Monday, December 4, 2017

December Already!!! Time To Start Getting Ready For Christmas

My goodness! December has snuck up on us and that means its getting to look a lot like Christmas...all around us and in our den too!  At least a little bit...Well, petcretary got out all the boxes and took out some of the things in there and then got all discouraged because there was SO we are just going to have our small trees and some other 'trinkets'. We only have small trees here because there is not  any room for a large one, real or artificial, and in the past the furs would try s hard to climb into any tree of size that was not on a table so she gave up having regular trees, MOL/BOL! Dalton fur sure will be trouble with a big tree, and Pipo still tries to steal ornaments which meant that in the past he too has pulled down, even a small tree...sigh...when she got our biggest (4foot) tree out of the box and put together, the bottom lights did not she took it off the table and examined it. It looks like Minko left a memento on the wires to those lights; the strand was chewed right through. Sheesh! So even in his 'angelhood' Minko is at it, MOL!!!
He wanted to make sure he would not be forgotten on this, the first Christmas without him being with us:(
Dalton looks with wonder at all the things petcretary is doing, going back and forth with boxes and would be funny to let him have at it, will not happen if petcretary has anything to say about it.
MrJackFreckles just lays there and watches...this is Christmas #15, he is used to it, we think:)
Pipo went to the window perch to watch, and lo and behold, there are dangling snowflakes there now! Petcretary crocheted those when she was first married, over 30 years ago. But never dared to hang them up due to feline mischief making...but Pipo is more sedate, being almost 13...and he just moves them aside to look out the window! He did almost take them down when his tail swished through the strands, MOL!!! We shall see how long they stay up!
Petcretary has to get busy now to finish all the decorating...which by some standards is not that much, tee-hee! And then she has to get her cards ready to mail to family and some friends. Mostly those who do not have internet or computers...and she has to make our cards to send to those on the lists from Bloggville. Eventually you will get them! Eventually being the key word...she has to work  too.
So here is a brief trio of selfies...old and new since time is now at a premium...


Many of you remember Demon Flash Bandit fro our Dogster days and from his blog. He no longer is blogging because His Mommy, Donna passed away in July. His human brothers are taking good care of him and his sisfur Angel. Dec 2 was the remembrance of Donna's birthday, as explained by one of her sons. You can visit them in Demon's blog, or of Facebook, the link is in his blog posting here.

We are hopping in Christmas style with The Kitties Blue who host this feature each week.


  1. looks like you're getting ready for the Christmas Holidays,xx Speedy

  2. Nice selfies! We are starting to decorate here for the holidays too. My human got a new artificial tree that is bigger than the last one (we have a big house and nobody ever climbs the Christmas tree here). So she will be spending part of the day today working on that.

  3. You ALL look delightful in your Christmas attire. Not having a big tree sounds wonderful. It was the peep around here that destroyed ours last year, trying to decorate it and then setting fire to it MOL So for safety sake we don't have any at all now. How nice that Minko left a reminder, I am sure on the day he'll be with you all enjoying the festivities and maybe pulling down a few decorations of his own over the bridge. MOL
    Gentle purrs

    1. Set fire to the tree?? OMC! Yikes! We know for sure Minko is being a rascal amongst the angels...dignified is not him at all, MOL!

  4. doodz....everee one looks grate in thiz weekz selfeez !! we noe its gonna be ruff round de
    houz thiz yeer; heerz two a grate week ahead N we hope pecretary can catch sum rest ☺☺☺♥♥

  5. You are all looking good in your festive selfies.

  6. You guys look so furry festive! I Marvelous run whenever Mommy even picks up my jingly collar - she is NOT going to get it on me this year again!!! I am pretty good about the tree. We have just a little one and Mommy had it on the floor for a week before she decorated it. Then she put the EVIL train around it! The train is noisy and scares me!
    I can't wait to hear if Pipo or Dalton try to climb the tree!
    Marv (and Mommy)

    1. So far no one has knocked anything down...except for one of the visiting unfurs, Tee-hee!
      Maybe your clever Mommy can take the little stones, (or whatever makes the bells jingle), out of those jingle bells so that they will be silent and not scare you. Then amybe at least you would look rahter festive and extra handsome!

  7. Mee-you what a lot of busyness going on at yur house Mistur Jack an Pipo an Dalton! LadyMum put uppy thee tabull top tree an mee tooked it down, not once, not twice; butt 3 timess an it now iss inn thee pantree!! Mew mew mew....
    LadyMum onlee sent out a few cards this year. Thee postage iss reedickuluss! **sighsss**
    An Fursday iss her Dental surgery so mee not know when wee back online.
    Sendin **nose rubsss** an ~~head rubsss~~ to all of youss' Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S: Yur Selfiess are pawsum!

    1. Postage fur sure is crazy costly! So glad we do most of ours by email nowadays...though petcretary says it *is* nice to get real ones. All put up on shelves and displayed here and there they do make a nice seasonal atmosphere .

  8. Heh Minko at it from the Bridge. What an imp eh? * sad smile *

    You guys look so cute its amaizing!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thanks. Petcretary had no idea they had been chewed through...he must have done that when she was cleaning up...

  9. Angel Minko, that was so sweet of you to send them a reminder! ;-)
    And such lovely holiday selfies, too!

  10. We're sorry your blogging friend passed away this summer. Glad her dogs are being well cared for.

    Sounds like you are really busy preparing for Christmas. Doesn't seem possible it's here again.

    1. Thanks! She had been sick for a long time and in and out of hospitals.
      Christmas is upon us now:)

  11. Oh no .... such sad news. Demon Flash Bandit is my very dear friend and Smoky too. I'm really sad to hear of their Mom passing. I knew she was very sick but it still comes as a shock. I sure am glad Demon and Flash are being well looked after.
    Crikey ... Dalton must have been surprised when it started to snow. I know I would be if it snowed here!

    1. Yes that was so sad. I thought it would be good to let peeps know here so that our furends from Dogster could know about it seeing as we are not all in the same place anymore...

  12. Oh Lee remembers when she had Midnight her kitty. Why they hung those metal bell ornaments all around the bottom of the tree so you could tell when he was harassing the ornaments. He loved to eat the foil icicles then they would come back up as a present under the tree. Bawheheeeeee. We went rustic this year and I can get into anything I want. We used an old Cedar Hill Crate filled it with wonderful white fake poinsettia, that truly look real, pine branches for smell wood logs and lights and put it by our fireplace. We have out the 100 year old sleigh bells strung across the fireplace. Pinecones all sizes with white and silver balls and a single white light in each window. I'm with you our space is too small for a big tree. You three looks so festive in the season's colors.
    Happy Holidays
    Sweet William The Scot
