Sunday, October 16, 2022

Possums, Selfie Time, and a Guest!

The week has gone by quickly and its time again for another set of selfies! 

This past Thursday, Jefferson was visiting the nursing home...he's seven months old...and he loves everyone! He belongs to our Director of Nursing, and will likely become an in-house therapy dog. So all we'd need then is a therapy kitty! LOL!


Here we are inside on a wet rainy day...pleading innocence...we were just doing terrieristical stuff...

NOT *the possum* , this is a web borrowed image.
The other day when petcretary was cleaning up after us...she always goes back and forth over the whole yard. Well by our trumpet creeper vines she discovered a dead possum. Not a very large one, must have been a very young one....we did not confess as to how it came to be there, nevermind how it died. So she gave it a mini funeral...


The next night after midnight, we were causing a huge ruckus in that same with a flashlight, to see what we were barking our head off at, she saw we had cornered yet another possum, a bit bigger than the other one. OMD!!!

After a few minutes, she was able to get Benji by the collar and hold him off, and then of course drag/walk him back into the house...and Dalton decided he'd best follow. 

Next morning, no trace of possum #2...Petcretary thinks they came by to forage under our bird feeders. She sure hopes they have not taken up residence in our yard, or under our back porch. Else the efforts on the doggy's part might continue. Yikes! 

The neighbors were less than impressed by all the noise...oh dear...(D & B have free access too the yard because we have doggy doors and petcretary was still up, so the door was not closed/locked. So now they are inside after dark and the door is closed except for pee pee breaks...)

It seems that there was prior training in Possum Dalton got this one for his Birthday, last year. BOL!

And that is all the latest excitement to woof about!


There were also recent new angels...

Chica, Grand-dog to Amber Da Weenie's Mom, you can leave condolences at The Rainbow Friends page, HERE.

George from Life At The Golden Pines


We are hopping with all the other Selfie makers, at The Cat On my Head. Thanks, Kitties Blue, for hosting!


  1. Jefferson is such a handsome chap and surely will make a fine therapy dog.
    But oh how I would love to join you in your possum hunting. What could be more fun! Petcretary is quite the spoilsport, closing the dog door. (We have the same deal here, I get to run in and out of the house through my dog flap at will during the day, but only so long as I don't cause a row outside and annoy the neighbours. Sadly we don't have possums in Scotland.)

  2. That sure is exciting to find a possum in your yard. We've never had one in our backyard that we know of.

  3. We justb get squirrels and a rare hedgehog. Heaven knows I have tried to catch the fluff tree rat, but to no avail. I'm not sure I could cope with a possum. Still, better you two guys are in than out upsetting the neighbours! But then again, if you drive the nesting possum off, well that is good all round, right?
    Lovely and innocent looking selfies this week! ;)

  4. Gee! What excitement! I have never seen a possum. We have more raccoons.
    As I am indoors, I so not need to worry about them unless they break in to try and get my food ;) MOL!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We have neffur, effur seen a possum. Although Mummy had a kitty called Possum, who is now an Angel and whenever We hear the word, We think of him. He flew away to the Bridge ten years ago this coming Furriday.

  7. Wow! We get lots of birds, squirrels and chipmunks in our yard by day, and bunnies at night. But we've never gotten any possums! Last night, driving home from work, I sadly saw a beautiful fox on the side of the road that had been hit by a car. It was probably trying to get at the freshly killed deer on the other side of the road. 'Tis the season. Sigh.

  8. Aww, poor possum.
    Possum's are great bug eaters; they eat ticks, which doggos certainly don't need.
    We see possums in our yard once in awhile, as is the skunk, raccoon, and groundhogs.
    It's a regular nature preserve; do you think we can apply for government funding?

  9. Varmints like those are a pain, for both huMoms and pets. We hope the offending Possum moves on to other haunts. 🐀

  10. Bless the sweet babies who went over the Rainbow Bridge...and their pawrents. Mommy said she like Possums. They do a great deal of good. As always, the badges are beautiful.

  11. That was a lot of excitement with the possum! Jefferson is very good looking.

  12. Losing friends is always a loss. Your images are such a gift for them. Thank you.

  13. Jefferson is so handsome! We used to see possums at our old house, but I haven’t seen one around here. ~Ernie

  14. Maybe your neighbors would prefer the possums. They are quiet.

  15. that possums huh? we have none here, but oh boy that would be a species we really need (the mama thinks otherwise, but she is no hunting dog) . your jefferson is super cute and we hope he will bring lots of good moments to the people....

  16. Jefferson is a cutie and we have to admit that we think that the possum is a cutie too, to bad one wasn't alive anymore, but grateful that you gave him a respectful little funeral. Granny does that too, Angel's Place is full with mousies🐭One of the nicknames of Angel Binky was Possum💗Dalton did a great job on his possum...MOL...Double Pawkisses to all of you and have a wonderful week ahead too, hope it is an easy one🐾😽💞

  17. Jefferson is a gorgeous K9 for sure! And that fluffy possum is cute! Lovely to see mew guys today, and your selfie is epic!

  18. Jefferson is a baby doll! And I believe that all nursing homes should have therapy dogs either one living there or one that visits regularly. I know that when they used to come to the nursing home where my dad was they were welcomed with open arms and it made everybody so happy. Poor little possums and poor babies that can't go out in their yard when they want to. It has been our experience that the family of possums that lives on the other side of our fence most of the time only comes out a few times a year so they should eventually go away especially if you keep killing them haha

  19. Lulu: "Look at that Jefferson face! Don't you just want to smooch him?!"
    Chaplin: "We have possums here too. Dennis told us how one of them walked through the yard right in front of Tucker and he didn't pay the least bit of attention to it."
    Java Bean: "How could a dog ignore a possum?"
    Charlee: "To hear Dennis tell it, Tucker always had better things to do than bark."
    Java Bean: "Like what?"
    Chaplin: "Steal food and sit in Mama's lap."
    Java Bean: "..... I can respect that."

  20. Dogs or cats are so good in hospitals or retirement homes ! It's a pity that old people are not allowed to take their pets along, although there are exceptions. Where Rick was, cats were allowed if you were still able to take care of your cat, and little dogs too. I found that very nice. I could have taken Arthur (our white cat) along because he was like a dog, but my little Rosie would have gotten a nervous breakedown ! You have animals in your garden, we only can see in a zoo ! The most exotic one here are two foxes and some hedgehogs !

  21. Thank you so much for including Chica. The picture is beautiful.
