Monday, September 28, 2020

Happy Third Gotcha Day, Dalton!! (A Sunday Selfie on Monday...)

Today is Dalton's Third Gotcha Day, he came to our furmily on this date in 2017, a rescue from Texas at the time of Hurricane Harvey. He was about a year old then...he has come a long way since the scared wee pup that he was...though he still has issues, we have not given up, he is a fun pup and has learned some 'tricks' and other things, which all combined have made him less fearful and a lot more self confidant.

So we celebrate Dalton today.and we will join the Sunday Selfies at the same time, even though we are here on a Monday, BOL!

We will all try to be here again next time...

Petcretary was a first commenter last Tuesday at Two Spoiled Cats, so she got this badge:

Petcretary was a first commenter last Tuesday at Two Spoiled Cats, so she got this badge; However,
no one was able to guess the teaser image, which the Tabbies O'Trout Towne had sent in...that is hard to do, stump all of us, Hah!

Could you also think of Rumpy from Timmy Tomcat's furmily? And add your purrs, pawyers and POTP...his asthma is worse and he is having a hard time with it.

Dalton is showing off his woofie selfie at the Kittie's Blue Selfie Sunday Blog Hop! We appreciate then for hosting this fun weekly feature for over 6 years! Wow! Thanks so much!You can join too, just click here in this link. (Or at the bottom of the post  where there is a different link-up.


  1. DOOD !!!! a MOST happee gotcha day two ewe ....we hope ya get ta roll in dirt, chase squirrel, eat sum steak, cauz trubll, N JOY yur day & heerz two a yer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ♥♥♥☺☺☺ momz card her maded for ewe iz awesum !!!

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton! You sure landed in the perfect home for you.

  3. Happy Gotcha Day to you Dalton! Hope you got lots of yum yum treats and squeaky toys!

  4. happy gotcha day dear dalton!!! you came with a hurricane? and we bet you won the hearts of your people as fast as a hurricane too ;O)

  5. Happy gotcha day #3 Dalton. Learning to do new things does give one's confidence a boost. I love learning new stuff. XOX Xena a fellow terrier
