Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton!

 Today is my 5th gotcha day in my forever home! I am ever so happy that my peeps didn't give up on me, even though I still have such issues with anxiety and hating men...even pawppy sometimes.esp when he is outside, or in his housecoat,  I really don't like the way it wiggles and waves around when he walks. (Petcretary giggles at the thought)...and even though I have nipped and even broken the skin of all three of the menfolk there, though not recently. Phew! I love evenings when I can jump on *her* chair and take a cozy nap while she types for us...and I love mealtimes and treat times, we play catch the treats, and I can do a few tricks too.

I got really messed up when there was a home invasion here about a year after I got here...and all over again when all those strangers came into my den with big bags and helmets and stole my pawppy out of here...though petcretary did steal him right back! And before those men intruded here, I got all upset when pawppy was on the floor and making strange noises. That was SO scary. But he is back to normal now...and he says he is re-tired...though I don't see any tires on him...so he is home a lot more now, my peeps hope I will learn to trust him now that I can spend more time with him.  But its still scary when petcretary goes to her work a couple nights a week...and sometimes her and pawppy go away for a few hours, and leave me here all alone...but yes they do come back...PHEW!

Petcretary gives me CBD and some other natural calming medicines...they seem to help a bit...maybe I need to have a chat with the Dog Whisperer. And I loved it when I got to have a little brother, who is actually a lot bigger than me, BOL!!

I was brought to a shelter as a stray during Hurricane Harvey, in Texas, and some kind peeps grabbed me out of that high kill shelter, put me in a big truck with lots of other 'pulls' and we drove to Michigan, where I was in a foster home/shelter...which is how I was 'found' and then 'gotted'!

Anyways, today Sept 27th, 2017 is when I came to live here, and I hope to spend a lot of more years here, too. I hope we have a wee dogabration of this impawrtant event in my and their lives!

Happy Gotcha Day to ME!!   WOOFS!

I am happpy, for sure, and its Tuesday...so we are joining this blog hop!


Sunday, September 25, 2022

Simply Sunday Selffies

Petcretary is working this weekend so we are giving her a break by just posting some simple selfies... Its been a pretty quiet week around our den...we only got excited and terrieristical when there were deliveries to our house...but the stuff was all for petcretary or pawppy. Its fall now, and the temps have cooled off a lot, such that long sleeves were needed. A few days ago it was hot and humid. For once the natural world seems to have it right!

 Next time we post our selfies, it will be October! Wow, only three more months left in 2022, where does the time go??

We are joining the Sunday Selfie Hop at the Cat On my Head. Thanks for hosting, Kittie Blue!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Ahoy! Its Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yargh!

Shiver Me Timbers!

Us terrieristical scalliwags

Just might be pups, 

but we be Pirates, too

We gather booty.

'n sail t'ocean blue.

Yargh!Yo Har! Avast!

Our galleon has a crows nest, top sail. 

T'spy on schooners,

They try t'escape t'no avail.

Cause we be too fast...

We plundered; watched till it sank...

Now thar swabs 

Might 'ave t' walk t'plank.

Shiver Me Timbers!!

Yargh! Yo Har! Avast!


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Pre-Pirate Day Remembrances and a Pretty Guest Selfie

 Tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

We thought it would be fun to revisit a few of our 'furbears' Pirate Day pictures/selfies.




And to what your appetites:

Our shed got put together yesterday! Hooray! It took our unfurbros with a wee bit of motherly help, spotting the ladder duties; about 6 1/2 hours to do that job! So *they* took them out to dinner for a job well done.Of course they didn't bring us any doggy bags, we ate our regular dinner. Ahhh well, it was fun to snoopervise them while they worked. 

Petcretary didn't think to get any pics, until it was almost done...then she noted a photo-bombing butterfly! That butterfly was flitting around most of the afternoon, seemingly quite partial to the marigolds.

Note the Photo-bomber!

All done...and awaiting the lawn mower and the snow thrower to be residing in there, way closer to the house than in the past.

Petcretary thinks this is a Great Spangled Fritillaries (Speyeria cybele) Butterfly

Sure is a pretty one! Firstt time *she's* seen this species.


 We often have to say our goodbyes as we mourn the  losses of our pets, but when we lose the peeps that write for us, in other words the peeps behind the scenes, usually; or their family members, well, that hurts our hearts so much more.

 Recently we all felt very sad when the well known and loved Miss Ellen and Miss Carole lost dear members of their families.

Miss Ann of Zoolatry kindly made these badges to help us remember them, please leave your comforting words for them if you have not already done so, just click on the names under the badges.

Carole (Katie Isabella)

Ellen (15&Meowing)

We are hopping with the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head in the Sunday Selfies Blog-Hop! So much fun! Thanks for hosting each week!  (Just click the Caption to join us!)

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Intruder/Guest Selfies

A while back we showed you the sunflower 'patch' that had grown up around our bird feeder station. Well, soon afterwards the birds found them and thought it was great to peck out the seeds directly from the flowers instead of the feeders. Fresh food is always better. So petcretary left them alone. But a crafty and ingenuous squirrel found them too...and they made great ladders directly to the bird feeders themselves! So Dalton and Benji chased it  away, the squirrel had to jump from the feeder to the ground, and Dalton nearly had one, BOL!

I stopped eating...because...
I heard that pesky dog come through the doggy door, so I know I will have to leave...no selfie from me today!

The next time it happened, the little  dude climbed down the sunflower stalk. This made petcretary laugh, she said its like Jack and the bean stalk around here, LOL!

Wow, a whole feeder to raid!
I shall get started
I'll steal some more...I can feast here!
Wait...I hear troubles...a quick selfie before I vamoose!

 All the squirrel pictures were taken with my phone through a glass window, so they are not the clearest, or the best quality...

So when she found some time, all the stalks were cut down, and the seed heads removed. Those were put on top of the feeders so the birds could still peck them to access the seeds. Eventually they were all pecked out, so now they are on the compost pile. The squirrels did make off with a few of the smaller sunflower heads. You can't win them all. 

Pawppy had a good week, no seizures. He had an MRI which was negative. Still a mystery...keep praying.

Petcretary saw this pretty butterfly stalking around on one of her patio planters. It was using its proboscis  each time it moved, It looked like it was tasting the planter side, or trying to glean some leftover dew or other nourishment? It obliged us with a selfie!

Just to please you, here is an ussie for you to admire or giggle at, Tee-Hee!

We heard of a recent new Kitty Angel; Scrufty from  Rescues and More, so we made a memento in her honor. If anyone has her family's email could you send it to us. We are not sure if her family got the one we sent to an address we found on her page.

Scrufty  You can visit her HERE

 We, along with the whole world mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II.

We don't know the author of this poetry, but a friend sent it to us, we thought it was beautiful.

Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"

I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 

I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 

Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 

I was  given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 

I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 

Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.

Today is Patriot Day; Let us remember and never forget the terrible day of 9-11-2001.

We are blog-hopping in The Sunday Selfies, A fun weekly feature, hosted by The Kitties Blue at the Cat On my Head. Thank you so much, Kitties Blue! We appreciate your work each week.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

First Selfie Sunday In September

 Wow, September! That means summer is soon coming to a close. Well, we won't miss the hot and humid weather we had, and yet again today!

Pawppy is doing good, he had some more tests, all of which are not remarkable. So other than the abnormal EEG a few months ago, after the first unwitnessed event, there is no overt cause to these seizures, At least none that we can determine.

He felt good enough to drill eight holes into the concrete slab we put up last October, which was/is very labor intensive, so the floor to our new shed is secured, but now we have to recruit the unfurbros to help put the rest of it together. 

We tried to help with the drilling, and screw placement, but somehow we were told to go and play instead. SO we did zoomies at breakneck speed...but we tried to steer clear of where pawppy was working, cause we didn't want to knock him over, BOL!

Here are our selfies, taken just before the grass was mowed...In June and July it was crunchy and brown, and almost dead, but now its lush and green again. Which of course means work! It takes petcretary about 4 hours to mow the front 2/3rds of the yard, and another 3 or so to do the woodsy back third. The ground is soft and rahter uneven, so ever since pawppy had his back surgery *she* will not allow pawppy to do that chore...but it is good exercise...LOL! UGH! At least it is a self propelled mower!

Petcretary was a double firstie at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser last week...she got to class first with one other student', and she was the first one to guess the right answer, too! Hooray for her!

I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser of August 30-2022! YAAAAY!

A photo of beautiful and scenic Cooperstown, New York, sight of the Baseball Hall of Fame!   You can get more info on this wonderful place if you CLICK HERE.

I was a FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post photo of August 30, 2022! WOW!

Well, its labor Day weekend, both in the USA and in Canada. That means lots of busy traffic and bedlam at the border crossings, so unless we have to, we no longer travel to see our Aunt and doggy cousin, and all the others there on holiday weekends. And with the covid mess, all the more reason to stay at home, BOL! The annual family reunion of all the cousins in early November is still 'up in the air'...the vacation time is already approved at petcretary's work, but it might end up as yet another staycation. There is also a 50th highschool reunion for Pawppy, early next month...still not sure about that long trip of 600+ miles one way. *She* will have to do all the driving. UGH. Well, they can cancel their reservations at the last minute if they want to stay home. Another staycation, BOL, BOL! We love having them here all the time!

That's all folks!! Have a safe and fun Labor day Weekend!

We are hopping along with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On my Head. The Kitties Blue are very faithful in being our hosts and we thank them profusely for doing this each and every week. You can join them too, its easy:  just click on this caption!