Friday, November 3, 2023

In Memory Of Ella

 Most of the Blogville community know the family of Xena, Chia, Lucy and Riley. Well they have some good friends who live far away from them...and Ella was a good BFF for Lucy. Ella recently passed away from cancer, that evil killer of so many.

So while they don't have a blog of their own, they were often featured on Xena's blog...hence we made this memento for Ella in her honor.

You can leave messages for Ella, HERE.

We adding this to the Flashback Friday hop, since this image of sweet Ella cme from a while back...



  1. The loss of a best friend hurts. What a pretty girl Ella was and your tribute is beautiful♥

  2. We were so sad to hear that Ella had crossed the Bridge. Your memento is so beautiful.

  3. we loved and love Ella and are heart broken over her loss.. thanks for the memory of her

  4. Beautiful Angel Ella. A wonderful tribute.
