Sunday, September 20, 2020

Talk Like A Pirate Day, Revisited; Argghhhh! (Sunday Selfies)


We nigh-on had t' resort t' a re-visitation o' last year's post fer th' Talk Like A Pirate Day, which was Saturday Sept 19th.


We missed Pirate Day...Yarghh! So now we 'ave t' be satisfied wit' our semi Talk Like A Pirate Day, cause Petcretary was at busy wit' more nah cur or kitty stuff...Yargghhhh!...We be nah too jovial about missin' that fun day, but here we be anyways! AHOY!
We be Ferocious PiratePups...

So ye'd best nah mess wit' us. BOL!  Yargh!
(In 2019) Th' pups made 'live' selfies fer pirates, but Pipo said he jus' wanted t' be a virtual pirate, so...he made petcretary choose t' walk th' plank or make 'im a pirate picture, MOL! Aarrgghhhhh!
Don't even reckon about raidin' me treasures 'n booty...
Here be another repeated Pirate Pipo picture from eons ago:

Ahoy Mateys!!

 Guess wha'?

*She* got some new pics so'as we can 'ave fresh Talk Like A Pirate Selfies, even if we be late. Whoot!
We reckon we shall haul in th' plank t' use some other time...Maybe we be nah that ferocious afterall...BOL/MOL!  Yargghh!

This goblet was full o' some great grog...we guzzled it all down! Argh!

Ahoy! Are we more ferocious than last year??

I, Pipo,

Also known as: 

Captain Pipo-Fang PirateMasterCat

Didst deign to allow a good selfie for a change...yargh! (*She* says sorry, its a wee bit blurry...argh!)

In not pirate stuff, Pawppy is slowly getting better...he walks better and feels generally a lot better than a month ago. But still not 100%,,, but we are getting there. Thanks for all the pawyers, and purrs and POTP on his behalf.
Pipo is having 'cat attract' on his litter...but he still piddles a lot on those least we DO have that option...

This new blogger (and the new Word Press) even in the 'classic' versions are driving petcretary NUTS. 
She took hours just to get our post up and running. Hisses and Grrrs...and lets make them walk the plank.

The Kitties Blue are our hosts for the Sunday selfies! Thank you!


  1. Oh! My Cod! Yous is totally cool! Yous is dressed up like real pirates (and not just some Photoshopped picture - glares at Mom) Avast me Maties! Lets get some grog and sail the 7 seas!!!
    Yous guys look so grrrreat!!!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo Cinnamon and angel Nellie

  2. oooh ... we missed it too! you look fantabulous butt we know that our mama has to walk da plank today... arrgh! awwhoy!

  3. You all make great pirates. We're glad to hear your dad is feeling better but we will keep our paws crossed for him.

  4. doodz ewe all be total lee rockin yur pie ratz day geer !!! ewe all look feerce !!!! we iz glad pawppy iz doin lotz better N purrayerz himz due in like 9000000000000000 purrcent better thiz week :) pipo we hope stuff getz better for ewe two dood ~~~~~ ya noe :) ♥♥♥

  5. Arrr what fine pirate pups ye be. And Pipo ye can be on our ship as furst mate Yarrr ya looking good jus pee in da box mate. We love seeing you all and wish you all well and send prayers to Pawppy!

  6. Oh no, did we miss Pirate Day? Oh no! You all sure made up for us missing it, though. You look grrrreat! Hope y'all are doing better too. XOX Lucy and Xena

  7. Looks like we totally missed pirate day too! My ghostwriter was working (again!) But you guys are the best pirates! Love your costumes!!!

  8. I love your Pirate Day selfies! And I'm glad to hear that the male human is improving.

  9. Ahoy me hearties💗😸Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday🐾😽💞
