Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Single Ussie...

Hey! Benji said it is Black dog day...and for sure he qualifies! BOL! Dalton has some black...tee-hee! Good try!

Well, we do have a new image for you all...taken Saturday afternoon...but since she can't download pics from her camera or phone to the borrowed computer, she had to find it in 'The Cloud' and then take a screen shot. Since it was a live image, the cloud said it was a movie, so it couldn't be edited  or saved like a regular image. Argghh! Anyways she put the saved image in Gimp to see if she could improve it somewhat, but she was only able to crop it...the image auto enhance made it look very blue! Well we are Go Blue fans...and yes they won, but still, it was too much, BOL! So here it is, our selfie as an ussie! Dalton obliged with his ears up, and even a smile, but Benji was a bit ho hum, though he too smiled...well, you can't win them all!

The computer woes continue, as the 'medics' there can't install the latest OS for it, they may need to erase the whole 'brains', and start it up as a brand new machine. OhOh! Good thing we made a back up, and there is always the iCloud. Though it doesn't save all the pics I have made for others...and all the saved templates and elements. Those have all been gathered over the years...kind of like a bank to use as a resource when she makes her cards/mementos. Not sure if iCloud saves all the bookmarks, either. We'll find out...POTP for  that Macbook!

Picture taken in deep shade on the north side of the house.

 Benji is doing his part for Black Dog Day, which is today, Oct first!

We are in the first of October Sunday Selfies! You can too; just click here! Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue!


  1. That is a very nice ussie. I hope the computer geeks can get your laptop up and running again.

  2. MOL...looks like the computer gets a whole new identity...MOL...Great Ussie and half black doggie, Benji...MOL... Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  3. we did not know today was black dog day, we love black dogs and dogs with black on them, we love both of you. we do not love crashing computers. when mine crashed, i lost the book marks in Edge browser, but the Chrome browser was still good because it was synced with phone and laptop. and I could import into Edge.. years ago i lost eveyrthing and had to start over. hope yours is able to import

  4. Happy Black Dog Day, Benji, and that's a beautiful selfie of the two of you together!

  5. You two look TERRIFIC ... and hey, don't worry Mom, 'puter stuff happens (as frustrating as it may be) ... Happy Black Dog Day, guys ...

  6. That's a great picture of your two smiling selves. Millie is celebrating Black Dog Day today too!

  7. Here comes my smile from looking a you two! You look great! Your mommy got a good photo of the both of you. Since it's a MAC (I have one too) is there an actual MAC store anywhere near? They will have it done in a short short time and know how to do it. Is it possible to take it to a MAC store? You'd be glad you did if there is one to take it to.

    1. The computer IS in an Apple store, ie MAC. At their 'Genius Bar'. It is the closest one, but 50 miles or so from where we live, just over an hour's drive one way.

  8. Happy Black Dog Day! You both are looking fine and dandy.
    Those confusers are great until they're not and then they are one giant !@#$%!
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. LOL I know the feeling. I have to turn off 'live' on my iPhone sometimes as I get movies too!!!

  10. To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology.

    You two look fabulous, happy Black Dog Day!

  11. Very nice selfie. Happy black dog day. XO

  12. What a cute pic of the two of you! Sorry that the computer problems aren’t getting better.

  13. Cute ussie! And I'm hoping all da computer stuff can be saved.

  14. That's a super picture.
    As about 10% of my body is black, does that mean I get to celebrate 2.4 hours of Black Dog Day?

  15. Bravo ! with all you had to do to get to this result ! The picture looks great !!

  16. I've been so far behind that I totally missed Black Dog day...gah! Elsa is not happy about that. The pic looks fabulous and so do both you guys. Happy belated Black Dog Day.

  17. Darn we missed your black doggy selfies and they are PRIMO!!! Those eyes....oh, those eyes....I am smitten, and I'm a KITTY!

  18. Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.
