Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend ~ An Ussie

 It is Memorial Day, we will be patriotic...

It's a day when we stop to think about all those who helped gain/keep the freedoms which we have, here, but often take for granted.

So while it is also the unofficial start to summer, please take a moment to reflect on why we are having this holiday...and thank a veteran, too, if you know/meet any.

Our Memorial Day Patriotic Ussie

We've been doing some of or own yard work...digging up moles...Petcretary found 2 large would think she'd be happy to have them gone, but she insists we make more disaster of the yard than they do...sigh...she's hard to please...
Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser class, and she had the right answer, but was just a tad short of being first with that! She shared the first commenter honor with Sharon...

This was her other 'prize'

We made a memento for Lorelei, a well known, and precious pup.

If you would like to send a comforting message,  just click on the name under her picture, and it will take you there.

Enjoy all the other Sunday Selfies by visiting The Cat On my Head who are the weekly hosts of this fun hop! Thank you Kitties Blue!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Flashback Straw Hat Day Selfies ~ and: Happy Victoria Day!

We were not able to make a post on the 15th for Straw Hat Day, and *she* wasn't able to make new images either...oh well, its always good to have old images to resort to, BOL!!
And with Memorial Day coming up, who knows if the camera will be clicking or not! 

Speaking of Holidays, Tomorrow, May 20th is Victoria Day in Canada, a major holiday, with fireworks and all kinds of fun things. Celebrating the birthday of Queen Victoria, who was the queen when Canada was 'born' in 1867.
Its the beginning of the summer season! Years ago in her single days, petcretary went camping on this long weekend holiday with several other single young was hot, so she found a nice shady place to keep her (film) camera cool...oops...when one of the other campers left to get some supplies he drove right over it!! Yikes!! But it was replaced with a better camera! Which she still had when she came to Michigan...and used it to take lots of pics of her first kitties and the unfurbros when they arrived. Eventually she got still a better film camera,and then the first of two digital point and shoot ones. the latter which she still uses...sometimes!! She prefers the phone camera for some reason. BOL!!
Petcretary was right but not first right last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday. She got this cute badge as her 'reward'

OK, here we are in our Straw Hats:

All of these were taken 2019...Benji wasn't even a year old when they were taken!
We are hopping along with many others in the Sunday Selfies! The Cat On my Head hosts this hop every week, and has done so for a LONG time!! Thanks Kitties Blue!

And in case you didn't know, The pawrents of the Kitties Blue, Janet and Tom, are celebrating their 51st Wedding Anniversary today! Congratulations! 🎉💐

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Angelic Art On Caturday

 We have no idea why there is a traffic jam of sorts at the Rainbow Bridge Entrance...but anypaws, petcretary made some art for two new angels...while she was working on one of them, the GIMP picture editing site she uses, stopped working properly. She spent several hours pulling her hair out to get it functional again...and even installed a new version, which had the same issues...ARGGGHHH!

Eventually she realized the trouble was a wrong setting...and now its all good again, phew!

Ichiro, handsome mancat from My Siamese.Com


You can leave messages of comfort by clicking on his caption under the memento.

Then we made another memento for Kori, a sweet lady-collie.

Kori came from All Things Collie, and you can leave your messages of sympathy there...

Once again we will join the Caturday Art Blog Hop.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

In Memory of Layla

Layla, from Layla's Woof, recently flew off to the Rainbow Bridge. She will be terribly missed by her Mom. If you would like to leave a comforting messge for her, you may do so HERE, if you have not yet done so.

Since this is 'art day' at Athena's blog, we are joining the Catuday Art Blog Hop.

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In Memory Of Bentley


Bentley of Barking From the Bayou fame, recently flew off to the Rainbow Bridge, after being loved by his family for 16 years.

If you have not done so you can visit his blog HERE, to leave your comforting messages.

We also want to apologize for the lack of visiting most of our blogging friends of late. It seems that us pups have to take the back seat when it comes to all the not blogging things that petcretary gets involved with. We have not forgotten you, and we will drop by to visit when we can...

While we may be wordy, grief, known to most pet bloggers certainly needs no words, and no words can adequately describe the feelings we pet parents have when we have to say those final HURTS so much.

Anyways, we are joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog hop.

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Look Back On Cinco De Mayo ~ And Remembering Ernie

 Petcretary is working we said it would be great to see what we did for a past May Fifth! (And no, we've never done a May The Fourth Be With You, LOL)

So, its Cinco De Mayo...but we have never tasted Mayo..BOL!

Anypaws, here we are, first in a frame devised from some images petcretary put into it...and then the flashback selfies. She looked through all her pics and it seems we have only done this type of photo shoot twice, wow, what a slacker...not that we mind, BOL, BOL!!

And for your pleasure, petcretasry even found one of Angel Pipo!

Sadly we never made any of Angel Minko for this holiday, but here is one of him just because...
Angel Minko has these gourds and one looks like a maraca; that's purrfect for Cinco De Mayo!

Here is a link to a past blog with some yummy recipes for this day:

At Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, Petcretary guessed correctly, though she wasn't first, nor was she quick to get to class either, BOL!, She did get this funny badge for her efforts.

Sadly we had to ask Petcretary to make a memento for a dear friend of many years, Ernie of The Island Cats earned his wings a few days ago. May he fly free and be a healthy angel, released from all his earthly sufferings. We send our love and soft aroos to his family, who will so terribly miss him. He will be cherished forever deep in the hearts of those who knew and loved him. You can leave your loving messages of sympathy  HERE if you haven't yet done so.