Sunday, October 29, 2023

Halloween Is Getting Very Close!

 Yes it sure it!

Well, normally we don't actually  'celebrate' this holiday...what we do mark is the fact that the day is known as  Reformation Day among Protestant we go to a church service. No ding dongs and goblins at the door for us! Phew!

But it is kind of fun to 'dress up' and enjoy something different. So we took our fox costumes and ourselves to the local pet shop where some of our noms come from...and they had a lady there taking pictures...she works with the ROAR group that Dalton came we thought it's a good way to support that rescue.

And petcretary showed Dalton off to the lady who runs the rescue locally, here...she was the one who brought Dalton to the house, way back over 6 years ago! She thanked Petcretary for persevering with Dalton, in spite of all his anxiety and 'baggage'.

Us pups saw lots of doggies of all sizes, pets and rescues; cats hoping to be adopted...and even a bunny! Some had on costumes, and some came as themselves, BOL!

We were good pups and even though we were pretending to be foxes, in a pumpkin patch...(see our bandanas?),  we didn't chase or bark at anything. Though Dalton did give a warning grump to a dude who he allowed to give a cuddle(!!), but he got scared when that man stood up...he didn't do anything to the other men in the was crowded in there! And almost too noisy...

Anypaws we had our picture session, got a treat bag, YUM, and then went back home...where upon being relieved of those fox costumes, Benji went off to his latest project...another crater...and now the pawrty pooper petcretary covered it back up and put 3 containers of cayenne and red pepper flakes all over it! Yes it WAS that big!! 

Anypaws, here are two of the pictures from Saturday's Halloween pawrty:

They had a big spooky background, which petcretary cropped out...since she doesn't approve of skulls, etc...

Sorry this is so dark, and even petcretary couldn't get it 'fixed'.
...a little distracted, BOL!

We sure hope we won't have to be silly foxes for long...sorry its so blurry, the portrait mode was on by mistake...

Petcretary took this image with her phone, wow, it looks better than the professional's!! Except he didn’t look at the camera…

Another 'phone' picture.

It's time to hop in The Sunday Selfies! Just click here to see them all and to join, too! Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Sweet Angel


If you haven't done so, you can visit her blog to leave your comforting message(s), by clicking the caption...

Wordless Wednesday is HERE

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Tocktober, And Some More Foxy Selfies

This is a picture out of our archives to 'celebrate' the fact that it was officially Tocktober on October 19th...but petcretary was at work so we couldn't post...

This is our  Tocktober Ussie, Benji is way more modest, BOL!

Petcretary did a lot of this and that over the week past, and she did not take any new pics of us. The weather has been mostly wet, too when she was home...sigh...She hasn't figured out how to send the images from her phone to the (borrowed)computer, other than that they are on iCloud, and then she cannot edit them as in the regular way, that she's used to. Phooey. She has to download them and then can only do simple things with them, such as cropping. Oh day the regular computer will be ready, better be soon cause the borrowed one keeps telling her its running out of disc space...well, its OLD, and has all kinds of pawppy stuff on it. It can't even download petcretary's pictures past 2015! BOL!
Anyways we thought you might want to see some more foxy here they are.

OK, enough of foxy pups!! 
Petcretary wasn't first, nor was she first right with her guess for Teddy's Teaser this past Tuesday, but she was right she got this spooky badge:

Lets go look at all the other selfies at The Cat On My Head. They host the Sunday selfies each week...and its been going for several years already! Our furbears joined in with them almost from the start of that weekly event, ears ago, already. Thanks Kitties Blue, we love you! 
Here is their Badge, just click on the caption under it to see all the others and to join them yourselves if you wish. We're sure you must have a selfie somewhere to share!
Sunday Selfies are all here!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wordless Angels

Yes, angels don't have words, such as woof or meow, at least not to our ears...

But once again we heard the gates to the RB clanging open...would that they would clang shut!

In no particular order...

Friday, no longer blogging, but has a Facebook Page. He was well known in the days of Catster.

Kolchak...also on Facebook

Taffy, yet another Angel in the Facebook colony

Join the other Wordless Bloggers by clicking on this caption,

Sunday, October 15, 2023

A Couple Of Guest Selfies

 We are trying to get our fall/halloween costume pictures ready, but the weather is NOT cooperating, in the past week or so we have had over 9 inches of rain, 2 of which were from Friday to Saturday. Its quite soggy out there, though our trees are looking pretty in between raindrop times.

Benji is taking advantage of the soft earth...he dug three huge holes in the back of our yard this past so big as our bathtub. No way do the peeps here want to be back there in the dark! Naught pup...he's hunting out moles or gophers, but we didn't see any ex ones. He makes way more mess than they ever do. Does anyone need holes dug for putting in fences or pipelines?? He'll gladly do it for treats, BOL!

Petcretary fills those holes up again as best she can, and then sprinkles pepper flakes or powder all over the site. Yes he stops digging *there* but then finds a new venue for another 'project'! Sheesh, he is one determined terrier. Dalton 'helps' him by digging at the edges of those holes...or starting a small one, and then Benji works it to the max! They are a team...BOL! Arghhh!

Anyways here are a couple of cuties that were at petcretary's work place, recently. She asked their names and got them...but didn't write them down, and now cannot remember them at all...oh well...

A demure and shy Collie, she has ears like Dalton, BOL! She was a rescue pup...but thrives with her family, now.

Cutie pie!! She was hard to get to sit still, she wanted to come over to kiss the photographer, LOL!!

Its always great when resident families bring in their pets. Some of these pups and once in a while a kitty,  love to socialize with other families and residents and staff. All the staff love the short breaks from the daily mundane or stressful tasks they have to do there.

The other day in the pet shop where petcretary buys our food and treats, there was a young man with a huge Shepherd dog. He allowed petcretary to pet him, and then behind them was a little puppy...she was following big dog and master like a shadow! All teeth and kisses, BOL! But she was listening to her 'dad', and it was nice to see tht furmily interact and socialize with the store staff and customers. Never too early to start that!  Of course the camera was not handy, but somehow we don't think it would have been too polite to take pictures.

Of course when *she* came home...we had to sniff her pant legs for a long time...she had betrayed us, that's for sure!! But of course we forgave her!

While we didn't get any good outside pics, here is one we had taken inside. And 'enhanced', We were not too sure about being foxes, though, BOL!!


Blogville, sadly had to say goodby to yet another famous kitty; Sage of Savannah's Paw Tracks.


If you haven't already, you can visit her blog by clicking the caption underneath the memento.

We would also like to give our support for our friends who are in Jerusalem...What a scary place and time to be there.

The J-Cats are HERE.

And so we have our Sunday Selfie Post...hosted by our ever faithful friends, at the Cat On My Head, aka The Kitties Blue. We love them and we love this blog hop each week. Thanks for hosting it every week!

Sunday Selfies are HERE.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

In Loving Memory of Brian


Brian, a sweet and precious mancat, has graduated to the realms of the Rainbow Bridge. Rest a while, Brian and then use your new strong wings to enjoy all the catnip meadows and chase the butterflies as you fly with them all. You are now reunited with all those of your furblings who went there ahead of you.

Your earthly presence will be deeply missed by SO many... your Mom and Dad, your furblings, and all your many friends from 'Blogville'.

Brian's blog is HERE and you can visit there if you haven't done so already to give your message(s) of comfort.

While not the happiest of postings, We know Brian is much happier, now that he can breathe easier and he's healthy and strong that does make us feel happy, even in our grieving time.

Happy Tuesday

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Another Flashback Selfie Sunday ~ Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend!

Before we do anything here in our blog, we want to extend our sincere condolences and sympathy to the family, friends and Stunning Keisha; Pattie Kleinke, aka TW, has lost her brave and long journey, as she was dealing with cancer, that most terrible scourge. Her blog is HERE, and there is a POTP post as well.

You will be loved and forever remembered, Pattie, and you will be terribly missed by all who knew you.



We have to resort to another flashback post this week. Petcretary got her computer back from its sick bay stay, but its not quite ready to use as we are still on our borrowed one...thankful to have it, though!!

Happy (Canadian)Thanksgiving ~ Happy Fall Selfies

 Well, this is the weekend we celebrate! Columbus Day in the USA, or whatever its new name is...sigh...and its also Thanksgiving on October 9th, the second Monday of the month. Since Petcretary is a Canadain, we have to celebrate this day! And we have been  enjoying some beautiful fall weather, though it rained over 5 inches on Thursday, and over an inch on Friday, and likely again since more rain is in the near forecast...but partly sunny for the 9th! Hooray!.

So we'll have Happy Fall selfies, and  Happy Thanksgiving, too. 

Petcretary was a 'firstie' at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday Class, but she wasn't able to hunt for the teaser itself, due to not being on the correct her own!
I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of October 3, 2023! THE FIRST AND ONLY FIRST I might add!!

Petcretary helped us make a couple of new Angel Mementoes...
One was for Whiskey, a horsey friend of BellaDharma.

And the other was for a kitty that petcretary knew from the days our furmily was on Catster/Dogster. His name was Toki, and that was special for us, since we also had a Toki long before *our* time. He doesn't have a blog anymore, but he does have a Facebook page...HERE. *SHE* never thought there would ever be another kitty with that name, LOL!! For us it was a short form of Tom Kitten...for Toki the Abby, it was an oriental name for rabbit apparently, Who knew??!
Toki Nantucket

That's all folks! Have a great holiday weekend...that is if you live where they are having one, BOL!
Sunday Selfies are here, Hosted by the Kitties Blue

Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Single Ussie...

Hey! Benji said it is Black dog day...and for sure he qualifies! BOL! Dalton has some black...tee-hee! Good try!

Well, we do have a new image for you all...taken Saturday afternoon...but since she can't download pics from her camera or phone to the borrowed computer, she had to find it in 'The Cloud' and then take a screen shot. Since it was a live image, the cloud said it was a movie, so it couldn't be edited  or saved like a regular image. Argghh! Anyways she put the saved image in Gimp to see if she could improve it somewhat, but she was only able to crop it...the image auto enhance made it look very blue! Well we are Go Blue fans...and yes they won, but still, it was too much, BOL! So here it is, our selfie as an ussie! Dalton obliged with his ears up, and even a smile, but Benji was a bit ho hum, though he too smiled...well, you can't win them all!

The computer woes continue, as the 'medics' there can't install the latest OS for it, they may need to erase the whole 'brains', and start it up as a brand new machine. OhOh! Good thing we made a back up, and there is always the iCloud. Though it doesn't save all the pics I have made for others...and all the saved templates and elements. Those have all been gathered over the years...kind of like a bank to use as a resource when she makes her cards/mementos. Not sure if iCloud saves all the bookmarks, either. We'll find out...POTP for  that Macbook!

Picture taken in deep shade on the north side of the house.

 Benji is doing his part for Black Dog Day, which is today, Oct first!

We are in the first of October Sunday Selfies! You can too; just click here! Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue!