Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday Selfies!

Another week  has flown by and it’s time to ‘do’ our selfies again...
Pipo got to enjoy lots of sunpuddles this week...hooray!

We, Benji and Dalton did lots of barking, chasing varmints,and digging...we found and exterminated two big fat moles...though petcretary was less than thrilled with the cavernous mess we left behind, BOL!

We even managed to sit still for a double ‘usie’!

We didn't make birthday cards this week, but we did make other ones.

Noel from 15&Meowing is ill with we made this card for her, and we are purring and pawyering for her to have still many good days. If you want to 'take' this  image for your blog, feel free to do so. Many of you were unable to see it when Miss Ellen put it on her own pages.

Many of you who were former Catster Members may remember Inky. He sadly became an Angel Kitty last month, but we didn't hear about it till recently.
His family has a Facebook page if you would like to visit and leave a comforting message there.
We are hopping along with all the others at The Kitties Blue, who faithfully host this weekly feature. Thanks so much!


  1. Beautiful selfies! Your cards are always so wonderful and special.

  2. It's so nice of you to make those pretty cards for your friends!

  3. Those are lovely selfies, and goodness Benji, how you have grown!
    The cards are lovely. I couldn't see Noel's on their blog so I will take it now for my sidebar, thank you.

  4. That's a great ussie selfie! The cards are beautiful, purrs and prayers and POTP for Noel and Inky's family.

  5. Thank you for making and Posting Noel's badge. I need to try to get it to show up on my blog. It is beautiful. Great selfies. Glad Pipo got some sun.Can I borrow you two for mole extracting? Do you deal with voles too? We got both. Have a nice week! XO

  6. Sorry we are late. Flat car batteries, and confused phone companies held us up!

    Happy (late selfies) everyone!

  7. Such beautiful selfies ... (please see our email request ...)

  8. You all have some great selfies but of course we always like yours best Pippo. Its a cat thing boys. We are purring hard for Noel too and visited our old friend Inky. So sorry

  9. doodz.....yur selfeez & uz eez ☺☺☺ thiz week total lee rox...pipo, lookin good dood !!! N speekin of, de badgez petcretarry made thiz week iz awesum.... ya noe newmie iz de sole survivor oh all de KY catz now ~~~~~ :(
