Sunday, June 25, 2023

Summer! Selfies for The Solstice

Well, a few days ago we passed the Summer Solstice Day, June 21st Solstice...and we sure have it feeling like summer, too. Hot and very dry...way TOO dry in fact. While we could see some rain in our state on the local radar, we only had all of two drips at our place. Everyone is hoping and pawyering for rain to come. Its in the forecast, but only as a 30 - 40% chance. Now if we had a picnic or some important outdoor event planned, it surely would pour, BOL! Our grass is crunchy, since its been burned to a crisp and some of the trees are so stressed they are dropping their leaves.



Last week, petcretary found a deer tick that had decided she tasted good...and it was already buried into her skin...she used the doggy tick remover and went to urgent care to get the prophylactic doxycycline to prevent her from getting sick. Lyme Disease is NO joke. 

Thanks, 'Google'...

Then earlier this week some other bug took a nibble under her shirt. So there is a big red wheal there, and the itch is phenomenal. UGH. She was 'attacked' yesterday on her way to the house after she came home from work and has some big bite marks on her chin...those mosquitoes, and other hungry insects are such pests and annoying to the max. Who puts on insect repellent to be outside for a few minutes to water the plants or walk the length of the sidewalk to go inside...sheesh! Maybe she just needs a beekeeper's protective outfit!! BOL!
 Here is a tip:
Eucalyptus Oil; straight from the bottle; when dabbed on mosquito or other itchy bug bites, helps with reducing the itch...doesn't smell too bad either! Its a tropical remedy petcretary's parents learned about when they lived in the West Indies...

Petcretary was a firstie this past Tuesday at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class...and she guessed correctly but was a wee bit too slow with her hunting skills, LOL!

Here are our summertime selfies, and its art! Petcretary wishes she could have flowers like that in her patio pots, right now there are a few dahlias and some geraniums, and a whole lot of marigolds, they seem to like the hot weather we are having. The wisteria she planted three years ago refuses to bloom, it just puts our a million shoots to expand itself...sigh...

Here are the original selfies we used to make this:


On a sad note, LouLou posted that one of her good friends lost his precious pup, Mya, so we made a memento to honor her.

Mya ~ You can see the post about her HERE.

We are hopping in The Sunday Selfies.Hosted as always by The Kitties Blue at the Cat On My Head. Thanks for hosting, its already week 462!! Wow, that is one huge lot of Sundays!!



  1. Those are lovely selfies. The biting insects are terrible here too. The horse flies are the worst and come up in huge swellings. I always carry an After Bite pen which is basically ammonia in a dab on pen but it does ease the itch and sting and reduces the swelling.
    My wisteria had very few flowers this year. I think it got stressed from last year's hot summer. Well, I have got bad news for it as it looks like this year will be a repeat!

  2. Both of you look so good in your selfies and the art is beautiful sorry to hear about Mya. YIKES on the tick bite and I did not know about the shot one can get. we are doing the drought thing too. we have had 4 days in the past 7 that we got 5 minutes of rain. it has helped but not much. Florida is supposed to have lots of rain during summer, and we have not for years. thanks for the info on the bites, i use amonia on mine, keep a bottle under the kitchen sink. good to know about the bite pin and the eucalyptus oil, . the drought has brought flies and horse flies here which were rare for our area. lack of water changes everything for sure. glad you found that tick bite. this is the time of year Beau and I huddle in the AC in the house... we walk at daybreak to beat the heat.

  3. Beautiful selfies and art, dear furriends. Yes, it's furry hot here, too. We've already had a few brush fires on the hills around Our street, because the grass is so dry.
    Great tip that, about the eucalyptus oil. Mummy has been using it for years. It's also good for headaches if you rub a few drops on your forehead.

  4. Sorry to hear about Petcretary's buggy problems. Our mom seems to be immune to mosquitoes but our dad is a mosquito magnet. You two are so cute in your selfies.

  5. The Hubby had Lyme Disease many years ago; fortunately, he was diagnosed quickly and was on antibiotics right away, but we'll always wonder if there were lingering symptoms, so warning about ticks is IMPORTANT!

  6. Oh yes we know all about ticks here in Scotland too. And thanks for the eucalyptus oil tip.

  7. Nice selfie and lots of good info today especially about the eucalyptus oil. We just saw a recent tip on some lawn plant that you chew and put on bites that is supposed to draw out any poisons. Now Mom is wondering where the heck she saw that!

  8. I always admire your beautiful frames and presentations. They are quite superb (and the models are pretty fun too!). Eucalyptus oil eh? I need to remember that one!!!

  9. Very nice selfies. Your petcretary was wise to get antibiotics for the tick bite. My hubby has has lyme disease 3 times. XO

  10. We are sorry that Petcretary keeps getting bitten on, that's sure no fun. You two sure do look terrific though!

  11. Yes, the hot heat is here. We will pray your mm will have nothing worse than a bite

  12. Fabulous selfies! And your poor petcretary! The mom is going to take her advice and get some of that oil for bug bites.

  13. FIrst we wish to thank you for the lovely memory art for Mya and we have sent it to Jean-Luc! So lovely. And your selfies are a delight, as always. Such sweet doggies. I would be okay hanging out with you two...maybe because I haven't seen any doggy except Mya, haha. But mama says that you two are a delight.

  14. thanks for the tip! we love your summer post, yes that is sum-sum-summertime.... and wednesday da summer sale starts in france .. isn't that weird? LOL

  15. What cute selfies! We are so sorry to hear about Mya.

  16. I wish we could send you some of the thunderstorms and heavy rain we've had here in WNY. We haven't had many problems with bugs so far this summer … yet.
    Rosie and Baby loved your portraits!

  17. Lulu: "The ticks this year have been no joke! Mama and Dada have pulled at least a dozen off me in the last month or two! And so far Dada has caught them crawling on his nose, trying to crawl into his ear, and crawling around in what little hair he has on the back of his neck. Luckily, none of them have gotten attached to him ... yet!"

  18. Precious memorial for Mya. Bless you for bringing a spot of comfort to those who have lost a beloved pet. Trust me, it means the world to them.

    Sorry about the dryness and hot temps. Perhaps a window washing will prompt Nature to open up with some moisture. That or a car wash. Seems to do the trick here.
