 We have no idea why there is a traffic jam of sorts at the Rainbow Bridge Entrance...but anypaws, petcretary made some art for two new angels...while she was working on one of them, the GIMP picture editing site she uses, stopped working properly. She spent several hours pulling her hair out to get it functional again...and even installed a new version, which had the same issues...ARGGGHHH!

Eventually she realized the trouble was a wrong setting...and now its all good again, phew!

Ichiro, handsome mancat from My Siamese.Com


You can leave messages of comfort by clicking on his caption under the memento.

Then we made another memento for Kori, a sweet lady-collie.

Kori came from All Things Collie, and you can leave your messages of sympathy there...

Once again we will join the Caturday Art Blog Hop.


  1. Too many of our friends are leaving us. Your tribute badges are so beautiful and most helpful. Thank you!

  2. Dearest Ingrid,
    Glad you managed to finish making these lovely memorials for the two new Angels.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Hugs and purrs to both grieving famillies.

  4. Lovely tributes. Sending our love, purrs and hugs to their familes xx

  5. Beautiful tributes. Alas, We neffur got to know these two Angels.
    Mummy also has GIMP, but She finds it furry complicated and not all that User Friendly.

  6. There certainly have been too many pets becoming angels lately. Your mementos are beautiful.

  7. There has been a over-abundance of new angels crossing the Rainbow Bridge lately. Seems like not a day goes by where Mom doesn't weep about it as it reminds her of the losses we've had at the Ranch. Thank you for always providing such beautiful badges to remember these beloved pets. 💔
    Your fur-iends,
    Elsa & Wilson, the House Pony 🐾

  8. Big purring hugs to all those grieving. We will look for your angels OTB-xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Love and purrs to the parents of those precious Angels.

  10. Charlee: "We didn't know Ichiro, but we are always sad when a furry friend has to go away."
    Lulu: "We did know Kori though! They had just recently come back from a long break. We are happy we got to see them again before Kori had to leave."
    Chaplin: "We send lots of purrs to both their families!"
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"

  11. Hello
    Thank you for stopping by, and fork your words of comfort. The picture you made is lovely, thank you! I’m still missing my girl deeply, and the grief comes in waves. Today is the first day I was able to come back to blogging, but it’s hard without her. I started the blog when she was just a puppy, so she was always inspiring new posts.
