Sunday, October 30, 2022

O Deer ~ O No ~ O'Possum ~ Hall~O~Ween!

Yup...another filled up week. Fun stuff and not so fun stuff, too.

Its definitely deer season around our region. The other day on one trip home there were three places where deer were by the road, and one were they were right on it, Petcretary had to brake hard to avoid it...not like a co worker who missed work because she hit a deer on her way to work. Oh Deer. The highways and the back roads are scattered with road kill...UGH. We see them in daylight too. Maybe that's how they earned the name 'vishus deer', LOL!

And the terrierist team  has struck again...yet another Opossum has met its end in our yard...sigh...poor things need to use their noses to smell the danger that lurks in this fenced yard.

Dalton got another black mark against his record, in that a few days ago, pawppy turned quickly to look at something and Dalton quick as lightening struck him with his open jaws and nipped his leg. Ouch. Thankfully only a superficial nip, but still...sheesh:(

He still carries so much baggage from his past. Later he was sidling up to his pawpppy for a chin scritch! No remorse at all, BOL!

And past Monday when petcretary was doing the laundry...she happened to be in the cellar when the washing machine started to empty...OMD!!! it was spewing out of the pipes all over the floor down there. Since we have a so called Michigan cellar, there is now a thick layer of silt everywhere. At least nothing of importance was ruined, other than our pocketbook to get the plumbers in there to fix the issue...and now thankfully it all runs fast and well, with not a drip to be seen! Phew!! And we were not allowed to banish those intruders, even when they brought in some really noisy machines they used to fix the watery mess...

The little kids next door came outside dressed as a pink bunny, and Woody from Toy Story. that made Dalton and Benji bark a lot, til they realized who they were. They were going to a family Halloween party. Meanwhile their kitty came outside too, and sat in their driveway, calm as a cucumber while the pups barked and jumped at the fence to try and get at him...He was teasing them I think! BOL!

We really don't do much with Halloween here, but just for fun, Dalton & Benji 'dressed up'...

I am a ferocious Stegosaurus...well, I am supposed to be,BOL!
The devil made me bite my pawppy...a raspberry for him:(

No intruders dare get past me, BOL!

My ears camouflage my horns so I am not  devilsih afterall!
I am up and ready to conquer! Yup...for sure!

Its fun being a little devil dog...but I will try to not bite anyone unless told to like for  intruders.

We are the terrieristical team that eradicates varmints who dare trespass...we could be hired if you need us!

Petcretary scored a double win at Teddy's Teaser this past Tuesday, Whoopee!!

Then there was this little gem that Teddy and his helper had found...little did they know it went right to the heart of petcretary as she collects military drummers! Thanks Teddy!!

We are hopping along in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Thanks Kitties Blue for hosting, each and every week!


  1. What an eventful week! You look darned scary and ferocious in your Howl-o-ween get-ups. Glad you gave the dad some loving and alerted the plumbing intruders that petcretary was not to be messed with. Hope you get some good treats to dogabrate Howl-o-weeny. Stay safe! xoxoxox, Bibi & Meep

  2. you both look adorable and the devil dog costume is appropriate! we all know you did not mean to bite pawpy.
    we do not miss the deadly attacks on any living thing that came in the yard, by Max for 16 years and jake for 14 years, our other dogs did not do that. we have a huge cemetery of dead ducks, possums, coons etc. we saved what we could.. forgot the squirrels. Big Boy and Beau neither of them pay attention to critters and for that i am thankful... Happy Halloween

  3. You both look furry formidable in your Halloween costumes. Well done!

  4. You guys are adorably cute in hour costumes. I'm surprised you didn't frighten away that cat. Sorry Dalton got startled and instinctively reacted against the closest body nearby. Rescued dogs have so much to overcome, no remorse would have been if he'd stayed away. He was probably trying to apologize by seeking attention. Have a safe and happy Sunday and be careful of those goblins out there (i.e. deer).

  5. Pawsome costumes guys!!!!! Good that you only bark ;) That's probably enough...MOL!
    Sorry your folks had a problem with the washer leaking :/
    Purrs, Julie

  6. You two are so cute in your Halloween costumes. It's never good to nip one of your pawrents but you could say "the devil made me do it"! BOL!

  7. Both looking good in your costumes. We came back from a cruise yesterday and drive the road through the New Forest, We saw 3 dead deer in about 20 miles. It is one of the few straight roads in the area and people think it is a race track with no thought for the animals.

  8. Oh my bit your pawppy? Oh gracious. I think you need to go apologize and explain. But following that I will tell you that you both look great in your costumes. That devil suit may just be what you need!

  9. Bit your dad. Now that is not good young man. I hope you apologised!

    Congrats to mum being a super guesser though!!

  10. Lots going on at your house - We've had the plumber come to our house too - And our 'issue' is still not completely fixed, but no running and wasting water which is what's most important.

    On the flipside, love the fun costumes - I'm sorry about the opossum, and I know first hand how hard it is for these most special pups to let go of their past. Good vibes coming from my corner of Virginia to you for a good week ahead! ❤❤

  11. WoW! You guys have had a busy week! Concatulations to your Petcretary for another double win! And we lived the drummer cat too! You guys look terrific in your costumes. We don't like to get dressed up so we are doing virtual costumes tomorrow! And I must admir that I too am a biter...I LOVE to bite my Mom...still...Keep on being awesome! Purrs Marv

  12. What a not good very bad week. We are sorry about the deer, and now you are living under the curse of Bambi who broke your washing machine. At least you look cute, a curse can't stop that.

  13. da phenny did that too butt he was a puppy that time... we are sure your dadd loves you and he will furgot that moment.... happy howloween to you all

  14. You look really funny in your Halloween costumes. I haven't seen a single kid with a costume. Halloween is slowly moving into Belgium but lots of people don't even know what it is ! Poor deer it happens here too but only when you on a road in the woods.

  15. Looking spookily fabulous guys! Happy Halloween, we hope it's EPIC!

  16. Java Bean: "Happy Halloween, friends! That's a scary close call with the deer!"
    Lulu: "We don't have deer here, but up in the mountains there are mule deer that might get run over."
    Java Bean: "What? Are they mules, or are they deer?"
    Lulu: "... Yes."

  17. Wow, that was quite the eventful week - deer, possums, black marks, washing machine leaks etc. It might have been quicker to relate what DIDN'T happen! And Gail and I think you two are such good sports, letting Petcretary dress you up like that for Halloween.

  18. oh no!! Water all over your basement? I'm so happy that it's now fixed!! It can be so bad if you hit a deer, they have ruined cars and people have died in accidents from them! I can't believe you get those cuties to wear outfits!! Never tried one with Roary yet, but Levi is definitely not a fan! Daycare is able to put things on him but I'm just not good at it. Happy Halloween!!

  19. Wishing you all treats and no more tricks! Happy Halloween xox

  20. We get bunnies, and squirrels, and chipmunks here in our yard. But not opossums! I can't imagine you little guys fighting with one of them and their big teeth! Oh, and driving home after an evening shift on country roads, I do see a lot of deer!

  21. Oh No what a mess. How ever you look fabulous xoxo Little Miss Titch
