Sunday, October 22, 2023

Tocktober, And Some More Foxy Selfies

This is a picture out of our archives to 'celebrate' the fact that it was officially Tocktober on October 19th...but petcretary was at work so we couldn't post...

This is our  Tocktober Ussie, Benji is way more modest, BOL!

Petcretary did a lot of this and that over the week past, and she did not take any new pics of us. The weather has been mostly wet, too when she was home...sigh...She hasn't figured out how to send the images from her phone to the (borrowed)computer, other than that they are on iCloud, and then she cannot edit them as in the regular way, that she's used to. Phooey. She has to download them and then can only do simple things with them, such as cropping. Oh day the regular computer will be ready, better be soon cause the borrowed one keeps telling her its running out of disc space...well, its OLD, and has all kinds of pawppy stuff on it. It can't even download petcretary's pictures past 2015! BOL!
Anyways we thought you might want to see some more foxy here they are.

OK, enough of foxy pups!! 
Petcretary wasn't first, nor was she first right with her guess for Teddy's Teaser this past Tuesday, but she was right she got this spooky badge:

Lets go look at all the other selfies at The Cat On My Head. They host the Sunday selfies each week...and its been going for several years already! Our furbears joined in with them almost from the start of that weekly event, ears ago, already. Thanks Kitties Blue, we love you! 
Here is their Badge, just click on the caption under it to see all the others and to join them yourselves if you wish. We're sure you must have a selfie somewhere to share!
Sunday Selfies are all here!


  1. Dalton and Benji, I almost mistook you for real foxes and tried to chase you off the screen.
    It has been wet and stormy here in Scotland so outings have been disappointingly limited here too.

  2. It sounds like it's been wet everywhere the past few days! Fortunately, we got some sunshine this morning and I could have a proper romp!

    The foxie pics are cute!


  3. The two of you look so cute in your foxyWear. Happy Sunday!

  4. You two make the cutest foxes we've ever seen.

  5. You dudes look fab, coming and going!

  6. you two make me think of foxy loxy and chicken little, one of my favorite stories. i thank fab is a good word for you. adorable comes to mind also. you can chase each other and bark out these words, the sky if falling, the sky is falling. tell your pecretary there are apps for phones, both android and apple. i have blogger on one phone. you can create and then us the app to put cell phone pics in the post. of course if you are using a camera that will not work. i sometimes email photos to myself save in the computer

  7. da tabbies o trout towneOctober 22, 2023 at 3:30 PM

    DOODZ !!!! grate tockz shotz bye ewe both :) hope all iz well with ewe, pappy, petcretarry N familee....gonna bee brizk
    heer in de land o trout two nite......prob a blee ther two huh !!

  8. Well, those are nice tocks and nices selfies too! We hope the computer gets better soon!!!

  9. Both of you look adorable..I have seldom seen two looking as good as you two in those orange Halloween jackets.

  10. Nice tocks! Nice costumes! You look pawesome!

  11. You have some fine tocks and costumes. I hope that computer gets fixed forever.

  12. oooh we love that fox costume!!! it fits perfect to your furs... happy tocktober

  13. You're tocks look purrfect for the occassion, Benji and Dalton and who are those little foxes, that Granny thought were pumpkins🙈🎃they both look so sweet in it🦊 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞

  14. Nice 'tocks.' Sorry your Petcretary is still having computer issues which is maddening when you have a blog. You have our sympathies. Hopefully you'll be back up running soon. 🤞🏼

  15. Lulu: "Those are some mighty tocks indeed!"

  16. What a foxy pair you are! Such cute costumes!

  17. I really like all your selfies. You are both most handsome!

  18. In the last picture you look almost like twins ! It's a real plague with the computers now, Google has changed everything ! Quote : Why do it simple when you can do it complicated ! I lost an hour yesterday to download 1 picture !

  19. Those are some fine doggy tocks! And you both look very cute in your Halloween costumes.
