Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Selfies Time...A Week Goes By Quickly!

Yup, it sure did fly right by! Even though we here in Michigan are now in a stay at home/shelter in place modes...we cannot go out except to go to essential work, like what petcretary does, or food service workers, and pharmacies. Also gas stations and car repair places may work. So petcretary had an oil change...but her hair appointment had to be by the time beauty salons/barber shops may reopen, there will be a lot of shaggy peeps around these parts, Petcretary included. She has fairly short hair, but she may need pigtails, soon, MOL!!
We have been able to get the necessary things, no hoarding needed, Sheesh, but the shelves are still devoid of many items, such as peanut butter, and flour.
She is still able to go to work...but we are still on major lockdown in there, to keep that nasty invisible threat out of there.
We now have many positive cases of this viral sickness in our far we do not know of any peeps ourselves.
Lots of peeps out walking on nice days...with or without doggies. Lots of families playing games in their yards, too. Things we have not seen for a long time! Maybe family members will learn how to reconnect with eachother in ways not related to technology, though having it is a blessing, because we CAN visit with one another this way, with or without face to face; Skype, video conferencing, Zoom, etc.)

Well on one nice day, we pups and petcretary were out on our the old iPhone5 was in her pocket too...
Hi, Petcretary, are we ready to go inside yet??

Hi! think it was I who dug that big hole by the tree?? Well, um...the dirt on my schnooter gives me away huh...sheesh!


The first delicate crocuses came up and bloomed! Hooray for Spring!

Pipo said...just give my furends a flashback, to I can bask in the sunbeams...well, now, that was silly, said petcretary...its very rainy out there, but flashbacks are OK, if you do not want a new one of your handsome self...

Last week, (March17th), petcretary did the Tuesday Teaser, and she was the first and only right guesser. She forgot to put in our post, so here it is now, belatedly.
This is a picture, taken in Stuttgart Germany.
Thanks,Charles (Chuck) Huss of BADCATCHRIS!!   
for sending it to Teddy to use to tease us!
Here is the Badge I got for guessing correctly, and the only right guesser at that! Hooray!
I was the First and ONLY Right Guesser on the Teaser of March 17, 2020 !!
Thanks Teddy and Miss Pam! We love your teasers, though we are hardly ever the first there for anything, BOL/MOL!
Here a link to that post if you want to check it out and all the un that goes with it!
2020/03/17/ Tuesday Teaser St Patricks Day

 We  made memorial cards for some sweet kitties...

Miss Dottie. Not sure why, but I see no comments on the post where her mom let us know about Miss Dottie. Maybe you can send her some comforting purrs, that would be nice for her.
Miss Dottie


We've joined the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, and you can the Kitties Blue who thoughtfully and faithfully host this fun hop each week. Thanks!!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Belated St Patrick's Day Selfies

Well, the craziness of Covid19 continues...but somehow we are muddling through and keeping occupied as we try to do things that do not involve gathering with our friends and family members.
One day there is TP, and the next there is none...same with various other commodities...cleansing products and hand soap being even harder to find that TP, MOL!
Even at work, under lockdown, all the supplies they need are now under lock and key...petcretary was told they were being stolen. Sheesh. So far though this scourge has not hit our immediate county...and for sure not where *she* works, thankfully. (Update...there is now one confirmed person with Covid19 in our county, but not sure how close to our den he is...or where he might have been that petcretary and pawppy were at...sigh...).

The stores around here have curtailed their hours, and have made provision for special shopping hours for seniors, or even those who serve the public, such as healthcare workers and first responders. That means petcretary can go to all of them...she falls into both brackets! MOL! She just better remember to get up early shop at 7 or 8 am...and get first dibs on the things we might need/ that ever elusive TP,  MOL/BOL!
We do not need any of that right now, because *she* did find some a few days ago, and there was not even a crowd of grabbers near the shelves, Hah! (And she only bought two packages though she could have gotten 4 or five...)
We got a note from the vet that he is only seeing emergencies or filling scripts. Good thing we don't need to go there until at least the end of summer...and we hope and pawray that we will not need any urgent care.
We have plenty of doggy noms and treats, and all the kitty noms for Pipo come from Chewy...our order shops next week, but we have plenty until it arrives. Speaking of kitty noms, petcretary saw at the grocery store that kitty food is also being rationed to prevent excessive hoarding...gads, peeps are strange.
Meanwhile we can romp in our yard, dig big holes, (How the petcretary loves that; she takes her shovel and fills them up again and plants lots of red pepper seeds for us to sniff next time...Blech!), and chase varmints...bark at  any intruders, and go for long countryside least we pups and our peeps can. And the peeps can catch up with yard work, and other household chores...
Pipo watches all the outdoor goings on from his perch by the big picture window...and begs any two-legger who walks by for a good belly rub:)

OK, enough of all of are the St Paddy's day pics we made, that are somewhat better than the ones we showed you last week:)

I, Dalton, am being 'coy'!
The best you're gonna get, Petcretary!



A Dapper Chap!

We hope you had a fine St Paddy's day with a big pot of gold, BOL!

This is a fave of petcretary, taken in 2011...even back then Pipo was not always in 'the mood', MOL!!

You can visit all the other selfies in this blog hop by clicking this link...and we thank The Kitties Blue for faithfully hosting this hop each week!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Early St Patrick's Day Selfie Fails...

We all tried to thwart petcretary, to no avail, when she tried to make us Irish-y for a while...BOL/MOL!
We are not Irish, and not her tried hard not to cooperate, tee-hee! She was rather vexed, but ah well, we did allow a *few* not too terrible ones, but we'll save those until next week, when we will do a proper St Patty's Day post...only...only by then it will be a post Patty's Day post! Hah!

 This Corona virus, aka Covid19, is becoming the thing of the century it seems. Empty shelves, rationing of various products to try to prevent hoarding so that peeps can all have *some* and closures of just about everything. No school, no church services, stay away from anywhere not necessary, stay home from work and do it at home if you are allowed and able to, no airflights to/from Europe and other places,  and so on. Even talk of closing borders and restricting all travel. No big parties over 100 - 250 peeps, depending on the venue...and on and on. Even at petcretary's work, the doors are locked much earlier than usual, no visitors are allowed, unless a resident is on end of life care...and no group gatherings as with various in house activities. They are not even allowed to eat in the dining room right now. We are going to have a ton of peeps with cabin fever before long...
But, well we are trying to protect this most vulnerable part of the population...hopefully it will not be for TOO LONG...
'Please Lord help all of us get through this with grace and patience, so we can be back to normal soon, and the rest of the world, too. Amen.'

We, in the land of Blogville, had to say goodby, yet again  to another sweet kitty, Arthur.

We are Sunday Selfie Hopping with all the others at The Kitties Blue!

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Wow, today our temps are in the upper 50'sF, and if you are in a sheltered from the wind area, it feels much warmer...and the sunpuddles are glorious! All the snow is gone, except a bit where it was piled up...and all the goodies thereunder have been exposed...doggy doos, ya know?? OK, TMI, TMI!!
Is this now the beginning of spring?? Hmmm, officially not till Mar 21st, but...we will enjoy it while we can. Cause if history will continue as per usual, then we are bound to have more wintry weather at some point. Petcretary well remembers a foot or more of snow in April even...we shudder!

Today we are happy to present to you our undecorated and just plain old us selfies! Ahhh...oh-oh...we heard about this green day coming up sooner than later....what will our nutzo petcretary torture us with for that day?? You will just have to wait and see, just like we will...MOL/BOL!

Hurry petcretary, my ears are UP!

A good selfie, in bright light, but not direct light.

Too bad the light made me look all harsh...its hard to get me just right when I am half black and half white....the poor camera cannot figure it out, nor can *she*! At least my ears are not hiding...

Kind of a fail...too much shade...

Whad'ya mean?

I can't chew up your nice red muck boots?? that the snow is gone, maybe I can dig big holes again...except, why does that make Petcretary come out with that dang bottlew of red pepper flakes?? There is nothing to spice up...

A double almost-spring 'ussie'!

The sun feels SO good...

I even will relax to let *her* see my whole face with open eyes!
She tricked me! I was trying to nap...
We are hopping along with all the other selfies at The Kitties Blue, who are our faithful weekly hosts!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dr Seuss Day Selfies!

We are a wee bit early but who cares!

Its time to wear a hat
Not for warmth
Not for spiffy
Or for glam
Or Even Just Because!
We are in a hat
A very special hat
It came from:
The Cat In the Hat!
Cause the one and only
Dr Seuss
Is remembered
And honored
On his Birthday...
We can help
by donning that hat.

(Sorry *she* is no poet...MOL/BOL!)
(Actually we got this hat from Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing - Thanks once again!)
(FYI: Petcretary is feeling MUCH better!)

Sigh...she interrupted my wonderful sunpuddle for these hat pictures...

My ears! They don't work too well with this hat!

At least it fits me:)

But, just give me the treat already!
Treats, please! We are done right?

Yup we did get them...and we ran outside so no more hat for us!
Happy Birthday, Dr Seuss! (March 2)

We had to say goodby to some good furends, you can visit them via the links provided if you have not done so already.


Dr Seuss Day Hopping Time!

We are hopping with all the others at The Kitties Blue who host this hop so faithfully each week and we want to express our thanks to them for that.