Sunday, October 25, 2020

Spooky Selfies ~ Sort Of!

Well this is the last Sunday Selfie time before Halloween, so we are going  to show you some not terribly spooky selfies to mark the 'season'.

Maybe next week, we'll show you some others...who knows!


Pipo was not wanting to put on more than a collar, so he got to sit in  the treat bowl, however there were no treats human or feline lining it, MOL!

The hooligans Dalton & Benji did not wear costumes either...rather they got to sit among 'props'. Those pumpkin head dudes, scary, at least to Dalton...but then he is scared of just about anything...oh well, after the pics were taken evfurryone was allowed to run free and naked once again. Well, except for their collars!

10 days till pawppy has his spinal fusion least he did not fall this week, Phew!


The Sunday Selfies is a weekly feature, hosted faithfully each week by the Kitties Blue, at the Cat On My Head. We appreciate them for keeping this fun blog-hop going for many years already!!  If you click on the link below, you can join in with your own selfie(s)!

We are hopping along with all the others in the Sunday Selfies.



  1. Those are very spooky Selfies, Pipo, Dalton and Benji...but o, so sweet👻😺Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to you all and some Healing Pawkisses for your pawppy🐾😽💞

  2. Those are lovely selfies. Sending good wishes foe Pawppy.

  3. What wonderfully silly, festive photographs!

  4. They are all lovely photos although, as you point out, not terribly spooky!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama, Genji and Ollie

  5. Sweet festive selfies.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. We love all your selfies. Our paws are crossed for your pawppy and we hope he continues to stay upright.

  7. Wow! You pups sure have some great squeaky toys! We hope your pawppy does well with his upcoming surgery. Sending lots of POTP.

  8. The pictures are not scary, but oh! so adorable!

    Sending POTP for your Pawppy.

  9. Those are the sweetest spooky selfies gang!

  10. I think you all are looking very festive today!

  11. Very cute Halloween pictures ! I think my Rosie would run away ! It's even difficult to convince her to wear a collar ! You are all really brave !

  12. Wow they loo splendid! LOVE how they are so nicely posed!!!

  13. Good think you didn't have to dress up Pipo ;)
    The woofies do look kinda cute though :)
    Purrs, Julie

  14. Those are some terrific Halloween selfies!

  15. Oh, nows those are some pawsome selfies my furiends!!!! Collars are much better than the stuffs Ma always puts on my head ☺ Maybe she will convert to the collar costumes instead! paws crossed!
    Oh, I will keeps my paws crossed for pawppy ~ so sorry he is havin' such troubles. I am sure the surgicals will make him feel lots betters
    Ruby ♥

  16. that are super selfies! we decided to go as da nekked weimaraners this year LOL

  17. Lucy: don't feel bad, Dalton. I would be scared too.
    Xena: I'm like you, Benji. Put me anywhere as long as you take my picture!

  18. We really love all your selfies. Pipo you really do Halloween right my friend!

  19. doodz we think ewe all lookz soooper grate !!! treez bee still green two sew thatz all wayz a nice thing !!! we send lotz oh prayerz ta pawppy, and ta petcretarry az we noe thiz izza strezz full time ♥♥♥♥♥

  20. Halloween is such a human activity; why do cats and dogs have to join in...unless they get some treats!
    Good luck to pawppy!

  21. Yoor pawppy is in my pawprayers for his surgery. Yoo all look so very special in yoor Halloween outfits. Hugs to all! Dori

  22. Excellent pics for the holidays....Halloween holidays. Everyone looks in the spirit.


  23. Mom and I can never get enough of All Hallows Eve props and things. Those props look even more festive with you modeling beside them. Purr purr purr.
