Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving ~ 2024


We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

We are happy and thankful that some years ago, this lady whom we now know as petcretary came and took us out of the shelter(s) we were in, after we came to them all the way from Texas.

We are thankful for our loving furmily who put up with our mistakes and mischief and our barking. We are thankful for warm beds, yummy and healthy noms, and a good vet whom we see regularly...we even like *him* a little bit, BOL!

We love our huge yard, and the fun we have running up and down the fence roa=w with our 'girlfriend', whose name is Rose.

We are also thankful that the snow we had last week is now all gone...but we did hear we may get more over the next few days...are we thankful for the snow?? Nope...but we are thankful that the sidewalks get shovelled out and that if needed, the shovel does work on the grassy areas to help us find the 'right' spot to do our...well, you know! BOL!

*She's*  been awfully busy lately, so she didn't have time to make new Thanksgiving images for us, so she dug into the archives and found these...some are sevearl years old and some are from last year.

A visit from our Angels who are thankful that the blog they started keeps on keeping on.

Since it's Thursday, and we are thankful on Thanksgiving we are joining up with Brian's Home Forever for his regular Thankful Thursday blog hop.

Don't eat too much turkey...and woofing of turkey, Petcretary said we might get some, we are thankful about that!!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Snow Happened Here

Yup, we had our first snow of the season. Of course we were less than impressed, BOL!

Around midnight this is what we saw...

Later it looked like this and we made our trek to do our bedtime obligations.

The heavy wet stuff kept coming...
When pawppy got up to let us out when it became daylight, there was a good inch or more everywhere, it was stuck to the trees and anything it had landed on. Very pretty...but...well; that may; be but we do not like it at all!

So this is how we felt about all that snow. At least it was gone by noon. Good riddance, BOL!
After that the days were cloudy or windy or both...and more wet stuff, too, but it was rain, thankfully. The forecast says we may have accumulating snow on Thanksgiving Day. BLAH!!
I don't like this cold dank weather they call fall....

At least today there is no rain or snow...
I am doing the sit down and dance the snow and rain out of here!
Well, as long as the cold isn't freezing the ground solid, I can still do my digging projects...BOL!
Petcretary said our digging tools need a good trimming down...YIKES!

Petcretary was right but not first for Tuesday Teaser Class at One Spoiled Cat.

Milo from Not Afraid Of Color, sadly, at a young age, succumbed to  evil Cancer...we hope his page will be flooded with many comforting thoughts and virtual hugs. HERE

Today is Sunday which means its time to show off your selfies! Join the hop, too, it's a lot of fun! Thanks Kitties Blue for hosting!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

We Got Locked Up

Well, the week went by quickly! And that means it's time for Sunday selfies again! 

There was a lot of comings and goings here, too, which meant that we got locked inside the house each time till the peeps came home again...and then we even got locked in when they were home because there was an invasion of sorts here...there was a hole dug into the yard, and then a man came by with his big tanker truck...and a long hose, way bigger than any snake we've ever seen! (Through the window of course, because well, we were locked inside...something about barking and getting in the way...sigh...)

Pawppy told us he came to suction out the big tank where all the water we use for showers and dishes and laundry goes...and it needs to get emptied every so often, so it doesn't back up...eeuuwww! (The septic tank)Well he came about two hours later than he had planned, and then he was there for an hour doing that work. And that meant were locked up for at least 3 hours! Then a bit after that, pawppy and petcretary locked us in again and drove away...they were gone about 3 /2 hours...sheesh! They did that on Wednesday too...phooey! And Thursday it rained most of the day so we were in couch potato mode. When are we going to have a whole day, free to come and go through the doggy doors here?? BOL!

Well the reason we were locked up on Wednesday was because that was Petcretary's birthday and pawppy took her to a fancy restaurant for a nice dinner! We made this card for her, too...but sheesh, no doggy bag came home with them...blah...
Well here we are you can see how sad were were to not be allowed to go along with the peeps when they go to eat for special days...BOL, BOL!!
This is the 'doctored' image we put in petcretary's BD card....taken before this series of lockups happened...

BOL!!! We are happy now cause the doggy door is open again!!

Petcretary learned of two new angel kitties that she knew from the days she had the kitties at Catster. They don't blog but they do have FB pages. You can visit them there by clicking on the caption under their mementos.


Come on over to The Cat On My Head, that's where you'll find all the other Sunday Selfies, and you can even find out how to join therm!! Thanks Kitties Blue for hosting!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Time For Selfies!

Here we are once again to join up with all the other selfies at The Cat On My Head for their weekly blog hop.

One of our favorite things to do each week.

Not much happening in our doggy world, despite all the uproar in the world we hear about from our pawrents. Which gives thought to the fact that us furry ones are a stress reliever and a stability maker in *their* lives! Phew, what wisdom we have today...

Petcretary was in our back woodsy area, (yet again), and continuing to do clean up duty there, though its MUCH better than when those tree peeps had just come through.

We were snoopervising...or trying to engage our neighbor pup Rose fro a fence running game...or sniffing in all the leaves for something to hunt...and yup! Dalton wouldn't stop digging which is unusual for him...mostly its a Benji thing...but well they both are terriers. Suddenly there was what petcretary thought came from Dalton as he was running away...but wait! Benji was there right with him...and then *she* saw that Dalton had a prize in his jaws...a vole. (Didn't know they could make such a loud yelp/squeal). So they were not about to give it up...but eventually it was dropped and *she* stole it...dead as it was by then...and gave it an impromptu funeral...far away from prying schnooters and paws...what a party pooper! BOL!So here are our selfies for this week:

Did ya have ta steal our fun??
Just when the fun was at its height you ruined it...Grrr!
When our fun is spoiled outside, I have to make my fun time happen inside, BOL!!

Oh wait! Petcretary was a first right guesser for Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, so she got this badge for her efforts:
All the selfies are here in the Blog Hop; Thanks Kitties Blue!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ Hold The Light

Holding a light makes  darkness fade away, so those on the dark path will see where they are going.
It is a beautiful thing if you can hold a light for your neighbor, when they are floundering in their dark time, or even lost in it. Then they'll be able to see their way out. Imagine if everyone held a light for someone every day. What a beautiful thing it would be, and then friendships might bloom...which is the beginning of peace, 
Dona Nobis Pacem.
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with ME!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

A Fun Guest Selfie!


Wow,  its already the third of November!! The holiday season is upon us, well.almost!

Petcretary has to work this weekend so time at blogging is we'll allow her a guest, saves her time from making us pose, BOL!

So here is the series of pictures that were taken on a whim at the spur of the moment...this dude whose name is totally forgotten...has some furmouse blogging cousins...

So, on Saturday of her vacation she saw these two pups being walked by their Mama and Papa...

OMD! She said, that is a cousin of DaPhenny and DaNelly!! Along with his Frenchie Sisfur!
Then on Sunday as they were about to go to the airport to go back to her sister's place, petcretary saw them again!! So she got some better pics, including a (sort of ) selfie!

Too bad petcretary sometimes has a brain like sieve, everything falls out...sigh....she wishes she could remember his name and that of his sisfur...oh well!

We will now join up with the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head!

We are thankful that The Kitties Blue continue to have this blog hop each week, already for over ten years!! Wow! We love it. It's fun, and anyone can join, you do not need to be a cat or a doggy!

Click the caption under the little icon and you can see all the others and join in, too!

The Sunday Selfies are all HERE!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Angelic Kitty Trio

 Once again there is sorrow in the Blogosphere, as there aere three new kitties who recently became new angels.

If you wish to comment on their pages, you can click on the link that is with their names under the images.



(Kira is a friend from the long gone days of Catster., some of you may remember her, they only have a facebook page...)

We are going to join up with the Feline Friday BlogHop...since these precious angel kitties deserve a last time to be remembered. We send our condolences to the families, and hope that the many memories they made over the years will stay with them forever.

Feline Friday