Sunday, October 2, 2022

Time For Sunday Selfies

Our solo selfies seem to be rather serious this week, maybe due to all the political and other unrest, war and catastrophic weather issues...we were just thinking about all who are adversely affected by all of those things...and we hope for better days ahead.

Then we made a very funny ussie...a double raspberry...even though its not in the best of  focus, we thought it was fun to show our synchronized tongue outs, BOL! 

This is what we think about photo sessions, petcretary! (Actually we were savoring the treats we were given, BOL!)

Petcretary was a firstie at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser class, and she had the right answer, but wasn't first with it, close but no cigar, LOL!

Today is our unfurbro-the-elder's birthday. Have a great day, dude!

It was also the BD of two of our angel kitties, Groucho and Suki. How about that!?!

Angel Groucho

We are joining all the other Selfies at our Hosts: The Cat On my Head! Thanks, Kitties Blue, we love this feature and we love you too.


  1. You two are so cute.

    Da hurricane made momma so sad - she went to Sanibel with grandma, Whitley, and Finley years ago. She wuz thinking da maybe we could get to go this next summer - it is totally destroyed now.

  2. Gail and I love the tongues out Ussie, but Gail can also relate to the reasons why faces might be serious this week too.
    Have a wonderful Sunday anyway.

  3. In spite of all the human craziness, you two look pawsome in your selfies!!!!
    Angels Groucho and Suki were very nice looking Meezers!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Yes, the first two selfies look quite somber indeed but don't mask your individual handsomeness. It just means you understand the gravity of the situation. The ussie with the two of you licking your chops certainly lends an air of levity. Hope you had a good snack. Happy Birthday to your older human brother and your two angel kitties; forever in your hearts.

  5. Double ussie is double fun. We stick our tongues out at the world mess too.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  6. You do look a bit serious - sad, even - in your selfies. But the Two-fur is cute, We loved it!

  7. Doggos don't need to worry about the crazy human world, fellas.

  8. Those are both very dignified selfies, but we love your silly ussie the best. There has been a lot of sad events lately but we try to stay happy.

  9. Days are better already with that wonderful double-tongue shot! Perfect!

  10. OMC that double selfie with the tongues out is fabulous. We're happy Ian has gone away and that we were lucky enough not to have anything worse than power outage and some limbs down.

  11. Happy Birthday kitties. Lovely selfies too boys!!

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  12. You two look terrific, love the raspberries! Happy Birthday to your Unfurbro and to those precious Angels too.

  13. That last one of the two of you made me MOL! ~Ernie

  14. Well I think you look Handsome in your selfies xoxo Little Miss Titch

  15. Those are delicious Selfies, sweeties...MOL...Happy Birthday to your purrecious Angels and to your twofeet-elderly. Hope you all had a wonderful day🎉Double Pawkisses from us to all of you🐾😽💞

  16. Your faces have become dear to me, Benji and Dalton. Your Angels are as well; but I have to say, seeing you two makes my mommy smile every time. XXX

  17. WE LOVE YOUR TONGUE-OUT SELFIES, you two darlings. And those eyes, oh, those eyes, which always look as though they have a secret....

  18. Lulu: "You have to be serious sometimes, but it's nice to lighten things up with a good raspberry at the end of it!"
    Charlee: "Happy heavenly birthday to your kitty angels over the Rainbow Bridge!"

  19. I love yoor waspberries! I need to learn how to do them. Excellent selfies for all!

  20. Synchronized tongues?'d score a gold medal with that one!

  21. Terrific Selfie/ussies guys! How did your mom get you to BOTH make a raspberry at the same time? That is a 1 in a million, but then your Mom is super lucky at winning at firstie and answering the teaser...Thanks for stopping by ...have a marvellously happy week! Puurs Marv
