Tuesday, November 30, 2021

POTP For A Friend


We were shocked to hear about a bad accident that happened to the Dad of Bowie and Brinley, and the Grandpa of Kinley, Travis and Angelique.

You can read all about it at Lone Star Cats, and at Kinley Westie. (Just click on the highlighted links.)

We are pawyering hard for Cameron and his whole family as they all feel the effects of the troubles he is having. Cameron, we send our love and POTP and get well wishes to you!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday Selfies After Thanksgiving Time

 We had to wait a day to 'celebrate' as petcretary had to be at her work on the 25th...it was her turn to work a holiday, so we shared her with all her residents. She got a free ham dinner;  (But she did not bring us any doggy bags, sheesh!), no turkeys were harmed so they were very happy, LOL! They can all come out of hiding again...tee hee...we often see wild turkeys roaming in the field across the street and in our neighbor's yards. They really do make those gobbling sounds...

But:  What sounds do limping turkeys make?? Wobble Wobble!!  LOL, LOL!

We are also thankful that the really noisy clunking bobcat has left the premises...and the concrete guys have finished ruining our yard and they laid down a nice smooth new slab for the shed we will soon erect, and then they made our patio bigger, too. Its been raining and even snowing so we don't have any pics of the semi finished work...but here is Bobcat and some of the mess he made. Now you can also see where our new shed will go,  just a small one to hold the snowthrower and the lawnmower.

BobCat, The source of several days of mud and mess!

Right now the concrete is all poured, and we can even stand and run all over it! The mudpies have been smoothed out, new grass seed has been scattered over that, and its all covered with straw. Hopefully in the spring those seeds will make some nice soft grass for us to run on...and other stuff...BOL!

 Here we are in our Thanksgiving Selfies:

Yum, the drumstick is mine!

But??? Where is *my* drumstick??

Hmmm, no drumstick, to worry about here! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! We are thankful for our loving forever home, having been rescue pups with a bleak future....and we love our yummy noms, our big fenced yard, our peeps, and the good care we get from them and our vet too. Actually we love him!! And we love all of our many blogging friends!! You make blogging fun and we can share our good times and our times of need, too. Thank you!

Petcretary had fun this past week at Teddy's Teaser Class...she got in there rather late, (Oopsie), and thought she wasn't going to have time to sleuth the clues to make a guess but she did, and lo, she was the first right commenter! Hooray! This is what she was supposed to hunt the place of:

This is The Untertorbrücke (German: Lower Gate Bridge) is a stone arch bridge that spans the Aare at the easternmost point of the Enge peninsula in the city of Bern, Switzerland, connecting the Mattequartier in the Old City to the Schosshalde neighbourhood. Built in its current form in 1461–89, it is the oldest of Bern's Aare bridges, and was the city's only bridge up until the middle of the 19th century. It is a Swiss heritage site of national significance 

Petcretary got this badge for her efforts:)

Sadly this past week we had to say goodbye to one of our most loved fellow bloggers. In case you have not yet heard about this, We made a blog post here, but here is the memorial card we made in his honor.

We also had to say goodby to Sheeba from Life At Golden Pines


We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfie Blog-hoppers at The Cat On my Head,; The kitties Blue are the weekly hosts of this fun feature! Thanks for hosting! We love you! You can join too, just click on the link under the icon.

Click here to join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

In Loving Memory of Pete Cusack

 In Loving Memory Of Pete Cusack. Friend to all, and beloved Kitty Daddy, Rest in Peace. You will be sorely missed, but you will be lovingly remembered forever.

You can visit his obituary here.

My heart is broken at this sad loss,as so many others will also be grieving. We hope and pray his beloved kitties are well loved and cared for by a new kitty Mom or Dad.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Concrete Work And Snow Raspberries!

 Petcretary worked this past Thursday, and when she got out, there was a nice thick layer of snow on her car. It took a bit to clean it off so she could drive away from there.Then she noticed that the car she had parked beside when she got there was still there and of course covered in snow, too...so she cleaned it up too, cause she knew it belonged to another tired staff member...that lady came out and was surprised that someone would do that for her...well, why not!? Team work isn't just for inside that place:)

The snow was still there  on Friday morning when we got up...phooey.We don't like that cold stuff at all. But at least it soon melted away.

But...we got locked up inside the house, and only were let out on our leashes. That was odd....well, then we saw why. We had a big invasion of our yard, and it was all ruined by a bobcat that had dug bigger holes than I, Benji ever could! There was a whole gang of dudes moving that dirt around, and putting wooden boards around the holes, sheesh, were they going to make walls in them? Later after supper most off the invaders were gone, but the bobcat was still there. At least it did not hiss at us, or try to whap us, like Pipo used to do...BOL! But still we were on those very restrictive leashes and not allowed to run free...not till Saturday...so we had our muddy yard to ourselves again...though now there is a huge extension of our sidewalk of an 10x8 foot concrete slab. Hmmm, and it is surrounded by tons of dirt, and more holes, those are filled with wires, Us pups have no idea why they need to put a piece of fencing flat into a hole, and then shore up the sides of said holes with wood and 2 foot long spikes. (The 'fencing' is metal reinforcement...) Our nice piece of grass where we would run out to in a hurry...to do doggy business...is also nothing but a big muddy hole with more fence in it. Sheesh, pawppy what is going on?? And what on earth is on our front porch now...we saw petcretary move stuff (The shed pieces), out of a huge box and take it over there...it doesn't smell very interesting though, so we have ignored it, BOL!

Apparently our peeps want to extend the patio and they needed a slab to put up a shed, the parts of which are now waiting for the concrete to harden enough to support it. And those big holes will soon become the new patio extension, because the invaders did not get finished...they are coming back tomorrow, (Monday), if the weather allows it...Oh Phooey, that means another day or two of confinement and leash only trips for doggy business...Petcretary says, just deal with it! We say Pffffbbbbttthhhh and gave her some raspberries! BOL!

A BIG raspberry! The sunshine we had sure was bright, and it didn't help with the picture either...

 I gave one of those raspberries, too, but at least I am a bit more polite about it, BOL!

This past Tuesday, petcretary was a 'firstie', (Along with one other 'student' who was quick),  at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, and another 'student' had some clues to offer, so she capitalized on those and found the answer quickly enough to be the first right guesser as well! Whoot, a double win!

This is the badge she got for being a 'firstie' at class...

This was the place she had to guess...its Sarek National Park in Lapland, Sweden.

Here is her badge for the double win...looks like us when we get all excited, BOL!!

We had to say our sad goodbyes to a very well known pup this past week, he even was the mayor of Blogville at one time...(Our previous post was in his honor.)

We are joining up with the Kitties Blue, who are the faithful weekly hosts of The Sunday Selfies Blog-Hop...we love this fun feature, and we thank them for keeping this going for such a long time already!

You can join, too, just click on the link below the badge with their logo on it.

Sunday Selfies At The Kitties Blue

Monday, November 15, 2021

In Loving Memory of Arty

Arty of The LLB Gang, as gone to live at the RB. We sure hope there are tons of beaches for him to enjoy when he gets a chance to explore all that RB-Land has to offer...

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Mid November Sunday Selfies

 Well, what a week we had! Busy stuff, sad stuff and happy stuff, too.

Petcretary came home to this a few days ago...

We want petcretary to order things for us, not clothes and vitamins...BOL!

 Did she get the message?? Hmmm...she just sighed and threw it all in the trash.

On Tuesday at Teaser Class, Petcretary was one of two firsties in the door, but though she had the right answer, she was not first with her guess...well, someone else has to get a chance now and then, LOL!

Wednesday, we confirmed a tree company to come and take down our nasty walnut tree...It got angry at us for those thoughts and dumped more walnuts on us, and several huge branches. Yup, it got windy again. Hopefully it will be done before winter sets in, the tree peeps seem all very busy.

Thursday was Veterans Day, here, but petcretary still prefers to call it Remembrance Day, since she is Canadian. 

And she learned something very new, but very sad, too...
This a cousin of petcretary's Dad. His Name is Derk Wierenga Here is the story she heard from her own cousin about Derk. 

Derk Wierenga. Derk was a member of the "Dutch Underground" during the second world war. He risked his life by helping Jewish families take refuge in north Holland, he also helped many others (including my father) who were fleeing from the Nazi regime. Derk became a leader in the Dutch resistance and on Oct 7, 1943 he was captured and sent to prison. On May 20, 1944 he was executed by the German Army, he was 22 years old. After the war Dirk was laid to rest in a Dutch War Grave Cemetery in Westernieland, his memorial reads: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith." "They shall not grow old, we will remember them"

(Derk was engaged to be married at the time of his arrest...so sad. Thank you Derk. )

Also, Thursday was Poetry Day at Teddy's blog...Always something fun going on there, you know!?!

Anyways, the photo prompt was a very cold snowy picture...Brrr, so petcretary submitted a poem she wrote WAY back in 1973! 

(Cold and snow do not age...they just keep coming back year after year...one year she got to make a big snowman on her birthday...and there was an ice storm on another BD...One year when she was having a party, with her Mom, just when everyone had left there was fireworks to the south of us....so much so that the earth was shaking and the above ground wires were swinging...like an earthquake...only it wasn't an earthquake, nor part of their celebration...t was a huge explosion of train cars filled with propane tanks...YIKES! It was about 20 miles from our house...very powerful and dangerous...thankfully after everyone had been evacuated I don't exactly recall, but there were no fatalities. No traffic, cause it was so late at night...)


Snow is gently falling,
Snow is softly piling.
It falls; makes no sound,
While covering the ground.

Snow – like the tide
Covers and will hide-
The earth; there wet, here cold-
All things in its icy hold.

Snow caps the bushes,
While rustling grass hushes.
As it piles up so high,
After falling from the sky.

Snow is like a quilt,
Every space is filled.
Nothing is left bare,
All is covered – everywhere.

Snow is falling gently,
Snow is piling softly.
Only the wind is noisy.
But we here – are cozy!

IR 12/1973

It snowed here Saturday Morning, and more is expected toady...oh dear, we don't like that cold stuff on our paws... At least it melts pretty quickly since the daytime temps are not below freezing...yet...

We had to yet again, say goodbye to some feline friends,

.Junon, a friend's cat of our blogging friends at The Poupounette earned his wings...


 And beloved Tuna Of Moon, aka The Big Katoona, of 'The Tabbies'; also left his family in the midst of deep grief.

Tuna of Moon, from The Tabbies O'Trout Towne

My, My! But wait! There's more!!

Petcretary had her birthday, on the 13th...Oh, my she is SO ancient now...and we thank you for all the good wishes sent her way. You can see them all in the previous blog post...

Our unfurbros came over and provided the celebratory meal for her:)   But we were not given any...something about too much not good for pups stuff...but we dd get our bowls full of the other good noms we usually eat, and a nice chewy afterwards. And Happy Day...our Wolverine team from U of M won!!

As as an afterthought...OK, not an afterthought....here is another ussie from when the weather was still nice in Mid October...

Here is a funny joke:

Who's the  Super-hero  Plumber who just fixed your watery issues?

Flush Gordan!!

We are thankful to be able to join up with the Kitties Blue at The Cat On my Head for The Sunday Selfies...a regular and well loved feature they host every week. Thanks, Kitties Blue; we love all of you!

Join up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Its a lot of good fun!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Happy Birthday, Petcretary!

 Today our petcretary celebrates another year...and an even bigger number than the last time! BOL! She almost has lost count of how many times she has circled the sun...

And you know what's neat?? She shares this day with some other well known bloggers; namely, Donna, who is Brinley's Momma, (And Kinley's Grandma!), (Or you can find her here as well or even here...), and Granny, of Angel Whisper Blog...and her Little Binky as well!

She used to share this day with her own Mom as well...but now she cannot, since her Mom went to heaven many years ago. She also shared it with her (childhood) dentist, Hah! And a co-worker at the nursing home. Wow, a popular day!

Anypaws, we decided to make her a card, since we love her, she takes good care of us, and makes sure we stay healthy and she gives us lots of love, too:)

We LOVE you, Petcretary...Woofs, Wags and Wiggles from us, your rescue pups!

Later today, our unfurbros will arrive, and they are going to make dinner for Petcretary and Pawppy...of course they will enjoy some of it too...and us?? We are sure hopeful that we'll get somew delectable tidbits too!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Peace, Poetry, Selfies and Other Stuff!

 Yup, its been a busy week here. But that is OK, it keeps all of us out of mischief and monkey business to be busy!

Firstly November 4, was World Peace Day, so we made a 'peace globe' for Mimi Lennox's yearly blog for peace. Sorry we are late with it, Mimi...

Petcretary got her booster shot for Covid, the third one...she is ancient so she was eligible and also due to the nature of her work in a care facility, that further qualified her to get that third dose. But...OUCH! Her arm has an angry red area on it, and it is sore to the max. In bed its hard for her to find a comfy way to have her arm...hopefully that will not last, its been since Wednesday evening...

She tries to ignore it and do her normal work and chores around here...but the biggest chore was hard, she raked up all the leaves and walnuts...there were 16 piles to transfer into the yard cart and bring to the back wood pile...if you thought the pics you saw last week were huge, right now its like a small mountain!

We got a couple of estimates to get rid of the offending tree...yikes, that is expensive!! But likely cheaper and easier than having to repair the house if that tree decided to fall on it.

Petcretary was not a 'firstie' at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday this week, but she was the First Right Guesser!!

This is Goreme Town in Cappadocia, Turkey. A Biblical city and very ancient indeed. Apostle Paul went there on one of his missionary journeys. There are lots of caves that used to server as dwellings for peeps trying to hide from their enemies.
Oh me, oh my, how lucky am I! I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of 11-2-2021 !!!

 On Thursday at Teddy's blog once again, it was poetry day, we had to provide our own picture and use that for the poetry inspiration.

So here is a poem to go with Winnie The Poo's Blustery Day image...petcretary composed this originally when she was still a schoolgirl, so she revised it a wee bit...funny how maturity of years can make you want to adjust things, due to a need to make it 'work better'.

The Blustery Day

I hear the wind howl,
Stripping off the leaves;
I feel the wind blowing,
Even into my sleeves!

I see the clouds flow,
And they dance along.
The wind makes them fly,
As it screeches its song.

I see the trees bend,
Fighting ‘gainst the gale.
I feel the wind push,
Determined to assail.

I feel the wind’s bite,
It chills me right through.
I hope this storm stops.
So that calm can renew!

I hear the wind sigh more softly
No more does it roar…
Gone all the roughness,’
All is peaceful once more.

IR 11/4/2021

Don't forget to turn the clocks back! We are going to be back on Standard Time for a few months now...till March!


Can we all purr, have paws together for pawyers and send lots of POTP to Beau, he has major issues with his mobility...

Beau's Bad News

And SheriEllen who is  BellaDharma's Mom...aka BellaSita...really needs our prayers at this time.

POTP for BellaSita/LadyMew

We sadly also had to say goodby to another precious kitty a few days ago...Mr Jinx of ManxMNews 

Mr Jinx

 Sadly,  Sasha from Kitty Korner, also became an Angel Kitty. We ourselves did not know him so we are posting a memorial image from the POTP Blog...

So now its time for our selfie! Phew that was a long post!!

We cropped the original, and then we cut ourselves out for the peace image at the beginning of this post...and here below as well.

We've joined with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks Kitties Blue for being the fine hosts!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Mr Jinx ~ In Loving Memory

Mr Jinx

 Mr Jinx has gone to meet his angelic furblings and now is free of all his earthly burdens. Run free, and fly well, Mr Jinx. May all who knew you keep you close in their hearts forever. You can visit here.