Sunday, August 14, 2022

Flashback Selfies...

Petcretary is working this weekend, so we thought we would give her a break and let her do a flashback...from about this time in 2019.
Another week  has flown by and it’s time to ‘do’ our selfies again...
Pipo got to enjoy lots of sunpuddles this week...hooray!

We, Benji and Dalton did lots of barking, chasing varmints,and digging...we found and exterminated two big fat moles...though petcretary was less than thrilled with the cavernous mess we left behind, BOL!

We even managed to sit still for a double ‘ussie’!

And to not make Angel Minko Miss out on flashback, here is Minko, ca 2014.
And Angel MJF...well flashbacks are good for him, too!
MJF, ca 2016
And now for current news....Our pawppy decided it was finally the right time to take leave of his work and go into retirement! Hooray, he might be home with us a lot more now...and petcretary hopes he will be able to do some of the things on that always infamous 'Honey Do List'!
They were gone for hours this past Friday, as there was a big party for him, even the mayor of our city was there to give his thanks, and blessing on his retirement. He was working there for 42 years!
On Saturday I, Benji didn't want to get up...and I ate my brekkie, while laying down. I didn't even get up to greet my peeps, though I did thump my tail. Petcretary made me get up...and then she watched what I would do...and she saw I was limping and favoring my right front paw....she could not find any swelling, cut, etc,and I didn't really flinch when she ran her hands over she thought maybe I got a bit too crazy with the games I play with Dalton...or maybe he bruised me when we played a rough game of bitey face...which also means bitey everything, BOL!
It will remain my secret...
Anyways she gave me an aspirin, after looking up the dose for a pup of my size, and some CBD as well. Later I was running around outside again...with only the tiniest of limps, but at least I seem to be on the mend. Phew!
It was a good day for lollygagging around anyways, as it rained all the day long! And sometimes poured hard! Blech...though petcretary was glad to get it, not to mention the parched ground. She also said it was a good day to go to her work on a weekend day, as there was no need to grumble about having to work on a beautiful day. BOL!


  1. Well Benji and Dalton, that your pawppy is retiring should be great news, and please pass on congratulations from Gail and me.
    Although, just a word of caution, you must guard against the danger that he will take up some new and time consuming hobby that does NOT involve spending all his time with you. Speaking from experience, I would be very worried if, for example, he starts checking out websites selling bicycles...

  2. Congratulations to your Pawppy on his retirement!
    Those are great flashback selfies, and it is lovely to see Pipo and Minko again, and MJF!

  3. Loved the flashback of the Angels and the good news on the retirement. Enjoy the spare time, all of you😸 So glad that you're on the mend Benji. Will send an Healing Pawkiss anyway and for you all Pawkisses from Heaven🐾😽✨

  4. It's always nice to see the OWCBs! We're very glad that limp wasn't a big problem, and wish your Dad all the best on his retirement.

    Woofs and Purrs,
    Ollie and The Chans

  5. Congrats to the Dad on his retirement!!!
    Purrs the limp will go away an not cause any more problems!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Congratulations to Pawpy and we know about the honey do list, since Bob's list was long, but he retired 22 years ago and the things he did all need to be repeated. I am so glad the aspirin helped and hope it was just achy bones. your selfie/ussie is awesome as always and kisses and hugs to all of you, pets i mean. ha ha

  7. ConCatulations to your Pawppy on his retirement. We loved your flashback selfies. Purrs to Benji

  8. Those are great selfie memories from all of you. Congrats to your pawpy on his retirement. Our pawrents are retired and we love having them with us all day.

  9. Congratulations to your pawppy on his retirement! Now he will have more time to spend with you!

  10. Always nice to see our Angel friends again.
    Now that he doesn't have to clock in or out anymore, you all had better make sure your pawpy stays home ALL DAY!

  11. Concats to your Pawppy on his retirement. Now he will have lots and lots of time to look after you and pamper you!
    We loved all those flashbacks!

  12. I love seeing the Angels! I hope I will see more of the from time to time. Congratulations on your Pawppy and his retirement. You will both enjoy extra time with him while he is home so much!

  13. Hi friends, Ojo here! What great flashback selfies! Hurray for retirement, now you can be waited on hand and foot! Also, speaking of "foot", I hope your foot gets all the way better soon!

  14. Lulu: "Happy retirement to your Pawppy!"
    Charlee: "Now he will have even more time to spend catering to all of you!"
    Java Bean: "Is that what's on a 'Honey Do' list? Taking care of the animals?"
    Chaplin: "What else could there possibly be?"
    Lulu: "We're glad you're feeling better, Benji. We dogs make heavy use of our paws! Unlike cats, who mostly just lounge around."
    Chaplin: "Say that again when I have my claws out ..."

  15. Congratulations to your human on their retirement. We hope you have no lingering walking issues

  16. Isn't Pipo just the best. I miss seeing his sweet cat face.

  17. oooh moles? big&fat? that screams for a BBQ.... come over we have tasty sauces and french fries...

  18. Very cute selfies ! My very first cat was all black and she only brought me luck and happiness for 20 years !
    So your male servant stops to work ! I hope your petcratary doesn't make the same experience as me and all other women too, they do so many things which you haven't asked for that finally they are always in your way and they suddenly give their opinion how to peal potatoes !

  19. Epic selfies guys, it was absolutely smashing to see Minko and Pipo today!

  20. Concatulations on retiring, Pawpy. We know the furs are all in! And wow the mayor came to your party, very special indeed.
    Love the pics -- so good to see the angel furs and your ussies.
    We are still doing the rain dance here, hoping for more than a brief shower. Wag your tails for us getting some of that wonderful rain! xoxox, Bibi & Meep

  21. Congrats to your 'pawppy' (I can wholeheartedly recommend retirement-hope they had a great celebration). Sweet flashbacks of the Angels. We're keeping our paws crossed that Benji's back in the pink. 😍

  22. It was nice to see your angels. Sorry about your sore paw, Benji. I had to work this weekend too. But retirement is coming up soon!
