Sunday, April 14, 2024

More Spring Things; Flower, Tree and Sun Selfies!

 What a week!!

Solar eclipse, spring bursting forth, and terrible winds! At least we didn't lose our power here, but a large part of our city was without power...yesterday, with wind gusts to 50 mph...and still was that way Saturday afternoon. They got it back on late least it wasn't too cold or hot.

This is the only full blossom of two daffs that came up this year. Not sure where all the others went, there used to be quite a few of them....sigh....

We were able to see the eclipse last Monday, we had those  special glasses. It was clear so we had good viewing. We didn't have totality here, but a good portion was obscured. 
Petcretary put the glasses over her camera lens and got a few not too bad images...(she just used her phone...)

This was taken at the point when we had as nuch occlusion as we were going to did get a bit dim, but there were still shadows, and all the birds kept singing...

On Monday last week, our Weeping Cherry Tree was almost at its peak. 

Look closely and you can see this butterfly's proboscis!

These butterflies are all over our do they manage to stay on in these windy conditions!!

Thursday, probably the peak day of this year's blossoming. Its full of butterflies and bees!

Saturday...a lot of blossoms have blown off n the recent winds and rain...

Look about 1/3 from the top, and find the butterfly!

Maple Flowers, one of the causes of Petcretary's allergies....Pollen!
We were hard to get close together...and even harder to both look at *her* at the same time, BOL!
Since this pic was taken last weekend, our grass has greened up a lot, and even got its first 'haircut' this past Tuesday.

We are happy to be able to join in with The Cat On My Head, the hosts of the weekly Sunday Selfies feature. Thanks, Kitties Blue!


  1. Dearest Ingrid,
    Yes, we had those wind gusts too, not quite as strong as yours but it was nasty to drive in the rain and wind for one hour to make it to Pieter's cardiologist.
    We got to see about the same sight of the eclipse!
    Your weeping cherry tree is spectacular.
    Great photos and video.
    And the two fur babies pose so well.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Congratulations on the eclipse photos.
    The weeping cherry tree in full bloom is simply stunning. Thanks for sharing it. Here in Scotland our insect life is well accustomed to survival in high winds!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. The cherry tree looks beautiful. This winter through Spring we have had one storm after another with extreme winds. Last week was another, Pierre something, I lose track of the names. The gusts regularly reach 80-90mph and sometimes higher. I think we get such strong winds because we are an island and the winds come straight in from the Atlantic.

  4. Cherry blossoms remind Mummy of her childhood in England and the flowering cherry avenue in Regent's Park, London. And daffodils were her own Mummy's favourite flower. And we love the flutterbys! And your selfies are cute!
    So much beauty in the world to hold on to, in spite of the ugliness of last night...

  5. Your cherry tree is amazingly beautiful and you two are so cute in your ussie! We were in the path of totality for the eclipse but we had thick cloud cover so our parents couldn't see the moon blocking the sun. It did get as dark as night and the birds stopped singing for the few minutes we were dark which was cool to experience.

  6. Oooh! What beautiful pictures of spring. The cherry tree is so light and airy and springy.
    We've been having the same crummy weather and meowmie is determined to rake up all the branches and seed pod pollen thingies before it rains later this afternoon.
    Your eclipse pics are the best. They really show the whole process, even night time sky with stars. We are so impressed with the idea of putting the special glasses on the camera--this is the very first we've heard of doing this. Meowmie shared special glasses with a neighbor and saw the sun blocked with just a tiny crescent of light showing. It was a strange yellowy color outside, not that dark, but when meowmie went inside she realized just how dark it really was at 93% eclipse. Truly a memorable event.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  7. wavez two ewe doodz...happee SUN day two tree and de flutter byez be AWESUM :) de eeeclipz
    fotoz de gurl getted sux big time ~~~~ heerz two a grate week a head !! ♥♥

  8. Cute selfie. Beautiful blooms and the eclipse photos came out great. XO

  9. You did amazingly well with the glasses taking a picture of the eclipse. I wish I had thought of it. The flowering trees are beautiful. I would probably take too many photos of them. I love the blooming in the Spring.

  10. Oh how our Mom would love a weeping cherry tree like that!!! She says it would be nice if the blossoms lasted a whole season. We have had all the wind here too and our naighbors birch trees reallymake a mess out of our yard. But all the more sticks for us to chew on:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. I LOVE daffodils. For me they ARE spring!!!

  12. Isn't that nice to walk through Blogland and discover spring everywhere ?

  13. Lulu: "That's quite a daffodil! It's like a big yellow star! It should have a few planets orbiting around it!"
    Java Bean: "We didn't get much of the eclipse here, although the light did get weird for a little while. Dada poked a hole in a plate and used it to look at the eclipse on the back of another plate inside a box. I was just wondering why the plates didn't have any food on them."
    Charlee: "You guys have a tree full of butterflies?! So lucky!!!"

  14. Your weeping cherry tree is simply spectacular! Hopefully the wind has moved out and making less problems for pollen sufferers. 🤞🏼
