Sunday, August 7, 2022

A Hot Week Again And Selfies, Too.

Well, our week stated out with reasonable temps, and even a good thunderstorm in which we got about a little over an inch of rain. Then we were right back into the dog days of August...aka Dogust! 

The past few days you could cut the air with a knife and the dew in the morning lasted till mid afternoon. In spite of that, Petcretary mowed our yard, on Friday, because here was a bit of a refreshing breeze, and the weekend was going to be even hotter. So Saturday became a lazy day of not doing too much other than needed chores. We are forecast to get more storms today and Monday...we'll see.

We also saw that *she* put a note on the calendar for the 23rd...yikes it says B & D to the vet. Phooey. Maybe we need to take August out of the calendar, it seems we go there about the same time each year. Wait, if we do that, then Dalton won't have a BD, nor will our unfurbro-the-younger. Well, hey, then they'll never get old, BOL!

Didn't see any bunnies this past week, and the lone swallowtail refused to pose! There were a lot of cranes around though, in the field across our street. On the middle of the road on the way to *her* work, and in the various fields along the way.They were too far to catch them with any camera that petcretary has. Here's one from a previous 'catch':

We got bored a I, Benji, found more exciting things to do...

I don't know why this put Petcretary into a frenzy and I heard some HBO words, too...BOL!  When *she* gets annoyed, its not boring...tee-hee!

Maybe these deeds above were he reason I got a bee sting...two actually, one on my paw and one on my face. Thankfully my fur is thick, and after I got some 'apis' both in my mouth and on the stings, I felt better, and there was very little swelling. (Apis is a homeopathic remedy for stings.)

Dalton continues to be a nervous-Nelly...or Willie since he's not a gal! BOL! We keep on with the CBD and other calming remedies, but perhaps when we go to the vet in a couple weeks, we might ask for some other help. Pheromones don't seem to affect him at all, we have tried that, too.

Well here are our selfies for this week:

Our grass is greening up again since we've had some good rains. Now our grass needs mowing again...and it got 'shaved' on Friday.

On another note, Most everyone knows Athena and her mom, Marie. Marie recently lost her brother unexpectedly. It would be nice to go there and comment with your love and sympathy if youu haven't done so already.
You can visit Athena and Marie, Here.

Thanks, Ann from Zoolatry for this beautiful graphic.

We are joining up with all the other selfies, at the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue, at the Cat On My Head.

Thanks for always faithfully hosting this blog hop each week! We love you all, and we love Snday Selfies!


  1. Gee boys! If you two enjoy treats(I know I do) then you better behave and stop trashing stuff!
    Humans tend to like their things to look nice and undamaged ;)
    We have been lucky so far in that the hots are not too sticky hot. That makes it easy to sleep at night :)
    Sad to hear about Marie's brother.
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Oh my on that walpaper ripping and de stuffing stuff! I know a lot of Words that I would have said. It doesn't seem to me that a dog as cute and innocent looking could do that much damage! Your selfie is adorable! You are blessed to have your mama.

  3. Those are great selfies of you two. You sure have been busy but not necessarily in a good way. It's never good to make your mom use HBO words. BOL!

  4. Oh oh OH!
    Da Boyz are slowly tearing the wallpaper from the kitchen walls, and Sweetie gets a fresh piece of tissue paper to tear up every few days.

  5. Boys, you have been getting up to a lot of mischiefs, haven't you (mol)?
    Mummy wants to know, what are "HBO words"?

    1. HBO words are considered the unprintable ones...aka bad language! We think we heard the *Sh...* word!

  6. You are looking very good for such a stressful week--bee stings, vet on the calendar, rumble thunder and the icky stickies. Yes, a dog days of August for sure. July was a dog-a-thon sticky icky too. Maybe you could just call August and July "July" and then the vet and the mom would be confused and not go there (worth trying ...). Love the crane picture, so majestic. Stay cool, xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  7. We have some tropical weather here in WNY lately too. Thankful for AC! Hope you pups can stay cool.

  8. Wow Benji, no wonder you heard the HBO words! Our temperature is going up again after a few days of cooler temperature, but hopefully not as high as before.

  9. Oh dear Benji, I think we might have heard the HBO words here in Scotland...
    Hope all goes well at the vet this week.

  10. Bee stings! Oh no!! Also, I think you should chew up the calendar. Clearly you are good chewers! Also that is a very nice picture of you two!

  11. You did WHAT!!?!?! Oh. My. Cat. YOU are such a monkey (not a pup at all!!!!)

  12. Nice selfies as always. And Benji. What the heck did you do? You need another hobby. MOL! ~Ernie

  13. Obviously, you wanted your mom to stay inside where it is cool and not overwork outside. That is why you made a mess. You had the best of intentions.

  14. Oh my, a mix of weather and naughtiness as well as mishap. As long as all ends well, and you stay safe from the heat. Hopefully, you'll not be doing the redecorating antics again soon!
    Adoreable selfies, and what's this, a gal, a girlfriend? Arent you the dark horse ;)

  15. oh my that looks interesting... like little sheeps... you could play herding dogs that way..... or you can make funny wigs with the stuffing?

    1. Now those for sure were not the thoughts of our petcretary, BOL, BOL!

  16. Well, you have the same weather as we have only it started already in June with roller coaster temperatures ! I always wait until 11 am to get dressed because I never know if it will be real hot, a little hot or cloudy or rainy, the weatherman has difficulties, my Rosie is better, when she washes behind the ears it means it will rain.
    Your selfies are nice but what a mess, no wonder that your secretary got angry !

  17. Easyweimaraner had my mom laughing! I agree completely! SHEEP! Youbwere being creative, is all!

  18. Hee, hee...looks like you're quite the decorator, Benji.

  19. Benji...that was mommy up above who commented...but I came back to say that I can't believe that was YOU who was creative there with um, shall we say decorative chewing?

  20. Java Bean: "Benji! It looks like you had a good time there! If you ever need somebody to come assist you in the festivities, just let me know!"
    Lulu: "You can go, but I'll stay here. At least until it's not thunderstorm season there anymore ..."
