Sunday, September 13, 2020

Flashback To Our Earliest Day Of Sunday Selfies

 Yup, another week with flashbacks. Petcretary is working, and she has lots more added to her plate since pawppy has been 'out of commission' with his back issues.

Pawppy still needs his cane, he is complaining of leg weakness now, although the pain is still there, it s not constant. But it does flare up when he least expects it. PT is baffled at his symptoms, so the head PT guy will do some more extensive evaluations next time he goes.

Petcretary thought she had Pipo all happy with the new litterbox arrangements, (a huge crate with a hole in it, lined with pee-pee pads, and a good sized hole as the entryway...and plenty of floor protection all around for just in case). Well things were great for about three days, then last night and again this morning, Mr Pipo went on the mats outside the box...again...sigh...not sure why. At least it was on the waterproof mats, and not the carpet. We cannot put the box in the bathroom  nor the kitchen, because those are in the 'dog zone'...don't need to add to his its in the front room, which is pawppy's home office. Strangely enough, he does go in there to do his #2's and some pee-pee's. He is another mystery!

Benji still has bouts of runny doo-doo's...and sometimes he eats and sometimes he doesn't. Will check in with the vet about that when all the furs go in for their checkups.

Dalton?? Well he loves to lick out the empty containers of the food that Benji gets if he will not eat in a particular day. He hovers near by when Benji eats in case there are tidbits dropped on the floor for him to scavenge, BOL! He still hates that thunking cane that pawppy uses...In a couple of weeks Dalton will be dogabrating his third gotcha day:)

And they are both having a ball digging...sheesh. We keep the company that makes red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper powder in business, BOL! Juast as effective as the commercial 'keep away' products, less costly, so we are all for that, still at the prices she does pay, it adds up. Phooey! Pawppy jokingly said, next time you see a picture of a cute pup in 'The Shopper', ignore it! BOL!

So here are our flashbacks...Mr Jack Freckles, now an angel, is showing off his first attempts at selfies...from Sept 2014.

I really don't wanna do this...
But here you go! Sept, 2014

Pipo was not thrilled to make his first official selfie...Sept 2014

Looks like Angel Minko was not too thrilled about having his siesta interrupted, MOL! (Sept 2014)

Sorry for the bad lighting...these were the first selfies we did when we started to join up with the weekly Sunday Selfies, over at The Kitties Blue. Wow it has been 6 years already! Thank you Miss Janet, for faithfully keeping up with this fun weekly feature!


We had to say goodbye to these two beloved kitties recently. There are others, too, so sad; we did not know them. Our condolences and love go to all those hurting furmilies.

Allie, From Friends Furever

Budd, from The Canadian Cats

Thank you Miss Janet, for faithfully keeping up with this fun weekly feature! We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, and you can be too, just click on the link to join.


  1. It's lovely to see your olde worlde selfies. Minko was so pretty and we still love Pipo heaps!!

    I hope your dad gets the right help. Back pain is the absolute pits.

  2. I hope the PT guy can get to the bottom of your dad's back pain and help him recover.
    Those are all nice flashback selfies.

  3. Am thinking of getting some sort of bobbly thing to attach to my phone, so when I take photos, the cats will look at the toy that's bouncing their eyes appear to be looking at the camera! It's really the hardest part of animal photography, no?

    1. Even with helper hubby behind me, well, he still won't look....sigh...I need a supewer zoom lens to catch him from if I could afford that...and no they do not make them for my camera which does have a fair zoom on it...but the lens is not one that can be interchanged like on a DSLR.

  4. Goodness we remember those selfies and really enjoyed seeing them again. We know Mr Jack Freckles and Minko are happy to see them from the Bridge too. We send lots of Purrs to Pawppy to feel better soon and to Petcretary for support. A lot to do with everyone. Pipo you need to get on the ball my friend. We will give you a little time as our Einstein is much younger and for some reason now piddles here and there. Same thing not not spraying just piddling and Dad just bought the industrial size box of pads. You two!
    Thank you so very much for our Angels. We love them to bits.
    Timmy, Dad and Family

    1. We are going to keep the company that makes them in business....someone has to, MOL!

  5. Great flashback selfies.
    Thank you again for the beautiful graphic for Allie. We miss her so much.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Those are some beautiful flashbacks gang!

  7. Sorry to hear many in your family aren't doing well right now. We will keep our paws crossed for all of them. The flash back selfies are great.

  8. Mr. Jack Freckles looks like he was a sweetheart, but nobody seemed very happy or cooperative about their selfies. Here's hoping everyone there gets "issue free" soon. You're all keeping your Mama way too busy. Love and licks, Xena and Lucy

  9. It was great to see Angel Minko and Angel Mr Jack Freckles! Wes knows that they hangs out with Angel Nellie and the Angel Hairy Slobbery Sisters (Bob and Sam). Pipo looks pretty fantastic too! And Pipo could be stressed the Pawpy is not doing so well. That was part of Kozmo's problem when he was having pee issues.
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  10. TBT: Sorry to hear about the doo-doos. Somecat is having issues here too. The bathroom mat seems attractive to "somecat" but nocat has been caught in the act. Nice small polite firm poops, so it isn't Marley (his are larger). Time to set up a game camera...


    1. Hope you find the culprit.
      Pipo does the #2's in the box...just the piddles are sometimes not in there...

  11. Luved seeing your flashback selfies. <3

  12. dood....has yur mom ever tried cat attract? petcretarry can buy de 'additive" ore de de entire litter

    we had ta uze it onze for a sir tin cuzin N it reel lee did werk !! ☺☺♥♥

    wavez two ewe SJF and minko ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks!
      I got some ans will try it. Hope it helps:)

    2. Let us know how it works for you. It's so hard to know whether litter box issues are behaviorial or physiological. UTIs are easily missed even with antibiotics. The urine culture can seem okay and in tough cases 4 weeks of antibiotics are called for not 2.

  13. pea.ess....CHEESE WHIZZ !!!! we cracked up guyz at yur answerz over at Marv's ~~~~~~ good one !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  14. I am so lucky when I read your blog, my Rosie is in good shape, sings and plays during the night and can't understand that we would prefer the day !

    1. When Minko was still with us, those two would have up and down the stairs sessions...during the night. Like an invasion of a stampede, MOL! Very appreciated....not!

  15. Purrs for the Dad. Back pain is not fun at all says mum.
    Pipo seem to make lots of extra work for you. Purrs that will change.

  16. We hope everything is fine with Pipo, it's very frustrating not knowing what's behind the pee problems. Hope it will be better soon. Healing Pawkisses for Pipo and your Dad and of course for all of you too. Loved to see the Angels😸Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday🐾😽💞
