Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Selfies ~ A Look Back

 We are giving petcretary a break and taking a wee look back...

Dalton's First Easter with us.

Benji had his first Easter a couple years later...

Then they shared an Easter Hat portrait!

Hopefully nest week we will have new and fresh Easter images to share with all of our furends!

We helped Cinnamon from Cats-atrophic Events celbrate her 10th birthday!

So she sent us this badge as her 'pawrty favor':

We were at Teddy'sTeaser Day, too...and there were several who got there in the first minute after it went 'live'...and then something specail happened!

There were Three Right Guessers! Wow! the first two had the right info, but had left out some details...but petcretary came in a wee, a very wee bit later and had all the right we all were awarded the coveted first right guesser badge!

Here is the first right guesser badge, as shared by the three of us; including The Weimie Twins and their Mama, and Timmy and his Dad:

In case you are interested in the picture of what we had to hunt for, here it is:

Where is this?   It is inside the Niaca Mines in Chihuahua, Mexico.   Those THINGS are selenite crystals – the largest in the world.    In fact this is known as the “Cave of Crystals”.  


We had to make a memorial card for a good friend of Chester from The Daily Bone. He didn't have a blog, so we sent it to Chester's GW, and she passed it along. Thank you.

                                                             We are thankful to be in the Sunday Selfies Blog hop!

This weekly feature is hosted faithfully each Sunday by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head. Thanks! We love you all!!


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Springtime!!

We are in one of petcretary's favorite times of the year, the other being early autumn...Spring Equinox arrived officially on March 20th, but the traditional time is today. Who cares, it IS spring! LOL!

We even had springlike weather, today, and more the next couple of days...ahhh...will it last?? Well, we live in Michigan so who knows! We have had tons of snow in both March and lets just enjoy what we have at this time!!  When summer comes, we will be grumbling about the heat, so these nice days are very welcome!

There sure are signs of prettiness and renewed life...hooray for Springtime! Soon all the blossoms will be gorgeous, we hope our Weeping Cherry tree will once again put on a show for us to wonder at and admire. The buds are till all tight...

Petcretary was the one and only first commenter in the doorway this past Tuesday, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser...and while she did manage to find out where the location was...Ireland, of course as it WAS st Patrick's Day... she wasn't first with her answer...oh well, its a fun 'contest' each week!

She got this badge:

She got this badge too, for being correct, though not first:



Petcretary noticed that Josie from 'I Have Three Cats' left recently for the RB, so we helped her make yet another memorial card in her honor.

Josie. aka Miss von Chubs

As usual we are joined up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue. We sure love this weekly feature and we thank Miss Janet and her kitties for hosting the hop each week, so faithfully. We love you all!!

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St Patrick's Day ~ Wordless Wednesday

Join the Blog Hop!


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pre St Patrick's Day Sunday-Selfies

 Yup, we are a wee bit early with St Paddy's Day...but actually we think its better to be a wee bit ahead of schedule, than to late. We don't like being the cow's tail, BOL!

We have had some really tantalizing spring weather and all our snow is gone, even where it had been piled high!

But not to get our hopes up too much, cause the temps are supposed to cool off and we might even have more snow. Sheesh. Winter likes to do battle with spring and they fight it out to the bitter end, LOL! The fights must have been terrible, cause the past couple of days have been VERY windy! We have a wind mobile in our yard, and petcretary thought it was going to fly away! 

We are yawning a lot today...petcretary, too...the clock had an hour stolen from them, hence everyone had an hour of much needed sleep stolen as well! Its a crime we say; a crime! The coffee pot is working overtime today, LOL!


So you all know that everyone is Irish on March 17th, right?? Well, apparently that means us, too.... 

I needed to be that no one will embarrass me with questions about my (Irish) heritage...

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Petcretary was up early this past Tuesday, and was jamming the doorway to Teddy' Blog, and she burst through along with four others...what a tight squeeze that was, but it was worth it, LOL!!

She got the early bird badge...but this Teaser was very hard, in fact it was a doozy and stumped everyone. Petcretary spent way too much time trying to sleuth the mystery picture, she virtually traveled all over the globe! Then she landed at the bottom of the globe in New Zealand...and she thought she had found she posted her guess...then later she changed her answer...but neither was correct! Sheesh! She should not have done that...nevertheless, at the Tell All, she found out she had been almost there in her first guess, the spot in NZ.

So 'Professor Teddy' gave her a close but no cigar badge! LOL!!

Here is the picture we were all trying hard to figure out:

Milford Sound in New Zealand


We were very saddened to hear about Genji, From The Poupounette, having to become an Angel Kitty. He struggled with health issues for quite a long while, but its so sad when they have to say goodbye, till we meet again. His family is heart broken and missing him terribly.
We made a memorial card in his honor. 

We are joined up to the Sunday Selfie Hop at The Kitties Blue. Thanks all of you for faithfully hosting, each week!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

In Loving Memory of Genji

 Genji from The Poupounette  Has flown to the Realms of Kitty Angels.


You are loved and treasured forever, Angel Genji.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Its Time For Sunday Selfies!

We have been having a lot of fun in our yard, the snow is melting, its almost all gone, except where it was piled up...and there is thick ice still in some areas...So...we can run all over the yard again...and there is lots of mud to splatter about...and Benji has discovered that its good digging again; when the ground is hard with frost, he can't dig...but now he has resumed his 'hobby'...sigh...

And we have squirrels to chase! And peeps to bark at when they find the nice weather is great for going on walks...of course that means they are trespassing, since if we can see them that is what they are doing...BOL! Sometimes we run the birds off, too...we haven't seen any rabbits or other small critters...yet. (The bunnies must be at Bunny School, getting ready for their Easter work.)

The other late afternoon, Benji was going Petcretary went out to check what the issue was, and there were several deer in the neighbor's yard! They didn't even run off when he was running up and down the fence line...they must realize the fence is keeping them safe from him...of course since she doesn't have a smart phone, and the camera was inside, there are no pics of the deer...

 The last time that petcretary  was at her work, she walked into a room and heard a loud Meow! What?? Yup, the lady in there had just gotten a kitty of her own, motion activated and touch activated. It moves, purrs and has a few different mews. How sweet is that! Later the whole activities crew came through and they brought in more kitties and doggies, too. The dogs are the same as the kitties, but they bark, well of  course! We had a lot of smiling residents. And all the kitties and pups were in bed with their new peeps keeping them company:)                                                                                                                                 It was such an Aww time!

Here are our selfies for this week:

Benji,. a little 'washed out' in a nice sunpuddle.

Dalton decided to jump up on Petcretary's lap, and then he just had to see what she was doing on the computer! Hey That is a pic of ME!

Petcretary was quick on the ball, this past Tuesday; she was one of two first commenters at The Tuesday Teaser...and then she even managed to guess the right answer for the location of said teaser image. 

Whoo-hoo! A double firstie!

She got these badges:

Wonder if she will ever do that again, LOL!

~~~~~  ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~

All of Blogville was saddened this past week, when we heard that the one and only Spitty had become an Angel Kitty. 

So while you may have already seen the post we did for him, here he is once again, in the memorial card we sent to his Mom. You can visit Spitty's blog here.

We are joining the Kitties Blue, at The Cat On My Head, for the weekly Sunday Selfies! Each week, they faithfully produce this blog hop for us to enjoy and have fun with. Thanks so much, we truly appreciate you very much. This week, they also have a tribute for Spitty.

We hopping along with The Kitties Blue and many others.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

In Purrsuit of Flavors ~ One Pot Dinner ~ Boerenkool Stamppot Met Rookworst



Thanks google for this yummy picture!

Boerenkool is a traditional Dutch recipe, basically, mashed potatoes and kale.
Rookworst is smoked sausage.
Literally translated it means farmers cabbage hash.
It is a stick to your ribs dinner, and it IS delicious!! My Mother made this often. The 'cheat method' uses canned kale, but it looses some of the fresh appeal that way...

Three pounds of potatoes, Yukon gold is a good choice.
I large cooking onion, chopped.
I bay leaf (I don’t know if my mother used that or not, I think she did NOT…)
One pound Curly Kale, though any kind is good, just not too ‘mature’.
1 tsp sea salt
1 pinch pepper
One pound smoked sausage (can sub in kielbasa or any ‘rope’ sausage you like).
1/2 cup milk
2 Tbs butter
Gravy, optional. (Use your own fave recipe...)
Dutch 'Mostert', also optional.

* Peel and dice potatoes and onion.

* Clean, trim and slice kale.

* Add the potatoes, onion, kale, a bay leaf, a pinch of salt and just enough water to cover all in a very large pot.
* A variation, but a bit more work, would be to sauté the onions separately and add them back in when you are mashing the potatoes and the kale together.

* Cover and boil gently for about 25 minutes.

* Meanwhile steam or grill the smoked sausage until done then slice into bite size pieces.

* Remove the bay leaf, drain the vegetables, and mash them.
 (I don't throw away that water, its full of vitamins!)
* Add milk and butter and mix well.

* Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

* Place sliced sausage on top, or mix in as desired…or leave it just cut into serving sized chunks. Four would be good.

* Serve, and pour gravy (That's the sauce part...LOL!), over all, if you wish. You might enjoy some Dutch mustard alongside, too.

This is not a diet food, but it is very yummy and hits the spot on a cold day. Enjoy!! 

We are with Da Phenny and Da Nelly...and also Tyebe and Shoko