Saturday, September 30, 2023

More Angels...Sigh

 Petcretary learned of two new angels, she made some mementos to honor them. Its so busy at the RB of late, we sure wish those gates would be closed tight with a sign: No Room.

Biscuit, from The Blessing Of Animal Companions

Tribble, from Peace With My Life

Petcretary's computer is still at the 'hospital', being uncooperative, in that they can't install the latest OS on it...(The version I was emailed is apparently corrupted! Sheesh!) So they are trouble shooting that issue now. She sure hopes she doesn't lose her precious pictures and all the cards she's made that are on that machine...even though they did a backup before it went there...

We are going to join the Caturday Art Blog Hop

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Belated Happy Gotcha Day For Dalton and #RememberMeThursday

 Yes, I, Dalton  was a former shelter dog, in two shelters! I was found wandering around in Texas, in the Houston area, during/after Hurricane Harvey...picked up and I landed in a shelter there, which was a high kill shelter.😢 But some kind folks from Michigan came and took a large truckload of us pups and cats on a long journey...all the way to Michigan. Once I got there, a nice lady who runs a shelter (ROAR), here in Michigan, took me and several others to her home, as her shelter is home based and many of the rescued furry ones go to foster homes, but I stayed with her.😊

Then one day she loaded me and others into her big van, and we went to a local pet store that partners with several area shelters. Petcretary just happened to be there to get some supplies for (Angel) MrJackFreckles, and she saw me! Wow, she said, you are a handsome cutie! She called pawppy and discussed some things...then she filled out papers...and left! Oh No! But in about an hour she was back, and she brought along MJF, who seemed interested in sniffing me, with his tail wagging all the while,as was mine!

The 'deal' was sealed, so to speak...and though I had to still go back to the ROAR place, in a few days the nice lady took just me and came to this house, with a very tall fence...and the MJF pup was there, too!! OMD!! So this was going to be my new forever home!!

The 27th of September is my actual Gotcha Day, but due to all kinds of excuses, including not having her own computer...well, now we get to celebrate and discuss this #RememberMeThursday stuff! Works for me! WOOF!

My doggy brofur Benji, is also a former shelter dog, he came from Texas, too, but not from where I was...and here in Michigan, he was rescued by a different shelter as well...Humane Society of SW Michigan.

Benji was still a puppy when he came here, so he doesn't carry all the baggage around like I still do. Somehow I have a doggy form of PSTD, and do not know how to shed and dump all that baggage from past abuse I must have suffered, and I don't know how to woof to my pawrents about it either. They love me though, issues and all, and I have been here 6 years, now. Though they do not really know how old I actually am...maybe between seven and nine?? Its my secret!

So thanks to all those who worked to get us where we both are now! Woofs and wiggly wags!!

HERE is a link to MJF's take on this event, from 2017...some of the images are broken in that post, don't worry, its not the link!

HERE is another link fo a Gotcha Day Post

And another

Here are some of my past Gotcha Day cards, as petcretay has limited use of the picture making software on this borrowed computer, and can't download new pics to it either.

Wow, Petcretary, you got the date wrong on most of those, BOL, BOL!!

Happy Gotcha Day to ME!!

Thankful Thursday ~ Thankful For Adoption

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

POTP for Miranda


Miranda from Dash Kitten, was struck/shot with an arrow, and after some very scary moments and a serious surgery, she is home recovering. She really could use a ton of that good POTP from all of us blogging members.

While not the happiest post for Happy Tuesday, we are glad that this horrid event ended well.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Flashbacks From Limbo-Land

Yup...we are in a kind of limbo here...petcretary's laptop is in the computer hospital, for who knows how long...meanwhile she's using a borrowed one, similar to her own, but of course everything on it isn't hers, well, except that which she can access from iCloud.  So it's rather awkward to try and get at the things there to make a post with new stuff. Of course she didn't take any new pics, because they can't be put into her own machine as yet...anypaws...she found some old pics of the Angel furs who were here before we came. Though Dalton did get to meet MJF, and we both knew Pipo for a while.

So here we go:

A pretty butterfly, not sure of  the species.
MrJackFreckles, celebrating one of his many birthdays (He had 15 of them...)

'Cat'  A balloon often seen at the annual balloon festival held in our locale.

Pipo, relaxed, sorry for the bad least his eyes *were* open!

Minko, with a stink eye for the paparazzi, MOL!

A chipmunk, seen on a walk...
None of these pictures made it into any earlier posts, though there were likely similar ones. These are all 'non-edited' as we said, they were gleaned from an obscure folder in the confuser's archives...

We sure hope that next week we'll be up and running properly again.

Speaking of up and running, pawppy was trying to connect his phone to the WiFi on our new generator. He had tried several times with NO success...then when he opened up the cabinet, he realized the installers had not turned it on!! OMD! Well, at least it's turned on now, and ready for action if we need it. Thankfully we did not need it before we turned it on. Sheesh!

Please join up with all the other Sunday Selfies at the Cat On My Head, who faithfully host this bloghop each and every week. Thanks Kitties Blue!

Monday, September 18, 2023

In Loving Memory Of Misty May

Misty May from The Kitties Blue Family at The Cat On My Head has flown off to the Rainbow Bridge, where she was reunited with her beloved brother Mau.

Misty May

Since those two precious angels are now together, we made another memento to depict that...

Mauricio (Mau), and Misty May, reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.

The Kitties Blue are famous for their wonderful blog posts, art, puzzles and above all, their weekly Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Feel free to visit there and leave your kind, comforting words, if you haven't already done so. They will appreciate it.

New Angels are very aww-worthy in our opinion...

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Computer Issues and Flashbacks for Sunday Selfies

Wow, We were abandoned for 887 hours today (Petcretary said 5 1/2), because she has a lot of trouble with her keyboard lately. It makes extra letters or doesn't make them at all...So she went with pawppy to the Apple Store, and was going to see about getting it fixed. Her computer is not new, but not too terribly old either...anyways, they told her it was now out of warranty, and would cost almost 900 dollars plus tax to fix. YIKES! Then they found that her battery was about to fail or even explode. *That* was fixable and would also at the same time render her keyboard issues fixed because in order to fix the battery, the whole thing has to be replaced. Its all one unit. Arghhhhh! But the price for the battery was less than half of the keyboard repair. What?? So we said, go ahead. So we will get a call when they have the battery in stock, and then we have to leave the whole thing there, at the computer hospital, until they call us back to pick it back up. We hope not to be computerless for too long...because trying to do stuff like blogging on the iPhone or iPad is nothing less than aggravatingly hopeless. At least for petcretary. She can comment, but not make posts. 

Anyways, now that its late, we have no new stuff to put in we are going to show off some flashbacks from 2019 about the same time of the year. We were wearing our summertime hats.

 Silly, huh??! Not sure if we'll get new Pirate Day pics, else we will be doing more flashbacks, sheesh!

Petcretary was one of three first commenters at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class.

She was also the first right guesser of the image given to tease all the students, but it was also something she shared with her fellowstudent, Mr Frank. A very rare occurence indeed, to have a shared first Guesser that is correct!
A hopping we will go: To The Kitties Blue!  Click here to join them too! We thank them from the bottom of our doggy hearts for hosting this fun bloghop each and every week!

Additional note:

There is sad news at The Cat On My Head, as sweet, precious Misty May has gone to join her brofur Mau, at the Rainbow Bridge. 

Fly Free, Misty May, you will always be loved and treasured.

(I will be making a memorial image for her as soon as I can...)

Monday, September 4, 2023

In Loving Memory of Ayla


Ayla from Marks Mews has gone to the RB as of this past Saturday night.

Mr Mark is very understandably distraught and sad, since she had been his companion and good friend for 16 years. Its so hard when they have to leave us...

If you have not visited there you may do so with the link provided.

Petcretary has known 'The Mews' for as many years as she has been blogging, since 2014...and Ayla was special to her, too, as she was a meezer just like all the kitties here.

Rest well, sweet Ayla, your precious memories will be forever treasured.

Awww Mondays



Sunday, September 3, 2023

Mostly This and That

 Well, petcretary found plenty of things that kept her from commenting a lot...we haven't forgotten you, but sometimes life means there is only so much time for blogging/visiting...*she* says...sigh...

So we could have used the same title of last week called excuses, BOL!!

Anypaws...the other day she packed us into the van...aka the pup transporter, and we went to see our Dr Ben...a nice dude, even if he is our vet.

He said Dalton had lost a tooth, but all was healed up and no further treatment needed. Wonder how that happened??!

Everything else checked out fine...and we got the needed pokes, and new scripts for our heartworm medicine.

Just when we got to the vet's office place, the sky decided it was time to open the sluice and let the wetness come down on us, sheesh. When we got home it was dry again, go figure!!

You mean we have to get out and get all wet??

I want to stay here and be dry!
The grass grew ten feet high in a few days, or so we heard petcretary she spent hours one afternoon getting it all shaved and short again... least...

We can enjoy the shorter grass for a while...maybe longer since it is going to be hot and dry over this long weekend...and petcretary, while she is off  the Sat & Sunday, has to work on Labor Day, as its her turn to work that problem! Its sort of a non issue as far as doing holiday stuff at our den, BOL! She says it will help to pay for the vet visit and the scripts...what, not more treats??

Petcretary sent in the Teaser image this past week, but it didn't take long for the place to be guessed, LOL!! It was a street scene in Tallinn, Estonia, where our unfurbro-the-elder had been a few weeks ago...
She got this badge for trying to fool everyone...
 Last evening, petcretary met up with some former Catster peeps in a virtual Catvention meeting, (Zoom). It was kind of fun. If you want to join up with this group; that is if you have Catster connections, you might enjoy it as well. Catvention/Dogvention

While scrolling through her Facebook page, petcretary read that one of her former Dogster pals had flown off to the Rainbow bridge, so she made a memento for his family.

Scooter. They don't have a blog, but his Mom has a Facebook page. HERE.

We wish everyone a Happy Labor Day...the  official end of summer! Stay safe and enjoy the day however you spend it!

We are hopping along with many others at The Cat On My Head, who are the faithful weekly hosts of this fun blog hop. Thanks, Kitties Blue!