Tuesday, March 2, 2021

In Memory of Spitty The Kitty


Spitty The Kitty has flown to the RB. His blog is here.


  1. That is a lovely graphic you have made for Spitty.

  2. We are very sad about Spitty. XO

  3. So very sad you had to say goodbye to your kitty. I'm sorry.

    1. Well, thanks...but Spitty was not our kitty, he was from here:

      The live link is under the picture or you and copy/paste the address just above in this comment to find his blog.

      Thanks for visiting:)

  4. a part of our blogging wórld is missed... ;o(

  5. What a lovely graphic of Spitty! Mary will love it! Ingrid, you are a wonderful person!

  6. Oh! It's just purrfect! I love it. You picked a great picture of him, looking so noble and kingly and all (he had a very high opinion of himself!) and I thank you SO much for putting this all together! And I'm so glad you left that comment because I had not seen your email--I will have to go check to see if it went to spam by mistake. I and so grateful for your kindness. I miss him every minute but the support I have felt from the blog world is amazing and has been a huge comfort. He was a wonderful kitty who had a pretty great and long life here and I have to remember that. Again, thanks sooo much XOXOXO from the Human

    1. You are very welcome. Sending a ton of big hugs.
      ((((( ♥ )))))
