Sunday, September 6, 2020

Selfies For Labor Day Weekend...The Non-Laborious Way!

 Petcretary has had a busy week...lots of not doggy or kitty things happening, not to mention her work, etc.

Pawppy is very slowly improving, PT helped him sort through his exercise routine and that has had some good results. However mornings are still horribly tedious and painful for him. He goes to work for half days in the afternoons.

Pipo finally is using the litterbox again...but...well, ,lets just say his style requires piddle pads outside the box with very high walls to catch the spray, MOL! So *she*  bought a huge crate/container, and cut a kitty sized hole in it, for a door, and put the new pan inside of it, lining the area with piddle pads tp catch the spillover. But Pipo stands in it, with derriere facing the door and lets it spray. He doesn't squat to pee, he never has...not even as a kitten. For years the top entry box was the best and working solution to that issue, but his old joints were not able to handle that type anymore. (He does get meds for that problem...) So *she* thinks a larger crate with more space between the box and the door might solve the remaining issue. We hope! Kitty pee stinks! MOL!

Benji still seems to have some issues with the runny poos, and not eating...but sometimes he gobbles up the whole bowlful. Nothing wrong with his digging efforts though...he carved out some trenches yesterday and this morning...and presented us with another big fat mole. UGH! BOL! Sheesh, those moles are naughty of their own accord, but Benji's efforts are far worse! Sheesh. Anyone need some trenches dug out?? BOL! We are using red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper powder combined with garlic and cinnamon with mixed results. If he thinks the prey is *there* he will ignore the smells and tastes of the deterrent and dig anyways...sigh...stubborn terrier that he is...

Dalton has learned a few small tricks such as jump over and crawl through, and jump in to the lap. Each step increases his confidence...but it is VERY slow going...While Benji learns things quickly Dalton has to handled with very soft gloves and teaching with no touch is way better for him, else he pees floods of fear. *She* wants to teach him to roll over, but that has to be done outside...for obvious reasons, BOL!

Well, here are our selfies as culled from Labor Day weekend from 2019...because there were no new pics made this week...

 Earlier this week, we heard the sad news that Polar Bear from 15&Meowing had to become an Angel Kitty...

Polar Bear

We are joining the Sunday Selfies at The Kitties Blue, who graciously host this fun feature each week. Thanks so much, Miss Janet and all your furmily! We love the Sunday Selfies!


  1. Get well soon Pipo we love you lots sweetheart.

    We were so upset to hear about Polar Bear too. What a handsome cat and he left us. It is SO tough.

  2. I think I'm a lot like you Dalton. Mommy has to talk to me real soft and I get scared trying to learn things. XOX Lucy
    I think I'm a lot like you Benji. Get that mole! Get that mole! Did you see the picture of my face halfway down a hole for a chipmunk? XOX Xena

  3. Here's for more improvement for Pawppy...and for the rest of your rascally rascals!
    Puppy pee pads covered the walls and floor when Celestial Chuck was alive; we'd go days without having to replace any, then day after day; it never had a pattern.

  4. Gosh! Wes wishes Wes was closer and could lend a hand. You know, Pipo sound so much like Queen Nellie, my heart goes out. We are lucky, Kozmo is our mole catcher and he does NOT dig (but teaching him to NOT bring them into the house to “play” took some time.
    We are glad that Dad is doing better and Wes Loves the graphic for Polar Bear.! Sending LOVe
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  5. Those are great selfies even if they are a year old. Sorry to hear about the kitty pee problems but your mom is doing her best to come up with a remedy.

  6. We love last years or any of your Selfies.
    Pipo sounds like you and Toby are cut of the same cloth. He stands and lets go, wait, so does Einstein. Dad has Pads all over so we are chasing the same... piddle. Now messy poops and this week both Einstein and Rumpy gave Dad the biggest clean ups for the year. And with floofy fur it was not fun. Dad says Me and Miss Fitz are the best or the lot a and its a good thing he/we love them.
    Purrs for Pawppy. Dad remembers that PT business. Ouch

  7. Good Selfies all of you!

    My sisfur Myrnie has Arthur's Eye Tis (I think that's what Mom calls it, anyway), so she can't squat down much when she does her business. That means she often misses and it hits the outside of the potty chamber. But it's OK, 'cause Mom has the potty chamber sitting in a large basin [refrigerator tray]; it catches the mess so it doesn't get on the floor and makes cleanup by Mom pretty easy peasy. Maybe you could try that for Pipo. Mom also suggests that if you have a lidded potty chamber you might try leaving the lid off so it provides more space for Pipo to move around.

  8. Nice selfies! I'm sending more healing purrs to the male human.

  9. Adorable selfies! It sounds like you all are keeping the petcretary very busy!!

  10. Sending POTP to your Pawppy! I'd wanna be digging for those moles too.

  11. doodz....pleez cut mom sum slax....we due knot meen like blouzez N tiez & pantz kinda slax; but de other kinda slax.....hope everee one haza better week a head for momz sake N we hope pawppy doez way soooper grate N him haz less N less pain each minit ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  12. Thanks for helping us identify the ducks.
    Our Grandparents are trying to find a house close to us so Mom has been busy helping them with that.

    Tuiren was very afraid when she first came lived with us. BOL one night Daddy drug Mommy out of bed cause he scared Tuiren. He couldn't get her to stop shaking luckily she didn't piddle the floor when she was scared. Anyway now she is full of confidence and a very happy girl.

    Healing purrs and POTP for Pawppy, we hope he is much better soon.

  13. Thank you for your kind words about Allie. We miss her so much.
    Thank you too for the beautiful graphic. We will be posting it when we do
    her memorial.

    The Florida Furkids
