Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day, Pawppy!!

 We love our pawppy very much!! And of course so does Petcretary, tee-hee!!

*She* has been rather busy this past week, so she didn't take any picks of us for this special therefore we are going to post selfies for Father's Day from our archives...

Yes, we sure miss Pipo, but he loved his pawppy, maybe the most of any of the six meezers that have lived here...

We found a nice dressed up 'ussie' for Father's Day! We love you pawppy! Happy Father's Day!

We did get a good rain on Friday morning, but when the sun came out, it all dried out with those watering cans as is now her daily routine each morning. Saturday we also got a lot more rain!! Hooray! Now that also means the grass will then *she* has to work that lawnmower...guess what will happen after her working weekend?? Unless it rains of course, LOL! The grass is mostly still dry and brown, but the weeds are getting rather tall. They seem to like drought conditions, UGH.

Somefur caught a vole, and another (or the same) one got a baby robin...but petcretary was able to rescue a snake from those two pesky hunters. The young robin apparently was on the ground, it hadn't quite mastered the flying skills needed to get away. Sheesh.

We had an intruder in our den this past week...he had to fix the water we were coralled in the dining room whilst he was here...when he left, we, of course stormed outside to sniff his footprints...and bark at nothing...just because!

We haven't seen the neighbor's kitty this week...but the catnip is drying up and getting all shriveled from the hot and dry conditions. So there isn't any good stuff to throw over the fence to entice him into our view! *She* says that's OK, cause that kitty makes us BARK! 

Once again, Petcretary was  firstie, along with three other quick commenters...and ta-da! She was the first right guesser, too!! Its a fun feature, each week at Professor Teddy's classroom.

So she got these badges:

Not only was I a FIRST COMMENTER but I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of June 15, 2021 I’m so excited, I feel faint…..haha! 

Here is the picture of which location she correctly guessed. Sent by a fellow blogger, hence it was a guest teaser!

This is Bagni Di Lucca in the Provence of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.


Lets go and join the Father's Day Sunday Selfies at The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this fun weekly feature!


  1. I love your Father's Day cards. Your cards are always beautiful. I hope Dad has a good day!

  2. Happy Father's Day to your Dad!!!!!!
    I am pretty sure he is happy to celebrate with you two :)
    The cards are pawsome!!
    Congrats to your mum on her 1st correct guesses!!
    Purrs, Julie
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Happy Father's Day! Your pappy sure is a fine cat/dog dad.
    xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  4. Happy Father's Day to your male human!

  5. Happy Fathers Day to your Great Cat Daddy friends. Those are really nice cards and wonderful selfies. Congrats on your Double on this weeks Teaser. We will be back Tuesday so be ready for competition! MOL

  6. Busy week at your place! We hope to be firsties with you again on Tuesday!!

    Happy Father's Day!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. >^..^<
    ║ ♦ Happy father's day! ♣║
    You guys have a terrific Pappy! It was nice to see his smiling face again! As well as you guys (and Pippo). Concatulations to your Mom on being a double winner (again). Wow she is good at finding those places - all before we can even get our Mom out of bed. We hope your Mom has a marvellously happy week!

  8. Happy Father’s Day to your special Pawppy!

  9. Happy Father's Day. You two look great in your ussie.

  10. We get voles and robins in our yard, too, but I don't get to go out after them. Last night I smelled a skunky that I think visited the food bowl Mom keeps out for Coalpepper, the stray kitty.

    Here's hoping your Pawppy had a splendid Father's Day!

  11. happy fathers day to your dad!!!! what an interesting week... we had just blackberds and a hedgehog... ;O)

  12. What a lovely card and such great ussie too. I love when you both wear your hats, Dalton and Benji😸 That gardening is quite a job, huh, it could be Granny you were talking about ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead and we hope you had a great Father's Day too🐾😽💞

  13. Congrats on being first again! Happy Father's Day to your pawesome Daddy! you sure had a lot going on at your house! We had intruders too but thankfully none of the animal kind!!!

  14. Congrats on being first and the first right answer what an accomplishment. Belated Happy Father's Day to your Dad.
