Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Selfies...And More Red Hat Selfies, too!

We don't have a lot to mew and woof about this week, but maybe that is a good thing, BOL/MOL!
We had about 3/4 inch of much needed rain, but it came in the form of severe thunderstorms. Even a possible tornado not too far from here, Yikes. Glad we were safe and the tornado did not more than knock out trees and some power.
Dalton was nosing along the fence,and suddenly he came up with a mole! He tossed it in the air and then pounced on it again...kind of like what I, Pipo would do. Hey maybe this Dalton dude is A-OK!
Anypaws, then Benji noticed that Dalton was occupied and he had to try and nose his way into the fun, but alas, petcretary took the delectable wiggly prize away...(It was still alive...) and she let it go into the bushes on the other side of the fence.
They both were not impressed with petcretary...oh well.

Those pups are going to show off some more of their red hats in selfie style.

At least I didn't have to sport that hat, MOL!
But...I was not too interested at all in the selfies this week...petcretary just sighs...

This was a not too busy week for petcretary to help us make pictures, MOL/BOL!
Now she will have to get her work-box into gear cause there are plenty to make for this coming week, including pirate day on Thursday...Arggghhh!

We are in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue


  1. Y'all look so sweet in your red hats! You're good little hunters too - way to go! I love your selfie sweet kitty - can't wait to see you all on Pirate Day!

  2. You both look cute in the red hats. I think Pipo was relieved he didn't have to wear it!

  3. Ya pups look cute in the hat! Travis would luv to wear the hat - he's a silly kitty and always wants to dress up!

  4. Wow! You pups caught a mole!!??? I have caught mice, shrews, bunnies, and birdies, but never a mole. Did it squeak?

  5. Nice to see you all, looking especially jaunty in your titfer!

    Have a good week!

  6. Nice selfies this week! I like the hat!

  7. oh the red hat society... we love that, you look fantabulous ;O)

  8. OMD those red hat photos are just the CUTEST!! Dakota would never, ever sit like that and let me put a hat on him! Those are BEYOND ADORABLE!

  9. Nice red hats.

    You mentioned the medical term for tummy rumbles is 'borgyborgymus' in a comment you left. That has GOT to be the coolest word we have learned in years. Sounds like an Australian dinosaur. MOL!

  10. How fancy Selfies of you all, to cute for words💗Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday and week ahead🐾😽💞

  11. doodz....yur selfeez bee awesum...N yez, SHAME on petcretary for takin a way yur toy....thiz time even uz catz iz in a gree mint with ewe pupz......her waz bad....we think her kneadz a time out ;) ♥♥☺☺

  12. Love you fellows hats and am so glad you didnt wear one Pippo. We cats are cool MOL
