Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...Sort Of Still Red...

We are once again in the Sunday Selfies Blog hop. Since we made some pictures to put in the bigger one we made to honor dear Angel Madi, we thought you might want to see the original ones before they were inserted in her picture.

These 'seflies' of Pipo & Dalton are our Selfies for the weekly blog hop... 
Here are the unedited images before petcretary 'enhanced' them...MOL/BOL!

In case you missed it, here is the 'Red Box Day For Madi' graphic we made, and here is the post we put it in, also a blog hop.
~ ~ ~
Earlier this week,  dear Rusty from Jan's Funny Farm, became an angel. He was involved from blogging for many years, way before we even knew about blogging...he will be sorely missed,  may his memories be held deep in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.

Once again we truly want to let you all know you are not forgotten, nor thoughtlessly thrown to the side...we love you all, but petcretary is swamped with all the picture work she does, which 'bites' into the time she has to help us visit you all. And of course she has her job at the nursing home  and other chores here at the den...
She thinks she may just start somewhere and not read all the previous ones, as right now her inbox is recording over 1000 notices...Yikes!
If you would like a picture/card made, just send her a clear image of your furry one and the occasion and she will try to get one made. Try to allow plenty of time, say 2 - 3 weeks ahead...
~ ~ ~
We are hopping along with the Kitties Blue who are the hosts of this weekly feature.


  1. I love your pictures. Please don't stress about visiting!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  2. Aww, we love them all this week, especially the un-adjusted ones. Sending purrs for Rusty and Jan too.
    Toodle pips and purrs

  3. I love your red tribute for Madi. You both look great in red too. Please tell your petcretary not to worry about catching up on posts, we know she is busy. As long as she is not late feeding you two then she is doing fine. Have a nice week! XO

  4. Your red selfies are epically epic guys, and so is your tribute fur Angel Madi, pawesome dudes... and we're so sad about Rusty's departure too... that is a lovely card mew made fur him, so beautiful.

    Soft purrs

    The B Team xx

  5. Hi Guys!
    Your Red Selfies are great! And I gotta say, Mom knows about the requests...its tough.
    Now that her job and commitments get in the way, we have a terrible time posting, much less visiting, which only seems to happen on Sundays these days.
    Sending you and your peeps Purrs and LOVE
    Marv and Mom

  6. Those are great selfies. Madi would love them!

  7. doodz.....for surez red iz yur color...N we NOE madi iz troo lee apurrecative of theeze fotoz az iz rusty's mom jan ~~~~~~~~~~~~♥♥♥♥

  8. Your petcretary sure does a lot of work! The pictures are wonderful!

  9. I would say only your sock monkey understands you being all squeezed in like that! Lee never had her own sock monkey but she has made sure all her pets have had there own sock monkey.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot


  10. Hi Dalton and Pipo! You both look extra adorable all bundled up for winter with your monkeys!

    Tell your petcretary our human understands busy. It's hard to juggle everything but some times she drops all the balls, all at once!

    We will continue to visit when we can and in between visits, our friends stay in our hearts xx

    the critters in the cottage xo
