Sunday, October 7, 2018

Rain Rain Go Away Selfie Sunday

Yup, its wet & rainy. Off & on the whole past week. Which means even though the sun showed up a wee bit, mostly it was when petcretary wasn't able to help us take our picture. Sheesh. She runs up more excuses...MOL!
Anypaws, it did rain most of yesterday and this morning it was misty and cloudy. Not good for selfies.
In spite of the wet days, the Wolverines, who we root for at this den, well they dodged the rain and thunderstorms and after a delayed start, they Won!!  (Sorry to you Terrapin Fans...) Go Blue!

I, Pipo am pawing the window cause there are furred and feathered visitors to the seeds and suet and peanuts...and mealworms, Yuck! Not the visitors, the mealworms, MOL!
I, Dalton am hiding in my doggy cave, cause pawppy is nearby and for some reason I am still very wary of him...even though he is the one who delivers my noms. My pawrents wonder if I evfur will trust pawppy...of course sometimes petcretary will sit on the floor and I love that...but pawppy nevfur sits on the floor...well, petcretary says he can't. (He has one of those bionic hip joints...I wonder who got to gnaw on the one they took out?) So I do sometimes give him a sniff when I walk past him in his chair at the table, and I might even let him scritch my chin:) But cuddles? Not ready for that! Yet...but...when unfurbro-the-elder came over today, I went right up to him...before I ran off to watch from the distance for safety...

So we are going to show you some other more close up selfies we made when we were doing that red stuff for this a flashback??
We guess petcretary helped us make a ton, BOL/MOL!
She still has some guest selfies to show you from her time at those pretty gardens last August, but she will save those for some other time.

Petcretary says she should have saved these selfies till Christmas, MOL!
Of course no week hardly goes by that we do not help petcretary to make cards for others. No exception this week...

Speedy, he celebrated Number Seven!

We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies Collection, Hosted Each week by The Kitties Blue


  1. We've had SO much rain lately that we think we forgot what the sun looks like! Your scarf is absolutely adorable.

  2. We had lots of rain recently and it looks like another wet week ahead :/
    WE love your pictures!!!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Sigh! It is raining here today too! And it is cold. I really, really want to go outside and sit in he catio...I was telling Mommy that we should put on the fireplace! Mommy says it is too soon. Your selfies are fabulishious! Red suits you both! And your picture for Mr Speedy's birthday is pawsome! He was one of the great loves of Queen Penelope and I love to watch him on his walks! We did not know Momo, but we know many of our blogging furrends did...she was much loved.
    We are getting excited, Mom and Alex (my human brother) are making planked salmon for supper! We LOVE salmon!

  4. Very nice selfies. We’ve had lots of rain lately too. Yesterday we had torrential rains. We thought we were going to need an ark.

  5. I love your red selfies. They are perfect for Christmas and Valentine's Day too. :) XO

  6. They ARE very Christmas-y looking selfies!

  7. I love your outfits for da cold and wet days, we had a storm the last two days and we will look for some winter outfits now too ;O)

  8. Hello and thank you so very much for taking time to make memento for our Angel Momo. That is so sweet. We're still very sad but so glad the bloggy made us many good friends.

    Thank you again.

    Pinot, mom & dad

    ps: Hope you wouldn't mind if we post your memento on our next post on our bloggy.

    1. Yes, certainly. It is made for you to keep/post however you'd like.
      The blogging world is a great way to make lots of wonderful friends:)

  9. doodz....yur selfeez rock, N we think ya look grate in red; ore any otherz
    colorz reel lee...itz been a fine mistee rainee few dayz heer in TT az well,
    grate knot for meel wermz...but FISHIN wermz !! :) ♥♥

  10. Your cards are the prettiest and most loving ever. Sorry we are late, we lost our internet and website for almost a whole day. We are back for the selfies now and its good to see you.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  11. We had a rainy weekend too. Ghostwriter said Saturday night she drove home from work in pouring rain! Sunday she drove through some heavy fog. But things cleared up today, she had the day off, and I got to play outside all afternoon.

    Ghostwriter says she remembers when our patron saint, Old Charisma first came to this house, she didn't like little boys very much. But eventually she got over it. Just give Dalton a little more time.

    We love to see the beautiful cards your petcretary makes. The one for Momo is especially nice!

  12. Hey Pipo & Dalton, awww dudes mew need some sun-puddles stat, and we can't send mew any because the weather has been rather offurcast here :( But we think your selfies are absolutely terrifically terrific - mew guys look epic!

    Dalton dude we're sorry mew're still a little wary of pawppy, but in time we just know that mew'll feel completely different, sending mew many pawsitive vibes.

    Oodles of purrs

    The B Team xox
