Wednesday, June 28, 2023

New Angels...Just a Few Words...

We were informed of new Angels in the blogging community.

Our hearts go out to their families and we all send much love and many hugs to them during these difficult days of grieving. These Kitty Angels with all their precious memories, will always remain deep in the hearts of those who knew and loved them.

 Petcretary has a request:

I don't have emails of the kitty's furmilies, and when its a G-mail address, I cannot send them, they always come back to me as non-deliverable even though I will try to send them from the Chrome browser which is from Google. Sheesh:(

If anyone has email addies for these kitties, could you snag the image(s) from this blog, and then pass them along.Thanks!

 In no particular order:

Winnie, from The Chair Speaks

Teddy, from Patricia's Place

Midnight, from Kitty Par-TAY

We are in the Wordless Wednesday Hop..

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Summer! Selfies for The Solstice

Well, a few days ago we passed the Summer Solstice Day, June 21st Solstice...and we sure have it feeling like summer, too. Hot and very dry...way TOO dry in fact. While we could see some rain in our state on the local radar, we only had all of two drips at our place. Everyone is hoping and pawyering for rain to come. Its in the forecast, but only as a 30 - 40% chance. Now if we had a picnic or some important outdoor event planned, it surely would pour, BOL! Our grass is crunchy, since its been burned to a crisp and some of the trees are so stressed they are dropping their leaves.



Last week, petcretary found a deer tick that had decided she tasted good...and it was already buried into her skin...she used the doggy tick remover and went to urgent care to get the prophylactic doxycycline to prevent her from getting sick. Lyme Disease is NO joke. 

Thanks, 'Google'...

Then earlier this week some other bug took a nibble under her shirt. So there is a big red wheal there, and the itch is phenomenal. UGH. She was 'attacked' yesterday on her way to the house after she came home from work and has some big bite marks on her chin...those mosquitoes, and other hungry insects are such pests and annoying to the max. Who puts on insect repellent to be outside for a few minutes to water the plants or walk the length of the sidewalk to go inside...sheesh! Maybe she just needs a beekeeper's protective outfit!! BOL!
 Here is a tip:
Eucalyptus Oil; straight from the bottle; when dabbed on mosquito or other itchy bug bites, helps with reducing the itch...doesn't smell too bad either! Its a tropical remedy petcretary's parents learned about when they lived in the West Indies...

Petcretary was a firstie this past Tuesday at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class...and she guessed correctly but was a wee bit too slow with her hunting skills, LOL!

Here are our summertime selfies, and its art! Petcretary wishes she could have flowers like that in her patio pots, right now there are a few dahlias and some geraniums, and a whole lot of marigolds, they seem to like the hot weather we are having. The wisteria she planted three years ago refuses to bloom, it just puts our a million shoots to expand itself...sigh...

Here are the original selfies we used to make this:


On a sad note, LouLou posted that one of her good friends lost his precious pup, Mya, so we made a memento to honor her.

Mya ~ You can see the post about her HERE.

We are hopping in The Sunday Selfies.Hosted as always by The Kitties Blue at the Cat On My Head. Thanks for hosting, its already week 462!! Wow, that is one huge lot of Sundays!!


Saturday, June 17, 2023

In Memory of Norman



Norman from Tales Around The Ranch unexpectedly passed away very recently.

He was a very lovable pup, and a therapy pup who loved his job.He will be deeply missed by all who knew him, the more so by his Mom and dog-sister, Elsa.

Please visit there to leave your message of comfort, if you have not already done so.

We've added this art to the Caturday Art blog hop. Athena is your pretty hostess there.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

(Very Belated)Happy Birthday to Benji

Sometimes we think we might need to send our petcretary to time management classes, BOL!!

Anypaws, she was busy with outside chores here, and giving drinks to all our very thirsty plants. She pulled up tons of weeds...they seem to keep doing fine despite the drought conditions.We still have not seen a drop of rain here, though there was some in the south parts of our city...And she had to be at her work...and all kinds of excuses! We think most of you know all about that kind of thing.
(BTW, if you have not heard from us, we have only been able to get to a few blogs to visit/comment...we hope to get to you soon!)

Well, on Tuesday the 6th, it was Benji's 5th birthday! Yup, time sure does fly!

She didn't even sit down to post the card on his here it is now:

Here are some other pics of the birthday boy as he was celebrating can betcha that all those fancy things came off and treats were had both by Benji ;and Dalton, too, even though he did a funny photobomb...

I am king for the day! Sheesh!
Well, this hat is easier to wear than that crown...b ut, well it looks kind of silly!

This was the image in my card. I was happy not to have on any kind of head gear.

At least it wasn't hot...this T-shirt is actually kind of comfy. Better than any hat/crown, BOL!

Too bad I have to wait for real ice cream and bones...

Thinking about what the year ahead will bring....

Here is the backside of my T-shirt.

Sheesh, he can be SO annoying sometimes...

Its offurcial! I am Five!


Last week at Teddy's Teaser Class, petcretary provided the picture that was supposed to be the teaser...but, apparently not as it was guessed correctly pretty soon by our own Selfie Sunday Hostess, Miss Janet from The Cat On My Head!

Anyways, here it is:

Seven Sisters Falls in Geirangerfjord, Norway.
Petcretary was on time to be one of three first commenters as well. Here's the reward for that:

And here is the reward she got for sending in the teaser picture.
OK, that was fun!!



 Blogville had to say goodbye to yet another beloved kitty; Tanaka

Tanaka ~ You can visit his blog HERE if you haven't already, to leave your message of comfort. If anyone has his Mom's email could you forward this to her? Thanks!
The Birthday Boy will join the Sunday Selfies

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Tongue Out ~ Too Hot Ussies

 We have had a very hot week here, with temps in the upper 80's to low 90's, and NO rain for way too long, such that the grass has turned brown where there is no shade and is all crunchy and hard on our paws. And there have been a number of fires here and there; we are in a heat advisory and an air quality one, well as a fire hazard warning.

There was rain in our area, but none fell on our grass and it was not really enough...but at least the forecast is calling for more pleasant temps in the week ahead.

When petcretary was at her work, she got some pictures of Mrs Mallard and her brood of seems each spring there is a new duck family to entertain the residents! Maybe its the same one, who knows! When they are in there, however, they cannot wander out, and since they need to eventually get to water other than in a kiddy pool, well, we have to call a wildlife rescue to catch them and bring them to one of the many ponds and small lakes around here, preferably one in a nature preservation area.

Mrs Mallard and her ducklings. Any guesses as to how many ducklings there are??

 Here we are in our tongue hanging out cause its too hot ussies:

Its so hot, so we just lounge in shady areas and pant...don't worry, we can go inside at will through the doggy door, and find the cool AC and fresh water in there.

Petcretary changed the ugly next door background...

Hey Benji! I heard there  is a special day coming up really soon!

In recent days there were some sad families because their beloved furry ones left for the RB...this link will bring you to the mementos that were made in their honor.

You can go HERE for  our WordPress blog.

We are joining up with the Kitties Blue who are our faithful weekly hosts of Sunday Selfies.