Petcretary came back from her vacation and rescued/released us from Doggy Jail...we were SO glad to be back home! And wow, there was all kinds of tree junk to explore in our yard...though petcretary calls it a huge mess. So we've helped snoopervise her making large brush piles and playing Smokey The Bear to make sure she doesn't burn down the whole yard! She said she'll get help to cleanup the large trunks and logs, some of which she sold to the tree cutter, and some she'll pay to have it hauled away, as they are a bit too large to safely burn. (Let alone move around!)
Hurry girls, we want to get out of here and go home! |
On the way back here, Petcretary met an unusual Mountie at a rest stop...he obliged with a selfie, and then he wanted to have another with her, BOL!
It was fall in full glory out west...and now its like that here, too:
Here are the happy newlyweds:
They got dressed up for a traditional Chinese Tea ceremony as the groom's family is Cantonese. |
Here they are shortly after the wedding ceremony...but the bride had already taken off her beautiful and very long train and veil... |
The next day the couple had to fly to get to their honeymoon destination...and petcretay and our Auntie were walking in the airport looking for their own departure waiting area, and they suddenly were met by those two!! Imagine that!!
They also had a lot of the wedding party and some guests on their own flight back...a lot came from the same area where our auntie lives, and some had to travel back to another city a few hundred miles more to the east.
When petcretary got back to our house there was this huge tent in the neighbor's yard...they had a wedding there the same day as petcretary's niece!!
It took two days to get it taken down!!
Here we are having a yummy treat as a bribe for good behavior when we got home...
And since the 20th was Tocktober, and we missed that, Dalton obliged with a great tock-shot, BOL!!
Investigating the big pile of tree rubbish... |
Benji showing off *his* more modest Tocks! |
That's all folks!!
Now for the new angels we heard about while the maker of the mementos we send was not at her computer...
You can visit their families by clicking on the leave your message of comfort if you haven't done that yet.
It may be a while yet, before we can visit you as *she* is very busy with the outside work, and a whole lot of other duties, chores and her work.