Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Spoil Your Dog Day! A Word-y Wednesday

Visit these wonderful pups, here.
We, Benji & Dalton are always spoiled, or so the peeps here tell us, BOL!
Life is good for us, considering how our lives started, since we are rescue pups, all the way from Texas...we really don't recall a lot about how we got to Michigan...we heard that kind peeps took us out of the shelters we were in and brought us in big truckloads to various we ended up in our city, but were not in the same shelter/ fact we were rescued in different years, BOL!
I'm so soiled, Benji neverminds when I sit on him...
I love to lay here and watch all the goings on from the top of the steps.

We sure love that we ARE spoiled, yes-siree!

Thanks, Petcretary and Pawppy for loving us and spoiling us, too...well, sometimes!! Can we have those treats, now??? YUM!
Wordless Wednesday



  1. is goooood!!! happy wednesday to all spoilt pups and kitters....

  2. Awwwwww! I am happy that you two got a great home and are happy now.
    You do have a great place :) Be sure to get even more spoiled today ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Like International Cat Day, cats don't need a day; they've got it made in the shade all year 'round!
    Doggos are spoiled every minute of every day of every year, no?

  4. You deserve to be spoiled! We hope you got those treats.

  5. Aw, you two are so cute and spoiling you is what we do. You have good peeps too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around and my best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Lulu: "What's this? First Mama and Dada missed International Cat Day, and now they missed Spoil Your Dog Day???"
    Charlee: "We really need to whip the staff into shape around here, Lulu."

  7. Hey, why did no-one tell my human about this very special day....!

  8. Beau says he loves being spoiled too but he is alone and doesn't have to share the spoiling. We are all for spoiling dogs and cats, shhhh don't say that last word out loud.

  9. You two are so cute and no doubt are spoiled just as you should be. We feel the same way about our life too.

  10. Mommy said all pets should be spoiled. Everyone of them.

  11. I'm so glad you two are spoiled, you sure deserve it!!!

  12. Hi friends, Ojo here! I am a Rescue Dog from Alabama! We were practically neighbors! Also, it is very good you are spoiled. I am too. All Dogs should be spoiled.

  13. You guys are just too adorable. Spoil your dog day...yeah that could easily be set in stone for everyday around the Ranch too. ;)

  14. We didn't find out about this special holiday on time. But you know Chester is extra spoiled every day. We're so glad you pups managed to find your wonderful forever home from so far away, and are enjoying the spoiled life too!

  15. We are so happy for you both and your peeps that you found each other and made a wonderful furmily.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep
