Sunday, September 11, 2022

Intruder/Guest Selfies

A while back we showed you the sunflower 'patch' that had grown up around our bird feeder station. Well, soon afterwards the birds found them and thought it was great to peck out the seeds directly from the flowers instead of the feeders. Fresh food is always better. So petcretary left them alone. But a crafty and ingenuous squirrel found them too...and they made great ladders directly to the bird feeders themselves! So Dalton and Benji chased it  away, the squirrel had to jump from the feeder to the ground, and Dalton nearly had one, BOL!

I stopped eating...because...
I heard that pesky dog come through the doggy door, so I know I will have to selfie from me today!

The next time it happened, the little  dude climbed down the sunflower stalk. This made petcretary laugh, she said its like Jack and the bean stalk around here, LOL!

Wow, a whole feeder to raid!
I shall get started
I'll steal some more...I can feast here!
Wait...I hear troubles...a quick selfie before I vamoose!

 All the squirrel pictures were taken with my phone through a glass window, so they are not the clearest, or the best quality...

So when she found some time, all the stalks were cut down, and the seed heads removed. Those were put on top of the feeders so the birds could still peck them to access the seeds. Eventually they were all pecked out, so now they are on the compost pile. The squirrels did make off with a few of the smaller sunflower heads. You can't win them all. 

Pawppy had a good week, no seizures. He had an MRI which was negative. Still a mystery...keep praying.

Petcretary saw this pretty butterfly stalking around on one of her patio planters. It was using its proboscis  each time it moved, It looked like it was tasting the planter side, or trying to glean some leftover dew or other nourishment? It obliged us with a selfie!

Just to please you, here is an ussie for you to admire or giggle at, Tee-Hee!

We heard of a recent new Kitty Angel; Scrufty from  Rescues and More, so we made a memento in her honor. If anyone has her family's email could you send it to us. We are not sure if her family got the one we sent to an address we found on her page.

Scrufty  You can visit her HERE

 We, along with the whole world mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II.

We don't know the author of this poetry, but a friend sent it to us, we thought it was beautiful.

Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"

I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 

I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 

Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 

I was  given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 

I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 

Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.

Today is Patriot Day; Let us remember and never forget the terrible day of 9-11-2001.

We are blog-hopping in The Sunday Selfies, A fun weekly feature, hosted by The Kitties Blue at the Cat On my Head. Thank you so much, Kitties Blue! We appreciate your work each week.


  1. Those squirrels are always first to find the seeds!
    What a lovely poem for the Queen. What a great reign she had.
    She will be missed.
    Purrs, Julie

  2. What a cheeky squirrel!

    Mummy cried when she read the poem. It truly is the end of an Era.

  3. Those squirrels sure are pesty when it comes to the bird feeders. We love your ussie too. That's a very sweet poem and a great way to send off the Queen.

  4. Lulu: "Squirrel!"
    Java Bean: "Squirrel!"
    Charlee: "BUTTERFLY!!!"

  5. Doggone tree rats! What a poignant poem. The Queen and her Prince certainly had a devoted love for one another.

  6. We used to get a lot of red admirals here but there are a lot less of them the last few years. That squirrel is very cheeky!
    The poem for the Queen is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.

  7. Squirrels are cheeky!
    We will never forget.


  9. Those squirrels can be very pesky.

    They never figured out why our Dad had his seizures either. :(

  10. Squirrels eh? Little imps!!! God Bless her Majesty and guide King Charles III.

    I am glad your dad is doing OK.

  11. That squirrel was determined to get those seeds!

  12. MOL we can picture it, Dalton and Benji. That must have been some great show...MOL...Pawkisses from Heaven to all of you and some Healing Pawkisses for the Pawppy too🙏🐾😽💞

  13. Oh I love the stpry of that rapscallion squirrel but seeing the poem about Her brought tears. I admired her so

  14. I would be going nuts about those skwerrils.

  15. Nothing like some squirrel antics to liven up the day. We especially like the selfie of Red Squirrel--we have gray squirrels here so its fun to see their cousin.
    So many events! the anniversary of 9/11--a day that truly changed our world. Always remember, never forget.
    Thank you for the poem about the queen--what a gracious lady, what a love story!
    Paws in prayer for the pawpy--hope he is getting better.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  16. Oh, how lovely are Elizabeth and Phillip, and how sweet the squirrels with their "beanstalk"...those photos made our morning so delightful, as do those two doggies, especially the one who cuts his eyes around to look at you. Who can resist that look? I'll be he uses that trick for treats, haha.

  17. That comment is not from Anonymous, it's from LOULOU and I don't know how to get my name on it.
    Any ideas?

    1. Nope...blogger is really a pain lately...though even WP has its issues as well...I do have a WP blog, the same as this one, I just C/P it into that one, so WP bloggers can have easier access. There is a link to it in my side bar.
