Sunday, October 29, 2017

Not Scary Selfies for Halloween

We here at this den really do not pawticipawte in activities related to this (non) holiday. But putting on a costume and having some fun is OK with our peeps.
In truth, its the most disliked day on the calendar for our peeps...because of all the occultic things that we just do not believe in.
What happens here mostly is that our peeps go to church. It is also Reformation Day, and this year it is the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, as started by Martin Luther when he put his thesis about what he felt needed corrective actions in the church. We are not Lutheran...but we are protestant...anypaws they love to celebrate that day as something impawrtant to them.
And we are not depriving little children coming by to beg for trick or treats, because they just do not wander our semi rural streets. They get in their parents cars and go to town or to areas with more homes, closer together and saunter around there instead.

So...with all that being mewed and woofed, petcretary did put a costume on Dalton...and a cute ruff as well...and we are sporting our selfies from wayback when we did have some kind of Howloween in Catster/Dogster land. These selfies are also going to be at a couple of other blogs later on Oct 31.

We here are going to have company so won't be doing much in Blogville until much later in the week.

So here is Dalton the Tiger wannabee:

Dalton the Tiger Wannabee

He's getting a bit braver around Pawppy...

And lets himself take a treat from him now. Progress.
Taken  in 2010

As you can see he is wearing a seasonal ruff...and this is his selfie for this week, too.
Here are the rest of the wayback/flashback pictures, and they include the selfies for this week, too...
Pipo thinks the treat bowl is a good place to lounge.

But he's not sure about sharing the space, MOL!

Ho-Hum...I do not like this get up Mum!

I'm a silly Pipo...

I am wearing the noble pumpkin crown, MOL!

Petcretary thinks I am a pumpkin??? Pfffttttt!

Contemplating a pumpkin...

We made some more cards:

 Dezi will have her 8th birthday later this week, but we will not be able to post anything that day..and MJF & I, Pipo will be here alone with petcretary and Dalton will be traveling to see her Auntie and her Sister at that time...we hope to post a selfie next week...but if we miss, well, we will be back really soon...

We are hopping, not flying on brooms...along with the Kitties Blue who host this blog-hop each week.


  1. I gotta say you all look mighty fine in your get up. I do applaud Pipo's choice of lounging places especially if there are some treats in there of the cat variety MOL. I think Little peeps should be encouraged to give cats treats rather than play games and tricks. will save their teeth too MOL
    You all have a great week!
    Toodle pip

    1. Erin you sure do have wisdom! Imagine keeping the dentist bills low for all those kidlets! MOL!

  2. you all look fabulous today,looks like so much fun,xx Speedy

  3. Those are some super cute selfies!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  4. Y'all were such good sports and look so cute in your costumes. MJF holding the pumpkins with the bears is just so darn adorable. Our humans don't really do much with Halloween, but they do give out candy the kids. We live in one of those neighborhoods where the parents bring in car loads of kids. Thanks for being hoppers with us. Hope you can make it back next week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Thank you so much!

      We only ever went where we could walk to...when I was a young kid...even teenagers back then didn't use the car method...

  5. Mee-you Dalton yur lookin fur-o-shuss inn yur Tyegurr costume! An wee LUV yur selfie foto with yur fancy Jestur collar...yur REEL stylin!!
    Luv thee past fotoss all so. Wee not cellybrate Halloweeny ether butt wee do like to dress uppy!
    **Hi-5'ss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  6. Those are all cute selfies. Dalton has done well in his tiger costume.

  7. Dalton is such a cutie in his tiger outfit! Mommy says he is as cute as me1 Mr Pipo, I am more your style for Halloween and Mr Jack Freckles, you ROCK!!!!
    Many Purrs

    1. Marv, you too are quite the marvel you know:)

      Pipo doesn't mind a collar...too much.
      Trying to get Dalton to sit still for 10 seconds...even five would be marvelous for petcretary to be able to get better pictures, MOL!
      MJF is like...'sure, whatevfur!'

  8. We live outside the city and do not get little candy seekers .
    Mum does not bother too much with Halloween except for helping us do a blog post :)
    We enjoyed the pictures.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    1. We live 8 miles from our city, hence also no T or T's here...
      Where petcretary grew up her furmily sometimes ran out of treats to giveaway...go figure!

  9. These costumes are pretty cool! My human is non-religious (either Christian or occult), but she is sort of an earth spirit at heart, so the change of seasons are what really appeal to her.

  10. I am impressed with Dalton's modeling skills and glad to know he is getting better with your Pawpy. I enjoyed all these photos, I love Halloween, I just focus on the fun part not the occult. XO

  11. Dalton is getting braver by the minute - look how handsome he is in a costume! And it was furry enjoyable to see the old pics too. Purrs, Meep

    1. Hi, Meep!
      Yup, a wee bit each day...takes a long time to undo traumatic things...and to regain trust.

  12. Thanks fur sharing the fun photos. We also only do the fun and none of the other. Dalton you go you. MJF you are as cute as a pup. Pipo we love you dear friend
    Timmy and Family

  13. OMC We luv da punkin suit. So adorable. And fank you fur da birthday wishes. Me can hardly wait. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  14. oh my, you guys are such good sports! We don't observe it either, although we do have treats for the kids if we are home on that evening.

    1. Well, there were about a million bad pictures for these not too bad ones, MOL, MOL!!! Petcretary is stubborn:)
