This set of selfies in flashback is from Sept 27, 2015. It felt good to see and read about little (Angel)Minko once again. We wonder what he would think of this new doggy we have here, Dalton.
Petcretary was way busy this week, and the weather was not the best either for picture taking. That is why we are doing a flashback this week...
From (the Archived) Barks From MrJackFreckles
Our kind hostess of the Selfie Sunday Blog Hop, decided to challenge us with double selfies today, she nicknamed them Two Furs, BOL!!
Well, I actually posted one of those last I guess I was ahead of the game...
Here is another of that kind, similar to last weeks, but a bit blurrier, the shutter was too fast fur us...
Minko & I, being a Two-Fur Selfie |
Here is last weeks to compare. |
Pipo is asking me if he can have my squirrel dude...I think its really a set up..... Growlmy says its a sort of two-fur selfie, BOL!! |
My Auntie came this past Monday and though I sniffed all her things, there was no Murphy amongst her baggage. Shucks. But that meant that all the treats were just fur me, no sharing needed, BOL!
Auntie is trying to get me to do a high five begging move! |
I actually did a high five, but the shutter was too slow to snag the action, BOL! |
Thanks Auntie! Its so yummy! |
I'm doing well, but the past few days I have been taken outside on a leash, not allowed access t the freedom of my yard...why? Cause pawppy was painting the porch. Step one was undercoat/primer, so I know that sooner or later I will once again be leashed to do my yard duties. And locked inside when the peeps have to go out. At least these incarcerations only last a day or two, and I don't mind...too much...but sheesh, when I try to use my doggy door all I do is bump my head...and then I cannot rush outside to bark the varmints or zombies frustrating.
My Offurcial Selfie!! |
Growlmy was so busy, she missed helping me do the barkless Wednesday blog hop, and that makes two in a row. What she has said was, she needs to curtail some of our blogging times, and maybe we will only be here to blog on The Selfies Hop, and an odd extra one, now and then, to keep you updated if need be.
We will read/visit other blogs, but comments will be not as frequent. Some nights when growlmy gets home from work there are so many blogs to check out, she would be here till 4 am if she let me woof in all of them, OMD!!
Tonight is a Super-Moon Lunar eclipse, and the so called Blood-Moon as well...but I do not think we will be able to see it at all with our live eyes cause there are way too many clouds. Shucks.
Well, have a great week and enjoy all the things you do.
OK, That was MrJackFreckles' Blog for the day...
Then we kitties, Pipo and now Angel Minko posted this in our blog:
From (the archived) WeBeesSiameezers
Yup, we are doubled in our selfies today, since our hostess blog was featuring them too, MOL!!
We just happened to be in a 'together' mood just long enough!
Caught in contemplation... |
Hi, Meowmy!! We are good kitties, yes we are!! MOL! |
Meowmy was about to go to the we didn't want to look into the selfie taker...the redness of her Canadian Flag is tinting the whole image...sigh...Ha-Ha!! This is a Three-Fur, MOL! |
Minko is stable and seems happy enough, even to the point that he is initiating his own playtime with crinkle balls, mousies and begging for nip deliveries...but he still will not eat. What an enigma he is. The other day, Meowmy came home from work and was petting him...and she felt him playing with her nametag...suddenly she realized that he wasn't only playing with it, he was trying to bite through the elastic string that holds the tag to the clip...sheesh, he really is obsessed with those kind of things...we need to Minko-proof evfurry thing!!
Pipo is getting furry demanding to the point that even pawppy sometimes says, Pipo, not now!! MOL!
He paws our legs, and mrouws at us until we play with him, mostly he wants the wand toy...he already chewed the feathers off of it, MOL!! He attacks it, and if we let him he will drag it right into the next room...until he realizes it doesn't move or dance anymore cause he removed it from the 'live end'. MOL!! Does he bring it back?? Nope. He just goes back and mrouws at his peeps again, MOL!!
We are trying to give meowmy a bit of a we may blog only once a week, likely here in the Sunday Selfies...but we will still try to visit all the other blogs we follow, maybe commenting on them...if we can convince meowmy to type our mews to you.
Oh, and if you can, try to watch the lunar eclipse we can't, too many clouds...shucks.
Have a wonderfur Sunday, be most blessed and enjoy a new week!
So there you have the reblogged flashback selfies from our archives. Hope you all enjoyed them. Much has happened since that time a wee bit over two years ago...the good stuff and the bad stuff and of course the sad stuff...but that is how life is...
Right now we are just beginning to dry out from way too much rain, we had about 5 inches yesterday into today, and the week before the gauge was emptied of another 5 inches. Wow! They had to cancel a football game because the stadium was flooded.Yikes.
MJF hates getting wet, but he will 'grin and bear it' to do his outdoor fast as he can. Dalton hates it even more, BOL! He needed to be leashed a few times and taken out doors. One of these rainy days he will figure out its best to be quick, Tee-hee! (And than petcretary will not need her rain slicker...) Of course Pipo just smirks and thinks, phew, I am glad I have my two big boxes:)
Pipo has come by and sniffed at sleeping Dalton a few times. He must wonder why this doggy is not the same size as MJF...and that he, Pipo is actually bigger than Dalton! OMC!
We are praying for the safety and well being of so many affected by those horrible wild fires in California and Canada. And for those affected by all the hurricanes and other disasters.
Little Dalton is doing a wee bit better with pawppy, but still barks/growls sometimes. He will take food or treats out of his hand now, but cowers if that same hand gets too close. So pawppy has not petted him yet...don't want to ruin the progress we have made thus far.
Here are a couple pictures of him trying out the doggy nest comforts here.
Hi, I do think this is a nice nest, just the right size,. I think this shall be my 'sort of selfie', BOL! |
Ahhh, yes soooooo comfy, I think I will snooze now...zzzzzzzz |