Sunday, July 31, 2022

Random Guest Selfies!

Today we thought it would be fun to show you some random not doggy selfies...and some are not even of creatures, BOL!

This swallowtail was visiting our marigolds on the patio...this was the only selfie it allowed...

One early evening this balloon was flying overhead...there is a pilot in the basket, so does that count as a selfie?? BOL!

Petcretary planted an onion she wasn't going to use...and after a while this came up!
It grew taller and prettier!

Then all the little buds opened, they look like stars!
A close up - aka an onion selfie, LOL!
Petcretary has no idea what she did with the editing things to render the onion stems to look like this...
When Pawppy & Petcretary joined the unfurbros for a celebration dinner, this bunny obliged with his/her own selfie! (There were pretty gardens around, and this place was inside the city, very close to downtown. Animls seem to adapt well, sometimes.)
Us pups were playing chase and had to stop for a rest and a breather as it was plenty hot! So there you have Ussie!


This past Tuesday, petcretary was super fast once again and was a first commenter at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser.

WOWZER! I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser post of July 26, 2022! Call me FAST and FURIOUS! (Petcretary, Mr Frank, and Sharon)

So petcretary guessed correctly on the Teaser photo of July 26, 2022 BUT she was not the FIRST to guess right….oh well…she got a badge anyway! (And didn't those eggs take a great ussie!!)


You may have already seen these, but but there were some new Angels this week...



We are happy to hop with all of our selfies with the Kitties Blue who host this feature each week.
We love them and they just added two rescued orphan kitties to their furmily! Kudos and congrats to them! And THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

In Memory of Sophie And Collette


Sophie from  MyGbGVLife has gained her Angel Wings. You can visit her family  by clicking on this caption.

Collette from Musings, Meows and Memories has just earned her Angel Wings.To visit, justt click on this caption.

If anyone knows Collette's family's email could they please let me know, I tried to use the one on their blog, but it was stated to be nonexistent.

Wordless Wednesday


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Quiet Week ~ Sunday Selfies

 Well, it has been a rather quiet week here...but we think petcretary likes it that way. Mostly the most hullabaloo was at the bird feeders...lots of quibbling over who gets to eat first, LOL! There are lots of volunteer sunflowers and thistles there, now too...which a lot of birds like, too. So far the squirrels have not been there, else they would have already ruined them all! We have been hot here, around 90 or so, most days, (34C), but we think that must be cool by the reports of some areas on our globe being 40C or more, yikes! We have high humidity too...that make us feel yucky outside and petcretary too...she does her outside chores later in the evening when the heat is less.  

Sunflowers, Yellow Thistles, and yellow 'daisies' not sure of the proper name. THese are all volunteers, planted by the birds dropping the seeds...
Sunflower Selfie with a bee Photo-bomber...LOL!

This sunflower, yet to bloom, is taller than petcretary!

Another Sunny selfie!
We are supposed to get storms here overnight, and the prediction is that Monday will be less humid and pleasant temps. We shall see...if so them *she* will mow the lawn...a daunting job...but she can handle it, if its not too hot. Sometimes she takes about 4 hours to do the most of it, the rest being our wilder woodsy area, which we only mow every once in a while to keep the weeds in check. Somehow, nonetheless, Benji always manages to find the places where there are cling-ons to hitch a ride in his furs. Hardly anything sticks to Dalton. LOL!

Well, here are our selfies and an ussie for this guests to show, LOL!

Sometimes using the zoom lens doesn't give the best results...but we both are smiling so there!

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head. The Kitties Blue host this fun weekly feature. We love you kitties Blue!! Thanks for your faithful rendering of this, each and every week!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Husky Lost Selfie!

 Yup, you read that correctly!

On Friday evening Petcretary went outside to put the trash away, and wow, there was a big dog running loose in front of our house. Of course we right away had to play a through the fence chasing/barking game...and we did other communications the form of pee-mails, so that dog would know he was at our house if he came back, BOL!

Anyways, petcretary ran inside to get a leash, and she actually convinced this dog to come into our 'sally port gate', which is a double gated area to minimize escape artists to get out...made esp for our forbear, MJF...( A  Sally port is  an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.)

Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.

Once in there she realized this dog had no collar on, so she made a slip collar out of the leash and put it on him...and started to walk to a house three doors down...where they have a husky...and we all thought this was their dog, escaped. That dog's owner came out and said, nope, not my dog...he's over there in our yard...OMD! So where did this one come from??

Who knew?? We sure didn't!

 All of a sudden a car pulls up and said, he knew the owners of this dog, so he drove off to tell them...but soon he was back and said they were not home...

So we sat down and waited because that man also said that they were out looking for him.

Meanwhile NoNameHuskyLost was enjoying a snack...and some snuggles. He was wet and muddy...he must have been in our nearby creek, and had also crossed the highway as well, since we now knew that he had come from about 2 miles north of our house. Wow, naughty pup having a gallop through the woods and not over the river but in the creek, and not to grandma's house but to total strangers! BOL! After a long while of chatting with our neighbors and deciding what we should do next, suddenly another car pulled up and said this was HIS dog...and we knew it was not a lie, because NoNameHuskyLost was glad to see him...and the first car came back and confirmed it. NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!

He was so grateful to have his dog back, and he was almost in tears.

And we, Benji & Dalton never got to play with NoNameHuskyLost in OUR yard...phooey

And after all that, petcretary forgot to ask what his name was, BOL, BOL!!

We asked petcretary to beautify the pictures she made, so they could be our guest selfie this week.

NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!

NoNameHuskyLost...and Found!


In other news, Petcretary was one of two firsties at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class...but she wasn't first with her answer...though she confirmed the answer of the first right one.

There were new badges!

We are joining up with all the other selfies at The Cat on My Head. The Kitties Blue are our weekly hosts of this fun feature, and we thank them so much for doing this; already for many years! We love you all!!

Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.
Sally port is means an enclosed entry and exit area used either for vehicular or pedestrian traffic with gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Selfies With Blogville Sadness

 We are once again doing our Sunday Selfies. These pictures are about a month old, when our grass was not brown and crunchy. Though over the past week we've had about 5 inches of total rainfall, as measured in our gauges. We had half a day of drizzle, and several heavy downpours. At least we didn't have severe weather.

A distracted pair trying to make an ussie, BOL!

While this image is only a month old, Benji sure looks very 'puppy-ish' here, must have been the lighting.

Dalton in a rare 'ears up' image...sorry your ear got cut off, they are so tall, BOL!


This past Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser's Class, once again petcretary was first in the classroom, along with three others...kind of a door jam, LOL!

So she got this 'badge', which we know you've seen before, LOL!

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser post of July 5, 2022!!!
Here was the Teaser image, needing to be guessed.

This is Dismals Canyon, in Phil Campbell, Alabama !!   More info?   CLICK HERE

And after some snooping around the interwebs, Petcretary guessed the spot correctly. A Double Firstie, 2 weeks in a row!! So she got this badge as well:
I was a DOUBLE FIRSTIE on the Teaser Post of July 5, 2022! I was one of FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS AND I was also the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER….lucky me! 


As aforementioned, Blogville is sad this weekend, as one of the most loved kitty ladies has earned her Angel Wings, and now lives at the RB. Understandably her family is devastated,, and they miss her so very much. She would have been 20 in November...incidentally her birthday and her Grannie's Birthday are the same as petcretary's BD. Imagine that!

Little Binky. 11-13-2002 ~ 7-07-2022

                                 If you haven't already done so, you can visit her page by clicking on the caption above.


Though we may be sad, we still want to participate in the fun weekly feature as hosted faithfully each week, by the Kitties Blue, from The Cat On My Head. Thanks so much for always hosting!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

In Loving Memory ~ Little Binky


Precious Little Binky has earned her Angel Wings, and now is healed of all her earthly ailments, and rejoices in all the beauty of her new home at the RB.  You can visit her HERE, to leave your comforting words to her family who are deeply grieved by her departure...

We know you are missed so much by your family, and we hope that all the memories you made with them will be cherished forever, deep in the treasure boxes of their hearts.

Till we meet again in the heavenly realms, Little Binky. We loved you on earth and we'll love you forever in Heaven.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

In Memory of Angel

 Angel of A Shutterbug Explores has recently became an Angel,

If you haven't already, you can visit and leave your comforting message(s) at her blog, by clicking on the caption.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Happy Independence Day ~ Selfies ~ A Little Early

 Its almost the Fourth of July...aka Independence Day!

Since petcretary is working this whole holiday weekend long, we won't post tomorrow...but our post today will cover all the patriotic stuff, BOL!

Petcretary spent some time at our local airfield, on Thursday and Friday to watch some of the goings on at The Field of Flight. She did see a Balloon Illume, and some of the military airplanes, but the schedule as posted was incorrect so she missed the featured Thunderbirds...though she sure did hear them! Some of the other balloon events were cancelled due to the winds being too strong...which would have been very dangerous.

So she relied on her memories of seeing them in past years. And the pictures she made were all mostly a disaster. She had only her phone camera, so if she goes next year, she'll take her 'real' one. LOL!

Here are some pics of what was going on, taken from the website they have.

The sunset on June 30th was amazing!

Petcretary got this pic of the Balloon Illume but it really wasn't dark enough when they did it. THere 17 Balloons, but some are 'hiding' in this image.

Petcretary hasn't seen any balloons in the sky...yet...a lot of launches have been cancelled due to wind or weather conditions.

Petcretary was a double firstie at Teddy's Tuesday she got these badges.

I was a DOUBLE WINNER on the Teaser of June 28, 2022. I was a FIRST COMMENTER and I also was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!!! WHOOPEEEEEEE!


We had to make a new angel memento as well...Cleo from Peeballs and Pooplogs flew away to the RB...

When petcretary had just gotten to her work, pawppy sent her a message...
This famous stunt Jet-truck was going down the runway at about 300 miles per hour, racing two airplanes as part of his stunt act...when apparently he 'blew' a tire, lost control and his truck caught fire and exploded...The Driver was killed. How horrible, and pawppy saw it all:(

The rest of the air show was cancelled for the day...these people who do these stunts are highly trained professionals, and yet they DO risk their lives each time they perform. Even all the various airplanes and balloonists.  Rest In Peace, Mr Darnell. We saw you perform this same act many other times...

With somberness we join the Sunday Selfies.