Sunday, October 8, 2023

Another Flashback Selfie Sunday ~ Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend!

Before we do anything here in our blog, we want to extend our sincere condolences and sympathy to the family, friends and Stunning Keisha; Pattie Kleinke, aka TW, has lost her brave and long journey, as she was dealing with cancer, that most terrible scourge. Her blog is HERE, and there is a POTP post as well.

You will be loved and forever remembered, Pattie, and you will be terribly missed by all who knew you.



We have to resort to another flashback post this week. Petcretary got her computer back from its sick bay stay, but its not quite ready to use as we are still on our borrowed one...thankful to have it, though!!

Happy (Canadian)Thanksgiving ~ Happy Fall Selfies

 Well, this is the weekend we celebrate! Columbus Day in the USA, or whatever its new name is...sigh...and its also Thanksgiving on October 9th, the second Monday of the month. Since Petcretary is a Canadain, we have to celebrate this day! And we have been  enjoying some beautiful fall weather, though it rained over 5 inches on Thursday, and over an inch on Friday, and likely again since more rain is in the near forecast...but partly sunny for the 9th! Hooray!.

So we'll have Happy Fall selfies, and  Happy Thanksgiving, too. 

Petcretary was a 'firstie' at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday Class, but she wasn't able to hunt for the teaser itself, due to not being on the correct her own!
I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of October 3, 2023! THE FIRST AND ONLY FIRST I might add!!

Petcretary helped us make a couple of new Angel Mementoes...
One was for Whiskey, a horsey friend of BellaDharma.

And the other was for a kitty that petcretary knew from the days our furmily was on Catster/Dogster. His name was Toki, and that was special for us, since we also had a Toki long before *our* time. He doesn't have a blog anymore, but he does have a Facebook page...HERE. *SHE* never thought there would ever be another kitty with that name, LOL!! For us it was a short form of Tom Kitten...for Toki the Abby, it was an oriental name for rabbit apparently, Who knew??!
Toki Nantucket

That's all folks! Have a great holiday weekend...that is if you live where they are having one, BOL!
Sunday Selfies are here, Hosted by the Kitties Blue


  1. I am very sad at Pattie's passing.
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all of you that celebrate it.. your art is gorgeous today and so are the memories. you both look Pawfect in your Sunday Selfies, which is more that Beau would do... Condolences to the family/friends of Pattie

  3. Lovely remembrances for Pattie, and for your pet friends ... and despite the sadness felt today, we do pause to wish you and yours ~ and many other all 'round Canada, a most Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. There is a lot of sadness with so many passings, but your selfies sure make us smile. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  5. Nice selfies. So much sadness. The loss of Pattie really stings. XO

  6. Looking epic dudes, and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Yep, so much sadness, and we're sending oodles of purrs to everypawdy who needs them right now! We hope mew all have a blessed week! ❤️

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you all in Canada. May your celebrations be happy and joyful.

  8. Condolences the loss of your friend, and on the loss of Toki. Big hugs to you.
    Hope you have a gorgeous day for Thanksgiving. Its good to take time to remember what we have to be thankful for.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. I will always Miss Pattie. WE have been friends a very long time. And Happy Thanksgiving to you each one. Ours will occur in November.

  10. You two always look fabulous, always. Pattie was a special one and we'll sure miss her.

  11. That was a fun flashback! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! And so happy petcretary got her computer back. But we’re sad about Pattie. She will be missed by so many.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Wish I could get some Thanksgiving noms . . .momma says I gotta wait till November.

  13. your selfies are alway so fantabulous... and we are very sad too about the friend who lost the fight against the evil big c...

  14. So pleased the computer is back from the sick bay. Hope it's fully operational soon.
    The selfies, as ever, are super!

  15. That's true Thanksgiving is approaching. We stayed here so we don't have no thanksgiving. The poor turkies !
    Your selfies are cute !

  16. Charlee: "Aww, too many Rainbow Bridge crossings lately! We did not know any of them but we are always sad to see a friend leave, whether they're furry or human."

  17. I am sending hugs to families who lost their loved one. I love your adorable selfies!! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Juno

  18. We were very sad to learn of Pattie's passing. She touched so many in such pawsitive ways. We sent our deepest condolences. Happy belated Thanksgiving to your Petcretary. Hope she had a pawsome day.
