Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Selfie Time; and We Are Sleep Deprived From Losing a Whole Hour...Spring Forward...sigh...

Well it was another busy week here...and then on Thursday evening it started to snow...again. When we got up on Friday morning, the snow was about 7 - 8 inches deep...and again it was heavy and very wet. By the time or pawrents got out there too start the cleanup, there was a lot of water under it all. At least there was no ice layer like the last two times. And more snow is forecast for today and Monday. We hope they're wrong!

No pics this time...but the poor snowdrops are buried once again, as well as the tulips which are trying to hard to grow...they must be hoping for spring to come as much as we are!

Anyways, Petcretary is working and the time change means we all are cranky form sleep deprivation. We here wish we could just stay on Standard Time...the way God made the tine to be from the sun going around the earth...

So we're just showing another set of non-snow selfies, they are from a very warm day last October.



  1. Our clocks go forward in 2 weeks. I am not a morning person so will be extra cranky! Your non snow selfies are lovely, and I hope you don't get too much more!

  2. Great October selfies, guys. I'm sure you are wishing it was October again right about now. We prefer Standard time too.

  3. We still have snow on the ground too. It is slowly melting under the sun, but more snow is coming later in the week. I purr Spring comes soon!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. What, not MORE snow!!! Enough is enough, surely! You had best teleport over to Us till the Spring finally arrives in your neck of the Woods!

  5. A selfie is a selfie no matter what time it was taken. You’re always beautiful both of you! We are fussing and fussing this morning about the time change and Bo said he does not like waiting until 730 he has to wait three hours for the daylight to come up because we are early risers. The standard time to me is the real time because on a sundial when the sun hits 12 noon it’s directly up overhead and the shadow we are standing on it. Trust the government to ever do anything we would like them today

  6. Looking epic dudes, and oh no for the snow! We had a little flurry on Purrsday and Friyay but luckily it fluffed right off! MOL

  7. Its always good to see your pics no matter what. We've had the flurry slushy mushiest too with more to come Monday night into Tuesday or Wednesday . . . here's hoping that March lion is ready to take a nap. A local tv weather report said 80% of people in the US want to keep standard time, but meowmie heard a rumor that we're going to keep daylights savings. This was tried some years ago and did not work out so we're hoping that someone got that rumor backwards. Stay warm and well rested--xoxoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. I SO wish the same. Standard time all the time. And for the same reason you mentioned.

  9. We hate the time change and would love Standard all the time.

  10. Spring forward isn't a problem for the kitties here; it's Fall Back that they don't like.

  11. Great selfies! Sorry about all the snow! WE haven't had any at all here this winter (yet...).


  12. Those are cute selfies of you two. We got some of that snow and are expecting more on Tuesday but they aren't sure how much yet.

  13. Nice selfies! We only got about 3-4 inches of snow on Friday and it’s mostly melted now. But we did get a little bit today…and they say more for tomorrow. When will spring get here??

  14. I love the photos! We have no snow whatsoever here in our corner of Virginia, just the daffodils. I guess I'm ready for spring - And if we do happen to get any snow here, it'll be like yours, melted before we know it.

  15. Snow then rain. Same story this side of the Pond. But we are not due to Spring forward for another couple of weeks yet!

  16. we hope the snow will go to nothpole to attract the snakes there.... we got storm and more rain and more storm... we now live with the noises of trashcan bowling ... sigh....

  17. Lulu: "Our Dada is also not a fan of springing forward! Neither is Mama, but at least she took a nap in the middle of the day. Dada insists on staying awake once he's awake."
    Charlee: "I can't even imagine staying awake all day. He must be some kind of masochist."

  18. We feel like we're jet lagged and are convinced a whole lot more than an hour got stolen.

  19. Those poor snowdrops are really taking it on the chin aren't they? I will continue to cheer them on though!!!!

  20. I'll say it again. The two of you are adorable. You really are.

  21. Despite the shortcoming of an hour, that we don't like either btw, you both look just purrfect in yourSelfies, Dalton and Benji😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday to all of you, petcretary too🐾😽💞

  22. DOODZ! hopin ewe iz grate and mom and dad all sew...sneekin round on de free wi fi at cuzin daiz" two day...we iz sew reddy for spring and we noe ewe iz two !!! happee day and week oh end ! !♥♥
