Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Selfies To Honor Mr Buttons

Its already almost the end of January! Wow, time just keeps marching along. Petcretary says the older she gets the faster the calendar pages get turned over, MOL!

The sun came out of hiding today, and it showed up yesterday, too. Hooray for sunpuddles. Us pups like them too...
Hey, I am snoozing!

You will have to accept this being rudely awakened selfie this week...BOL!

Back to my nap in the sunpuddle.
MJF likes to sleep a lot of late. Sunpuddles or not.

MrJackFreckles had to be fed with a spoon about three times the past week. Likely tonight too. And to keep things easier, there is freeze dried raw food that is already in 'powder' form, so then all that is needed is water or broth to make it the good consistency to spoon it in. Maybe the vet-man might prescribe an appetite stimulant for him...then again, it is not easy to get pills into MJF...
Ho-Hum...I don't know why I do not want to eat, I sniff the food and stalk off...sigh...

We did get some good sunpuddles this past week...and today, too. So I can have nice warm furs while I watch the burd channel here. There is a new bird feeder on the walnut tree, squirrel proof it says, so I am waiting for visitors to that feeder too. And maybe see if it really will deter those tree rats!

And since I am looking a bit pensive here, its because this blog posting is to honor Mr Buttons.
Only a week ago, he catabrated his Gotcha Day.So we made him a card to help his catabration.

Then only a few days later he could  no longer live here upon earth, on account of that his kidneys were not working and he didn't feel like he wanted to stay. Even though his loving Dad, Mr Pete, was trying so hard to help him feel better for a longer time. All his furmily gathered around to love on him, keep him cozy and help him in his journey to the Rainbow Bridge, the land of endless catnip meadows and surrounded by all the angel furs that are already there. He feels strong and frisky again. But it is so hard for his furmily here still on earth, that they had to say that kind of goodbye till we meet again. Hi is sorely missed and their hearts have a big hole in them. But Mr Button's memory will remain, cherished and treasured forever.
AnnAdamus from Zoolatry made this nice memento.

We made this memento for Mr Buttons and his furmily. You can visit them by clicking on this caption.

We are hopping to honor Mr Buttons in the weekly Sunday Selfies feature, Hosted by The Kitties Blue

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Looking Back...Just For Fun...And Some Reminiscing

Today since petcretary has been working, and there were a lot of not furry things happening here she decided it might be fun to see where we were in our blog a year ago. Of course that brings us back to some memories...
Apparently it was a dull day back then too as it is here today. (Therefore the lighting in some of these pictures is lamplight, which never makes for the best images...). The temps have warmed up into the 40's and the snow is a mess...grassy bits, leaves that fell off the oak tree late into the winter time(!), and well, as always those buried treasures, BOL! Petcretary gets a bagful every day... OK, TMI...
Who knows when the next deep freeze will start. After-all there are still 2 more official months of winter...sigh...
OK, here we go into the memory boxes of our blog...from Jan 2017...
I hear the food bag, but I think I would rather hear the treat bag...

Cloudy dull days are good to take a long nap.
I am zonked!
Sorry for the bad lighting...
Minko was thinking he looked better in real life than the selfie on the confuser...
Petcretary just loves this precious duo/selfie
Not to be left out, since he wasn't here at that time, Dalton has a selfie that is new, BOL!
I didn't rip up any floors this week...just my waterbowl:)

I have not wanted to eat hardly anything this past week. Petcretary made a gruel in her blender and fed it to me with a spoon...but this morning (1/21/2018), I did eat some of my noms all by myself, though petcretary gave it to me one piece at a time, BOL! Am I spoiled or what! I do sleep and sleep and sleep...And then I get up and help Dalton bark at the things he deem worthy of his barking attention which is about evfurrything! And I love this self warming new bed I have...
We made some more cards:
Ayla and Iza share their Gotcha Day, a year apart...they can be visited by clicking on this caption.

Beau had a birthday back in November, but his Dad kind of forgot about it till recently, MOL! You can visit his blog by clicking on the caption.

Sawyer was naughty and Dalton is getting into too much mischief sometimes, we are hopping along with the Kitties Blue who are the hosts of this blog hop.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Not As Cold...But Still Winter!

Well, the deep freezer loosened its grip last week, for a couple of days. We were into the mid-upper 50'sF. All the snow vanished. And um...even though petcretary does clean up duty each day, under all that melted snow, she still found lots of 'buried treasures'. It filled up a whole bag, BOL!! Then on the 12th, we had freezing rain...followed by more coldness and 4 inches of snow. It was a slippery mess, and there were lots of drivers who could not get up hills on some city streets. So the police closed them until things could be remedied with salt and sand. The schools around here had a day off! Add that to the fact that most schools will have the 15th off for MLK Day, they got a super long weekend!
We had 3F last night, while not nearly as cold as some places and a lot warmer than last weekend, its still plenty cold and more so when you get out there and feel the wind.
At least we are all warm and cozy in our den, with warm soft nests to relax in. Would that all could have those pleasures to indulge in.

Well, it is Selfie we will show ourselves to you...but not outside in that cold, thank you furry much!

 MrJackFreckles, while not completely off his food, is getting to hardly eating at all. Some days he eats half a day's serving, sometimes less, sometimes more... He'll go to his bowl, have a sniff or even pick up some tasty morsel, but then that is all...or he just walks away. Yesterday petcretary succumbed and added about 1/2 teaspoon of burger drippings (unseasoned, but cooked), and then he gobbled up about 3/4 cup of Stella & Chewy noms. Tried that again today, but he decided not...sigh...maybe he wanted a whole steak, BOL! It can't be left out for indiscriminate grazing because Dalton will vacuum it up before anyone has blinked! Sometimes he will eat if we give him Dalton's noms, Tee-hee. He eats grain free, but not the same as MJF. That raw/freeze dried food is hard on the he does get a bit of it now and then, but not full servings like MJF.
But there is nothing amiss with the treat appetite! BOL! He would eat a whole boxful if given a chance...

MJF is spending more and more time sleeping the hours away. And sometimes running with Dalton, but its hard to do that in the cold and snow for an old-man-pup...esp with the balance issues he has...but he still seems to be enjoying himself, more or less. He comes into the kitchen for crunchy veggies, and barks at things he perceives as threats...which of course gets Dalton to add his opinions as well. It can be super noisy here sometimes, BOL!
How could *I* be a naughty pup???
 Dalton was super naughty this past week...pawppy left him corralled in the kitchen area when he left for work. When petcretary came downstairs a bit later...he had found a loose part of our old (30years), kitchen flooring...and chewed and ripped it. There is a hole there now about 2x2. Pawppy saw it and said...hmmm, Dalton is a very expensive pup. Petcretary has never heard of any pup who did anything like that:( 
So since we are not able to finance a new floor (which we actually need...), we will try to patch it up as best we can...and hope there are no more temptations like that for Dalton the dog from Hell.
MJF says Dalton makes a good pillow...sort of!

I am going to paw you to beg for a scritch or two or three...
Pipo just waits for a clear path through the dogs, and then he finds his place by the window to indulge in sunpuddles and burd TV. (Sorry Tabbies!) We sure do have a lot of hungry burds here of late! They go through sunflower seeds, peanuts, suet, mixed seeds and mealworms in great quantities. The colder and snowier it gets, the more they visit our burd buffet. Pipo chatters away at them, maybe he is inviting them to find our doggy doors to come in to the warm den and play with him:)
At night when petcretary sits at her desk, he will either come and sit on the chair behind warm her back, presumably and get scritches that way, or he goes into the cubbyhole in the desk, (a converted shelf), then he paws at her from that vantage point until she reaches down and does the scritching ritual. He sure love him his scritches!! Or belly rubs! When he gets bored with all of that he will go and dig a pom-pom or a mousie out of his toybox and whap that around...or he plays 'trying to catch my tail'. Then he rolls and rolls, MOL!
He hisses Dalton who tries to entice him to play...but Dalton runs off ky-y-ing when Pipo whaps that game is noisy but short lived. Dalton has not actively chased Pipo, nor has MJF, but Pipo is not friendly, though he does tolerate them to a certain degree. Maybe if a wee baby pup came in here he would maybe get more friendly, who knows! He does go up to sleeping dogs and sniff them until they move, then whoops he is gone!

We made a Birthday card for Caster, from KittyCatChronicles, he turned five!
We have to tell you of yet another kitty who left to be with her angel furblings, Tundra, from Catster. She was the sisfur of Cooper, who left for the RB in December. Her Mom is heartbroken and it just has to be really hard to loose loved ones so close together. If you wish, petcretary can give you the contact info...let her know by email at:  ingrid (at) rickmar (dot) net

We are hopping along with The Kitties Blue, the weekly hosts of this fun feature.
Kitties Blue could use some, they have had their share of issues since we turned the calendar to 2018.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday Selfies From The Deep Freezer

Yes, that is what it feels like around here of late. Nightly temps of about -10F, or colder. Daytime temps around 10F or less...and bitter winds to make it feel so much worse. The rads our in our semi rural area are like skating rinks, because the salt applied doesn't work at those lower temps. So we drive to and fro our necessary destinations like work and grocery stores with great caution...well, our peeps do. But there are some who forget so then there are what petcretary calls 'boom-batzes'. And some are bad, with multiple car pileups. Our unfurbro-the-younger; the dude who works for the Michigan Dept of Transport, (think road safety and bridges, etc.), and pawppy who is a traffic engineer for our city, just shake their heads...Unfurbro-the-elder just laughs because his job is done via telecommuting:)

Anypaws we are glad that petcretary keeps our walkways cleared and Pawppy keeps the driveway clean. And we make good use of the block heaters in the cars. Us pups are happy that they also keep a good bit of the grass cleared so we can do our privacy pawlease in relative comfort before we rush back inside where it is nice and warm:)
Pipo just is glad he doesn't have to be out there at all! He loves him a sunpuddle and today at least there are good ones to warm the furs on his backside...ahhh...

Petcretary has been off and running to do errands and other not cat/dog related things, including her work.
So we only have some of the not the best selfies this week...but we *are * here, MOL/BOL!
Its cozy here in my cubby-hole.

Hey, I was trying to nap...

Do I really have to go out in that frigid cold?

All I want to do is sleep....Zzzzz.....

Hey, Petcretary um...well, this is a stinky foot!
We also had to make some cards for other furs and their furmilies.
Cooper Murphy from Kitties Blue is catabrating his furst Gotcha Day! He isn't feeling too good right now, and needs lots of POTP and purrs and pawyers to get better.You can visit him by clicking on this caption.

And sadly, one of our dearly beloved Kitties Blue became a Sweet Kitty-Angel. She will be so missed.

Gleek, whom many of you know from the days of Catster just recently became a precious Angel-Kitty. If your are on Facebook, you can visit his Mom and furmily by clicking on this caption.

And another special furend from our Dogster Days became an angel a few weeks ago. Cooper was one of MJF's first furends when he and Pipo joined those sites. He was a JRT, just like MJF...If you want to send a message to his Mom, you can contact me at ingrid(at)rickmar(dot)net and I will give the contact info to you.

This is our Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted weekly by The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head
Stay warm, folks; warm dry and safe!

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year's Eve/New Year's Day ~ A Birthday ~ Selfies!

A busy post here this time round.

We are buried in fairly deep snow, and chilled by bitter cold, as well as even colder windchills. However we are thankful that we did not get as much snow as in some places where they were buried...and our cold would feel warm to those who are in the -30's...Brrr! Right now we are -3F (Which 'warmed up' to 12F later in the day...then it went to -10 the following night...)...but for now the snow machine has stopped production at least for a while. Some peeps as usual are not cautious enough when out on the highways, and there have been many crashes and slide offs around here. At least we do not have any major obligations other than petcretary has to go to her work on Jan 1st. The larder is full of good provisions and the pantry has lots of non-perishables too: And yes, there is plenty of noms for us according to petcretary. So we are glad to be warm and safe in our den.
Dec 25th, 2017...snow fell overnight! There was none on Dec 24...

Dalton is glad a path was cleared in the grass...

Sheesh, I am from Texas, this is not fun at all...

Its deeper than I am tall!

The snow continued to blow and come down...

Brrr, Dalton, I am going back inside.

Somefur braved the depths  of snow...

And the evidence is all on my harness!
I too am going back inside where its warm and dry.

Pipo catabrated Birthday Number 13 past Dec 26th. Petcretary was all busy and not able to post for, he is a 'teenager' now!!

Anypaws he was not interested much in his gifts of mousies a big can of silvervine, and another of good old nip...and some other toys including a wand toy and a crinkle nest to play in. He had a couple of mousie party goers to help his pawrtying:) Not sure why...maybe he just wanted his good old pom-poms!! MOL!
I woke up and these mice pawrty dudes were visiting.

And no I am not really trying to mimic Grumpy Cat.

Sheesh, those mousies!

Today he got another feathery toy, (sorry Tabbies), and Dalton almost ruined it before Pipo had a chance to even sniff it. Bad Doggie...
Pipo got a card from his good furends, Timmy Tomcat and crew:
Thanks so much, Timmy and crew!

 Christmas was quiet here, too.
We had a dump of snow overnight, so that we actually had a white Christmas. Petcretary says it can all leave now, MOL/BOL!
Pristine White blanket of snow...for the time being!

Some of the gifts Pipo got were also Christmas ones. He actually got a whole bag of new mousies and other small nip filled toys. His fave remains plain old craft store pom-poms! Go figure!
MrJackFreckles got a bag of new stuffies, and after a few cursory sniff, he just ignored them. Poor old pup just is not into playing with toys anymore. He did try to rip some wrappings...BOL!
Am I supposed to do something with these stuffies?

Thanks, though, Petcretary...sorry I don't much play anymore.

Hi, Peeps and furs!
Merry Christmas from MJF!
 Dalton?? OMD! He was one crazy pup! We do think he loved getting a bag of stuffies to start working on...and then he appropriated all of MJF's too...who did not make any protest:)
Stay away, MrJackFreckles

I really...

Like all...

My new toys! Thanks Petcretary!
 Petcretary got a MJF look-a-like! MJF knew it was a fake.but Dalton had a bark at it and some cautious sniffs...BOL!
Who are you??

Do you bark or bite?

Shh, don't tell anyone but I thought you were a real playmate!
They all got  a special little meal in their dishes...and they will again on New Year's Day. Pipo reacts adversely to dietary changes so we did not give him anything too different for his birthday. That  is a drawback of having your BD the day after Christmas. But he got TONS of loving on and big hugs. Including from Pawppy.
Pipo & Pawppy, Dec 26th, 2017
 Now it is New Year's Eve! Wait, we are late...its already New Year's Day!!!Wow, where did the year go? In less than a day it will be 2018! and by the time this gets published it will be: 2018 ~ Happy New Year To All!

So we wish all of you a Happy New Year! May it be a good one to be remembered with much fondness and good memories as eventually it too will turn into the next year....but not too fast pawlease! MOL/BOL! It is good to reflect back on the past and all the blessings we experienced, even through periods of grief and sadness. Now we can start with a 'clean slate' and write new memories and events on that slate. May all of our furends and furmilies have a wonderful and blessed 2018! May peace, health and good will be in the hearts of all.Happy New Year to all!
Too much pawrtying in a short time, MOL!

Well, OK! I will peek at you for a moment...

I pawrtied a bit too much too...
We are ready to ring and bark in the new Year!
Thinking about what might be in 2018
Pffttt on all this pictue taking!

We are not going to have a special posting for New Year's Day, as Petcretary has to go to her this year end/new beginning we will greet you all in our selfies post:
Auld Lang Syne!
Happy New Year!!
Of course we also made some New Year's Selfies:
Pipo purrs his Happy Mew Year greetings!

Dapper Dalton also woofs Yappy New Year!

Pfft! Leave me alone now...wait, you need a selfie??
And a happy New Year to all!

A first double selfie for the New Year
 And we made a card too:
Buddy Budd had his 10th Gotcha Day. You can find him by clicking on this caption.

We are starting 2018 with the Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue