Sunday, October 18, 2020


Yes, we are early with our Tocktober Tocks...but we don't post on here we are a wee bit early, OK?? Righto, OK!

First a rare glimpse of Angel Minko and Pipo showing off their tocks together!

Double Tocks!!


While these are not truly selfies, we are posting them in the weekly Sunday Selfies, a fun blog hop hosted each week by The Kitties Blue. They do this faithfully each week and we appreciate it so much and all the hard work they do to get it up and running each and every week. Wow! Thanks so much:)

See all the selfies by clicking here.


Meanwhile...pawppy continues to do battle with the issue of his spine, with pain, tingling and numbness  in his lower back and leg...he needs a cane to get around, and sometimes his leg just gives out underneath him...he did fall the other night. Yikes,. that was scary.

He has had xrays, MRI and soon a CAT scan...hey, I , Pipo,, could have done that! MOL!

And he saw a specialist in spinal issues...who felt the trouble was so bad with nerve entrapment, and arthritic vertebrae, that he felt strongly to do a fusion of the affected vertebrae, to stabilize them and decompress the nerve to lessen the pain and numbness, hopefully to prevent permanent damage. So...that will be done on Nov 4th...with a 12 week recovery time...oh my, that will be hard for him, to be laid up that long...but Petcretary has quite a bit of time off from the day of surgery  for about 10 days, and then here and there afterwards. We may ask one of the unfurbros to come stay here since the one always telecommutes and the other does too now due to the covid mess we are still in. That will give our peeps more peace of mind knowing someone will be here to help as needed.

Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts, we may be AWOL for a while after the surgery is done...

See ya'll next time!


  1. Your pappy will do well after his surgery. I KNOW he will. He has all of you and Mum to help.

    We will think of you on surgery day.

  2. Oh my, that sounds most painful indeed, but at least there seems to be some relief to be had, allbeit that in itself will be trying and tiring.
    Lovely and most welcome Tocktober pictures from you ALL, a delight and most fun too.
    Lots of healing purrs to the whole family

  3. Great Tock shots ;)
    I am sending lots of purrs for everything to go well for the Dad.
    Being in pain is no fun and it would be nice if the surgery helps!
    Purrs, Julie and the mum

  4. You made a great special out of your tocks, Pipo, Angel Minko, Dalton and Benji😸
    We sure send some Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers for your pawppy and that everything works out fine💗🐾😽💞

  5. Those are great tock pictures of all of you today. We have our paws crossed for your pawppy and hope his procedure goes well.

  6. We really liked all those wonderful Tocks my friends and seeing dear Angel Minko along with Pipo was so special. Even the dog guys got into the act.
    We will be sending lots of purrs and prayers to Pawppy that he has a really good surgery and things go well. We know he will be up and feeling better by Catmus and next spring he will be raring to go!

  7. We know how serious spinal surgeries are; will keep the purrs and hugs flying through the either!
    When I told The Hubby that I needs some 'tocks shots, he just shook his head...

  8. Those are some beautiful tocks all! Sending purrs, pawsitives and POTP your way Pawppy!

  9. I am sending good thoughts for your dad that his procedure goes well and he makes a good recovery.
    Those are all great tock shots.

  10. Those are most impressive 'Tocktober shots!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama, Genji and Ollie

  11. Your tocks are looking excellent my friends. Tick tock even!

    Pawppy has quite the surgery coming up. Not long to wait and we wish it works like it should. To get rid of pain and numbness will be a blessing. We send Power of the Paw for a successful surgery.

    Tyebe and Shoko and mom Jean

  12. You all have some good looking tocks! We’re sending many purrs and prayers to your pappy and hope his surgery goes well and he gets relief from the pain.

  13. I am purring for a full recovery for your male human!

  14. Sending your pawppy lotsa POTP and pawrayers.

    Great tocks shots!

  15. have a good tocktober... and lots of potp and hugs and pawsitive thoughts to your daddy... we hope that even this haunted year brings some good news to you and to all of us

  16. doodz.....grate selfeez oh yur tockz !!!!! N we send best fizhez N purrayerz two pawppy N we hope thiz pro seed ure werkz sew that yur dad iz az a kid again....we noe itza scaree time for yur familee♥♥♥♥

  17. Your poor pawppy. Hoping all goes well and the fusion, if necessary will do the trick. Our Mom's been able to avoid back surgery through chiropractics, and we understand every situation is different. XOX Xena and Lucy

  18. Your poor Dad, must suffer a lot ! Nothing is worse then back ache ! Now finally I understood the word "tock" must be the opposite of a Selfie !

  19. Yous Guys! Your tocs Rocks! And wes will be purraying for your Pappy! OUCH! Wes hope everything works out A-OK and he gets some relief. Falling is NOT fun.
    Sending yous loads of hugs and Kitty kisses
    Purrs Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon, Angel Nellie and Mom

  20. Oh, We are so sorry about your poor Dad. We hope the surgery goes well. We send purrayers.

    Your photos are really cute.

  21. Nice tocks you all ! We cross our paws for your dad ! Purrs

  22. Gorgeous tocks, and we'd really really really loved the furst pic <3 Happy Purrsday guys xox
