Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Couple of Sunday Selfies, While Petcretary Is At Her Work

 We let Petcretary keep this post simple today, as she is working, both yesterday and today.

At least we don't have anything exciting to tell you about like stray possums...BOL!


We did have to say goodby to Tilly this past week, so sad, really...You can visit her family, The Indulged Furries,  HERE.

Every week, we join up with all the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head. Its quite a popular and fun blog-hop. Thanks, Kitties Blue, for being the faithful hosts all these many week, even years! You can join, too, by clicking on this caption!


  1. You did good with your post. Love to see your smiling faces

  2. Purrs to you on a rainy Sunday.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  3. Lovely selfies, guys!
    Yes, it is furry sad about Tilly.

  4. That greenery really sets off your colouring and compliments your smiles.
    Have a great weekend to you all!

  5. Very nice pictures of toy two!!
    Bet you will be excited when mum gets home!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Those are a couple of cute selfies from both of you.

  7. Look at you two cute Poochie Boyss!!! Sa-weet selfiess Dalton an Benji!
    Petcretary pace yoreself OKay?
    **nose bopss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

  8. I can't help but wonder what each of you are thinking about ... such expressions on your faces ... do tell!

  9. Keeping it simple is good sometimes. Those are splendid selfies today.

  10. Y'all be looking very handsum. Big hugs. Tell petretary not to work too hard.

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  11. Very nice selfies! Your petcretary sure works hard…I hope she gets some time off to enjoy herself soon.

  12. your selfies are always the best talisman'sto start into da new week... with cute pups it must be a good one, right?

  13. You seem to be in a good mood for your selfies !

  14. You look super for your selfies. Good job you two. You always make my mom smile too.

  15. Lulu: "Boys! Your poor Petcretary! It's supposed to be 'everybody's working FOR the weekend', not 'everybody's working ON the weekend'!"

  16. Simple but with a lot of stories in your eyes, and above all, very cute as ever😸Double Pawkissies for the both of you🐾😽💞

  17. Hi Guys! Yes we are late! We have not been around much the last couple of weeks, but that should be at an end...the last piece of flooring and baseboards were installed yesterday at 5 pm! Mom and us are doing the happy dance (though Mom still has loads of apinting and putting things back wherfe they belong). Are we happy? You betcha! I love the smiles you guys have playing in the leaves! We have tons of those and finally some rain! So we have not been out frolicing! Be kind to your Mom and keep being awesome! Purrs Marv
