Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Selfie Time!

 Oh, MY! Petcretary finally figured out why she was having so much trouble getting her pics...she couldn't find them at all, and she had to go all through hoops and other took hours. But she fixed it...she hopes!

So between her work, shores and other time consuming not kitty or doggy things...well, you know! 

We had lots of attentions on Saturday, though...the unfurbros came over to help with garden chores and to have dinner. That was nice for all of us!

I am spying on those hooligan pups...*she* says it made for a nice semi-selfie!

During the past week, Dalton got this nice Gotcha Day card from some old Dogster friends!

Then...*she* found this card...for his birthday back in August!

And this one too!!! This one came from Marv and his furmily. Thanks again!


Petcretary was early and got a first commenter badge again this week, but she was not first with right answer...she was second...oh well...LOL!

We are joined up with the Sunday Selfies; You can too!! Just click here! Thanks kitties Blue for your faithful hosting of this fun hop each week! We love it and we love all of you!


  1. Mom loses photos all the time. Great selfies!
    The Florida Furkids

  2. Pipo, that is a pawsome picture of you!!
    You woofies are looking great as well.
    I like the cards!!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Those are precious photos, everyone is so cute!

  4. You all look great in your selfies today. Have a great week.

  5. Cuties!
    NOT kitty or doggie-related...she should know these things are most impawtant!

  6. Great selfies but we think Pipo keeping his peepers on the pups is great. We are cats after all. Those cards are like prezzies that fall under the couch. Fun when you find them Hee Hee

  7. I hope you got some good yum yum treats for your birthday, Dalton, and maybe a few new squeaky toys too. Hooray!

  8. Wow, you all take the best selfies! We’re glad you had a good birthday, Dalton.

  9. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY (belated) BURTHDAY DALTON!!! I hopes you had lots of yummy foodables, and lots of squeaky toys!!! I wish I could get up in a cat tree.....
    Ruby ♥

  10. that are super sweet cards... and it is never too late to celebrate, right? maybe with some extra treats for finding the cards back?

  11. Great selfies of you guys this week!

  12. Those are excellent selfies of all you! And it looks like Dalton had a great celebration!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama, Genji and Ollie

  13. dood....dawgz iz all way hoo lee ganz !!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺ sorree benji and dalton, just sayin !! all yur selfeez rock thiz week and what an awesum set oh cardz ewe getted dalton !! N tell any one that mite rememburr uz frum de "ster" dayz we said HI !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  14. Up high on a tree is the best place to observe and supervise the doggy kind, isn't it, Pipo? I do the same at my household. Winks.

  15. I am glad Petcretary found her photos again. I am late visiting because I spent the weekend in hospital on a drip. (More repeated gallstones attacks.) And still I wait for the emergency operation to remove my diseased gall bladder!

    1. Oh, dear! Hope you won't be feeling too awful until you can get that all 'fixed'. I had that surgery way back in 1996...have not had issues of that ilk since...(but plenty of others,MOL!).

      POTP to you!!

  16. That's a great picture of you, Pipo and some beautiful Selfies of your doggie brothers too and we like the Brithday cards. We can't remember if we were here on your Birthday, Dalton, but in case we weren't here comes a Big Happy Birthday Pawkiss just for you my furriend and for you all Pawkisses for a wonderful Thursday🐾😽💞

  17. For my Momma, losing photos is right up there with losing a fur kid, so I'm very glad yoor Petcretary found them. And Happy Birthday to Pipo. You are all such beautiful fur kids. I'm happy to know you all. Purrs, Dori

  18. What a lovely cutie!Hope you have a happy weekend!
